[4] Es editor asociado de varias revistas, entre ellas "IEEE Transactions on Services Computing", "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics", "International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management", "International Journal on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures", "Computers in Industry" y "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency".
[5] Es editor de la serie "Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing" (LNBIP) de Springer, miembro del consejo editorial de "Distributed and Parallel Databases" y "Business and Information Systems Engineering", y miembro de varios comités directivos, incluido el "International Conference Series on Business Process Management" (presidente), "International Conference Series on Application and Theory of Petri nets" y "International Workshop Series on Web Services and Formal Methods".
[8] Es un firme partidario del software de código abierto.
Las ideas de Van der Aalst también han influido en varias herramientas de software comercial ampliamente utilizadas, como Flower, Protos, Futura Reflect, Staffware, WebSphere y ARIS .
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