Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden

La rosaleda se estableció a partir de 2009, con una colección donada por el rosalista John Nieuwesteeg, y está administrada por la asociación sin ánimo de lucro "Friends of Maddingley Park".

Originalmente se habilitó el Parque Maddingley para poder comer al aire libre para los visitantes de un día que acudían desde Melbourne para pasar un día al aire libre en el campo, cuando fue inaugurada la estación de ferrocarril en Bacchus Marsh en 1887.

Hay un grupo importante criados o que se encuentran en Australia, incluyendo obtentores rarezas conseguidas por Alister Clark, Olive Fitzhardinge, Frank Riethmuller y Patrick Grant.

[1]​ Otros son inusuales o únicos en colecciones públicas australianas.

Más rosas suben hasta la base de la propia glorieta.

Sendero en el "Maddingley Park" de circulación norte-oeste de la puerta sur. El Nieuwesteeg Heritage Rose Garden se encuentra detrás del centro del cedro.
"Bishop's Lodge Linton Boy" [ 31 ] ​ Found at Bishop’s Lodge, Hay NSW. HT. Bright metallic red with yellow stamens. Semi-double. Thought to be 'Red Letter Day', Dickson, Northern Ireland, 1914.
'Ellen Willmott' [ 32 ] ​ Archer 1935. Hybrid Tea. Soft pink and orange, single. Miss Willmott was the author of the compendious The Genus Rosa . When this rose was released, she ordered 400 plants of it.
'Mrs Herbert Stevens' [ 33 ] ​ McGredy 1910. Hybrid Tea. White with incurved centre petals hiding the stamens. Good tea scent.
'Kootenay' [ 34 ] Dickson 1917. HT. Very double, blush cream and pink. Attempted improvement of 'Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria' (Bed 3). Very good in hot weather only. The Kootenay are a tribe of North American aborigines.
'Mlle de Sombreuil' [ 35 ] ​ Robert 1851. Tea. Scented. Opens pink, turning white with pink traces. Found at Carlsruhe, South Australia on the grave of Maria Brühn. Thought to be the true original of this rose.
'Lady Edgeworth David' [ 8 ] Olive Fitzhardinge , Sydney 1939. HT. Similar pink to 'Souvenir de la Malmaison', mild scent. Lady David was a Warrawee neighbour and friend of the breeder.
'Warrawee' [ 36 ] Olive Fitzhardinge , Sydney 1932. Strongly scented, shaded pink Hybrid Tea. Named after the suburb and its society in which Fitzhardinge lived.
'Midnight Sun' [ 37 ] Patrick Grant , Macksville NSW 1921. HT. Semi-double crimson-black with black buds and good scent. From the garden of Mary Allen of Helora, near Warragul VIC, when she was 96.
'Crimson Glory' [ 38 ] Kordes 1935. Hybrid Tea. Richly scented, pure red. Blooms look sideways more often than up. For 30 years the most favoured dark red rose. Two plants.
"Bishop's Lodge Linton Gold" [ 39 ] ​ Found at Bishop’s Lodge, Hay NSW. Tea. Recurrent blooms of gold to ochre and classic Hybrid Tea form, slightly nodding. New growth is very red, indicating tea blood. There are rose hips when the flowers are not dead headed. Lady Hillingdon's more formal sister.
"C. W. Ellis" [ 40 ] ​ Hybrid Tea found on Ellis’s grave at Mitcham SA. White, semi-double with open yellow stamens. Lemon scent. Colonised by ants, which pollinate it. This rose is a rarity, almost impossible to strike from cuttings. Thought to be 'Mrs David McKee', Dickson, Northern Ireland, 1904. [ 41 ]
'Sunny South' [ 42 ] Alister Clark 1918. Hybrid Tea. Tall, pink semi-double. Constantly in flower, it was a very popular hedging rose in southern Australia between the wars.
'Mission Bells' [ 43 ] ​ Morris 1949. Hybrid Tea. Vermillion pink, long lasting, few thorns. Always in flower and with beautiful Hybrid Tea form. Strong, sweet scent.
'Mutabilis' [ 44 ] ​ Ancient Chinese garden rose. Yellow changing to pink and crimson. Few thorns, moderate fragrance, continuous flowering.
"Miss Madden's Climber". [ 45 ] ​ Thought to be by Alister Clark . Continuous flowering climber found on the Healesville VIC property of Alison Madden, a friend of his. Photographed against the Maddingley Park bandstand.
'Rose Professor Sieber' [ 46 ] ​ Kordes 1997. Floribunda . Pale pink changing to mid-pink then white. Massed around the base of the bandstand.