Standard tuning

In music, standard tuning refers to the typical tuning of a string instrument. This notion is contrary to that of scordatura, i.e. an alternate tuning designated to modify either the timbre or technical capabilities of the desired instrument.

Violin family

The most popular bowed strings used nowadays belong to the violin family; together with their respective standard tunings, they are:

Viol family

The double bass is properly the contrabass member of the viol family. Its smaller members are tuned in ascending fourths, with a major third in the middle, as follows:

A more recent family is the violin octet, which also features a standardized tuning system (see page).

Guitar family

Guitar standard tuning (written an octave higher than it sounds).
D/F♯ slash chord Play.

Guitars and bass guitars have more standard tunings, depending on the number of strings an instrument has.


Other plucked string instruments and their respective standard tunings include:

See also
