I (state your name) do utterly testifie and declare in my Conscience, that the Kings Highnesse is the onely Supreame Governour of this Realme, and all other his Highnesse Dominions and Countries, as well in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall things or causes, as Temporall: And that no forraine Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate, hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superiorities, Preeminence or Authority Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme.
Y por lo tanto, renuncio y abandono por completo todas las jurisdicciones, poderes, superioridades o autoridades; y prometo que desde ahora tendré fe y lealtad verdadera a los Reyes, sus herederos y sucesores legales: y con mi poder ayudaré y defenderé todas las jurisdicciones, privilegios, preheminencias y autoridades otorgadas o pertenecientes a los Reyes, sus herederos y Sucesores o unidos y anexos a la Corona Imperial del Reino: así que ayúdame Dios: y por el Contenido de este libro.I, A.B., do utterly testify and declare in my conscience that the Queen's Highness is the only supreme governor of this realm, and of all other her Highness's dominions and countries, as well in all spiritual or ecclesiastical things or causes, as temporal, and that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority ecclesiastical or spiritual within this realm; and therefore I do utterly renounce and forsake all foreign jurisdictions, powers, superiorities and authorities, and do promise that from henceforth I shall bear faith and true allegiance to the Queen's Highness, her heirs and lawful successors, and to my power shall assist and defend all jurisdictions, pre-eminences, privileges and authorities granted or belonging to the Queen's Highness, her heirs or successors, or united or annexed to the imperial crown of this realm.
So help me God, and by the contents of this Book.
Esto se debió en gran parte a las simpatías y prácticas católicas de estos monarcas, y al elevado número de católicos que sirven en cargos oficiales.
Los ejemplos de funcionarios que nunca tuvieron que prestar juramento incluyen a los consejeros privados católicos, Sir Stephen Rice y Justin McCarthy, vizconde Mountcashel.