Metal ions in aqueous solution

A metal ion in aqueous solution or aqua ion is a cation, dissolved in water, of chemical formula [M(H2O)n]z+. The solvation number, n, determined by a variety of experimental methods is 4 for Li+ and Be2+ and 6 for most elements in periods 3 and 4 of the periodic table. Lanthanide and actinide aqua ions have higher solvation numbers (often 8 to 9), with the highest known being 11 for Ac3+. The strength of the bonds between the metal ion and water molecules in the primary solvation shell increases with the electrical charge, z, on the metal ion and decreases as its ionic radius, r, increases. Aqua ions are subject to hydrolysis. The logarithm of the first hydrolysis constant is proportional to z2/r for most aqua ions.

The aqua ion is associated, through hydrogen bonding with other water molecules in a secondary solvation shell. Water molecules in the first hydration shell exchange with molecules in the second solvation shell and molecules in the bulk liquid. The residence time of a molecule in the first shell varies among the chemical elements from about 100 picoseconds to more than 200 years. Aqua ions are prominent in electrochemistry.

Introduction to metal aqua ions

* No experimental information regarding aqua ion structures

Most chemical elements are metallic. Compounds of the metallic elements usually form simple aqua ions with the formula [M(H2O)n]z+ in low oxidation states. With the higher oxidation states the simple aqua ions dissociate losing hydrogen ions to yield complexes that contain both water molecules and hydroxide or oxide ions, such as the vanadium(IV) species [VO(H2O)5]2+. In the highest oxidation states only oxyanions, such as the permanganate(VII) ion, MnO
, are known. A few metallic elements that are commonly found only in high oxidation states, such as niobium and tantalum, are not known to form aqua cations; near the metal–nonmetal boundary, arsenic and tellurium are only known as hydrolysed species. Some elements, such as tin and antimony, are clearly metals, but form only covalent compounds in the highest oxidation states: their aqua cations are restricted to their lower oxidation states.[1] Germanium is a semiconductor rather than a metal, but appears to form an aqua cation; similarly, hydrogen forms an aqua cation like metals, despite being a gas. The transactinides have been greyed out due to a lack of experimental data. For some highly radioactive elements, experimental chemistry has been done, and aqua cations may have been formed, but no experimental information is available regarding the structure of those putative aqua ions.

Schematic representation of the aqua ion [Na(H2O)6]+. The oxygen atoms are arranged at the vertices of a regular octahedron centered on the sodium ion.
First and second solvation shells of an octahedral aqua ion. Up to 12 water molecules may be present in the second shell (only two are shown in this diagram) linked by hydrogen bonds to the molecules in the first shell.

In aqueous solution the water molecules directly attached to the metal ion are said to belong to the first coordination sphere, also known as the first, or primary, solvation shell. The bond between a water molecule and the metal ion is a dative covalent bond, with the oxygen atom donating both electrons to the bond. Each coordinated water molecule may be attached by hydrogen bonds to other water molecules. The latter are said to reside in the second coordination sphere. The second coordination sphere is not a well defined entity for ions with charge 1 or 2. In dilute solutions it merges into the water structure in which there is an irregular network of hydrogen bonds between water molecules.[2] With tripositive ions the high charge on the cation polarizes the water molecules in the first solvation shell to such an extent that they form strong enough hydrogen bonds with molecules in the second shell to form a more stable entity.[3]

The strength of the metal-oxygen bond can be estimated in various ways. The hydration enthalpy, though based indirectly on experimental measurements, is the most reliable measure. The scale of values is based on an arbitrarily chosen zero, but this does not affect differences between the values for two metals. Other measures include the M–O vibration frequency and the M–O bond length. The strength of the M-O bond tends to increase with the charge and decrease as the size of the metal ion increases. In fact there is a very good linear correlation between hydration enthalpy and the ratio of charge squared to ionic radius, z2/r.[4] For ions in solution Shannon's "effective ionic radius" is the measure most often used.[5]

Water molecules in the first and second solvation shells can exchange places. The rate of exchange varies enormously, depending on the metal and its oxidation state. Metal aqua ions are always accompanied in solution by solvated anions, but much less is known about anion solvation than about cation solvation.[6]

Understanding of the nature of aqua ions is helped by having information on the nature of solvated cations in mixed solvents[7] and non-aqueous solvents, such as liquid ammonia, methanol, dimethyl formamide and dimethyl sulfoxide to mention a few.[8]

Occurrence in nature

Aqua ions are present in most natural waters.[9] Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ are major constituents of seawater.

Many other aqua ions are present in seawater in concentrations ranging from ppm to ppt.[9] The concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium in blood are similar to those of seawater. Blood also has lower concentrations of essential elements such as iron and zinc. Sports drink is designed to be isotonic and also contains the minerals which are lost in perspiration.

Magnesium and calcium ions are common constituents of domestic water and are responsible for permanent and temporary hardness, respectively. They are often found in mineral water.

Experimental methods

Information obtained on the nature of ions in solution varies with the nature of the experimental method used. Some methods reveal properties of the cation directly, others reveal properties that depend on both cation and anion. Some methods supply information of a static nature, a kind of snapshot of average properties, others give information about the dynamics of the solution.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

Ions for which the water-exchange rate is slow on the NMR time-scale give separate peaks for molecules in the first solvation shell and for other water molecules. The solvation number is obtained as a ratio of peak areas. Here it refers to the number of water molecules in the first solvation shell. Molecules in the second solvation shell exchange rapidly with solvent molecules, giving rise to a small change in the chemical shift value of un-coordinated water molecules from that of water itself. The main disadvantage of this method is that it requires fairly concentrated solutions, with the associated risk of ion-pair formation with the anion.

X-ray diffraction (XRD)

A solution containing an aqua ion does not have the long-range order that would be present in a crystal containing the same ion, but there is short-range order. X-ray diffraction on solutions yields a radial distribution function from which the coordination number of the metal ion and metal-oxygen distance may be derived. With aqua ions of high charge some information is obtained about the second solvation shell.[11][12]

This technique requires the use of relatively concentrated solutions. X-rays are scattered by electrons, so scattering power increases with atomic number. This makes hydrogen atoms all but invisible to X-ray scattering.

Large angle X-ray scattering has been used to characterize the second solvation shell with trivalent ions such as Cr3+ and Rh3+. The second hydration shell of Cr3+ was found to have 13±1 molecules at an average distance of 402±20 pm. This implies that every molecule in the first hydration shell is hydrogen bonded to two molecules in the second shell.[13]

Neutron diffraction

Diffraction by neutrons also give a radial distribution function. In contrast to X-ray diffraction, neutrons are scattered by nuclei and there is no relationship with atomic number.[14] Indeed, use can be made of the fact that different isotopes of the same element can have widely different scattering powers. In a classic experiment, measurements were made on four nickel chloride solutions using the combinations of 58Ni, 60Ni, 35Cl and 37Cl isotopes to yield a very detailed picture of cation and anion solvation.[15] Data for a number of metal salts show some dependence on the salt concentration.

Figures in brackets are standard deviations on the last significant figure of the value. angle between a M-OH2 bond and the plane of the water molecule.

Most of these data refer to concentrated solutions in which there are very few water molecules that are not in the primary hydration spheres of the cation or anion, which may account for some of the variation of solvation number with concentration even if there is no contact ion pairing. The angle θ gives the angle of tilt of the water molecules relative to a plane in the aqua ion. This angle is affected by the hydrogen bonds formed between water molecules in the primary and secondary solvation shells.

The measured solvation number is a time-averaged value for the solution as a whole. When a measured primary solvation number is fractional there are two or more species with integral solvation numbers present in equilibrium with each other. This also applies to solvation numbers that are integral numbers, within experimental error. For example, the solvation number of 5.5 for a lithium chloride solution could be interpreted as being due to presence of two different aqua ions with equal concentrations.

[Li(H2O)6]+ ⇌ [Li(H2O)5]+ + H2O

Another possibility is that there is interaction between a solvated cation and an anion, forming an ion pair. This is particularly relevant when measurements are made on concentrated salt solutions. For example, a solvation number of 3 for a lithium chloride solution could be interpreted as being due to the equilibrium

[Li(H2O)4]+ + Cl ⇌ [Li(H2O)3Cl] + H2O

lying wholly in favour of the ion pair.

Vibrational spectra

Infrared spectra and Raman spectra can be used to measure the M-O stretching frequency in metal aqua ions. Raman spectroscopy is particularly useful because the Raman spectrum of water is weak whereas the infrared spectrum of water is intense. Interpretation of the vibration frequencies is somewhat complicated by the presence, in octahedral and tetrahedral ions, of two vibrations, a symmetric one measured in the Raman spectrum and an anti-symmetric one, measured in the infrared spectrum.

Although the relationship between vibration frequency and force constant is not simple, the general conclusion that can be taken from these data is that the strength of the M-O bond increases with increasing ionic charge and decreasing ionic size. The M-O stretching frequency of an aqua ion in solution may be compared with its counterpart in a crystal of known structure. If the frequencies are very similar it can be concluded that the coordination number of the metal ion is the same in solution as it is in a compound in the solid state.

Dynamic methods

Data such as conductivity, electrical mobility and diffusion relate to the movement of ions through a solution. When an ion moves through a solution it tends to take both first and second solvation shells with it. Hence solvation numbers measured from dynamic properties tend to be much higher that those obtained from static properties.

Solvation numbers and structures


Zundel cation

Hydrogen is not a metal, but like them it tends to lose its valence electron in chemical reactions, forming a cation H+. In aqueous solution, this immediately attaches itself to a water molecule,[20] forming a species generally symbolised as H3O+ (sometimes loosely written H+). Such hydration forms cations that can in essence be considered as [H(OH2)n]+.[21]

The solvation of H+ in water is not fully characterised and many different structures have been suggested. Two well-known structures are the Zundel cation and the Eigen cation. The Eigen solvation structure has the hydronium ion at the center of an H9O+4 complex in which the hydronium is strongly hydrogen-bonded to three neighbouring water molecules. In the Zundel H5O+2 complex the proton is shared equally by two water molecules in a symmetric hydrogen bond.[22][23][24][25][26]

Alkali metals

The hydrated lithium cation in water is probably tetrahedral and four-coordinated.[27] There are most probably six water molecules in the primary solvation sphere of the octahedral sodium ion.[27][28] Potassium is seven-coordinate, and rubidium and caesium are probably eight-coordinate square antiprismatic.[27] No data is available for francium.

Alkaline earth metals

§ Values extrapolated from data for solid-state crystal structures

The beryllium cation [Be(H2O)4]2+ has a very well-defined primary solvation shell with a tetrahedral BeO4 core.[29] For magnesium, [Mg(H2O)6]2+ is also a well-characterized species, with an octahedral MgO6 core.[29] The situation for calcium is more complicated. Neutron diffraction data gave a solvation number for calcium chloride, CaCl2, which is strongly dependent on concentration: 10.0±0.6 at 1 mol·dm−3, decreasing to 6.4±0.3 at 2.8 mol·dm−3. The enthalpy of solvation decreases with increasing ionic radius. Various solid hydrates are known with 8-coordination in square antiprism and dodecahedral geometry.[30] In water, calcium and strontium are most probably eight-coordinate square antiprismatic (although seven-coordination for calcium cannot presently be excluded). Barium is not as well-studied: it seems to have a coordination number of either eight or nine. Theoretical simulation of radium suggests that its aqua cation is ten-coordinate.[27]

Group 3 metals, lanthanides and actinides

face-capped trigonal prism structure

Scandium(III) and yttrium(III) are both eight-coordinate, but have different structures: scandium has an unusual dicapped triangular prismatic structure (with one cap location empty), while yttrium is square antiprismatic. Lutetium(III) is tricapped triangular prismatic, but has a significant water deficit: one of the capping water molecules is significantly closer to the lutetium than the remaining ones and the average coordination number is only 8.2 rather than 9. Based on its ionic radius, lawrencium(III) is probably nine-coordinate tricapped triangular prismatic with no water deficit.[27]

The trivalent lanthanide ions decrease steadily in size from lanthanum to lutetium, an effect known as the lanthanide contraction.[31] From lanthanum to dysprosium, the coordination number is maintained at 9 with a tricapped trigonal prismatic structure, although starting from samarium the capping water molecules are no longer equally strongly bounded. A water deficit then appears for holmium through lutetium with the average coordination number dropping to 8.2 at lutetium(III). The configuration is maintained despite the small size of the cations and the water deficit, probably due to strong hydrogen bonding.[32] Europium(II) is seven-coordinate, and cerium(IV) is hydrolysed to the oxygen-bridged dimer [(H2O)7Ce–O–Ce(OH2)7]6+.[27]

Actinium(III) is eleven-coordinate in aqueous solution. Thorium(IV) is nine-coordinate tricapped trigonal prismatic, and it is assumed that the same is true for the other actinide(IV) cations in aqueous solutions (as that is also their solid-state config