List of colonial governors and administrators of Dominica

This article lists the governors and other administrators of Dominica (where known), during its time as a colony of the Kingdom of Great Britain (1761–1778; 1784–1800), the Kingdom of France (1778–1784), and the United Kingdom (1800–1978).

Governors (1761–1833)

British rule (1761–1778)

French rule (1778–1784)

British rule (1784–1833)

Lieutenant-Governors (1833–1872)

In 1833, following the creation of the Federal Colony of the Leeward Islands, Dominica's governor was replaced by a lieutenant-governor, subordinate to the Governor-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands.

Presidents (1872–1895)

In 1872, the lieutenant-governor was replaced by a president, who remained subordinate to the Governor-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands.

Administrators (1895–1967)

In 1895, the president was replaced by an administrator, who remained subordinate to the Governor-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands until 1940, when Dominica was transferred to the Windward Islands Colony. From 1940 to 1958, the administrator was subordinate to the Governor of the Windward Islands. From 1958 to 1962, the administrator was subordinate to the Governor-General of the West Indies Federation.

Governors (1967–1978)

In 1967, the administrator was replaced by a governor, following Dominica's designation as an Associated State.

See also
