Debates presidenciales del Partido Demócrata de 2020

Se llevaron a cabo debates entre los candidatos en la campaña para la nominación del Partido Demócrata a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos en las elecciones presidenciales de 2020 .

En total, hubo 29 candidatos demócratas importantes. De ellos, 23 candidatos participaron en al menos un debate. Solo Joe Biden y Bernie Sanders participaron en todos los debates; Pete Buttigieg , Amy Klobuchar y Elizabeth Warren participaron en todos los debates, excepto en el último.

Descripción general

Mapa de Estados Unidos que muestra los lugares de todos los debates presidenciales demócratas (D1-D12) en 2019-2020
D1 Miami
D1 Miami
D2 Detroit
D3 Houston
D4 Westerville
D4 Westerville
D5 Atlanta
D7 Des Moines
D7Des Moines
D8 Mánchester
D9 Paraíso
D9 Paraíso
D10 Charleston
D11 Washington, D.C.
D11Washington, D.C.
Sedes de los once debates presidenciales demócratas.


En diciembre de 2018, el Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció el cronograma de 12 debates oficiales aprobados por el DNC, que comenzarían en junio de 2019, con seis debates en 2019 y los seis restantes durante los primeros cuatro meses de 2020. Los candidatos podían participar en foros en los que participaban varios otros candidatos, siempre y cuando solo apareciera un candidato en el escenario a la vez. Cualquier candidato presidencial que participara en debates no autorizados entre sí habría perdido sus invitaciones al siguiente debate aprobado por el DNC. [1] [2] No se llevó a cabo ningún debate no autorizado durante la temporada de debates 2019-2020.

El DNC también anunció que no se asociaría con Fox News como patrocinador de medios para ningún debate. [3] [4] Fox News celebró por última vez un debate demócrata en 2003. [5] Como nueva regla, todos los patrocinadores de medios seleccionados para albergar un debate debían designar al menos una moderadora para cada debate, para garantizar que no hubiera un tratamiento sesgado en función del género de los candidatos y los temas del debate. [6]


A continuación se muestra una tabla de candidatos participantes en cada debate:

Debates en 2019

Primeros debates (26 y 27 de junio de 2019)


Para poder participar en los primeros debates, los participantes debían cumplir, como mínimo, uno de los dos criterios enumerados. Si esto hubiera dado como resultado más de 20 candidatos calificados, los dos criterios se habrían evaluado en combinación según un conjunto de reglas de desempate establecidas , pero como 20 candidatos calificaron, no fue necesario ningún desempate. [57] La ​​fecha límite para que los candidatos cumplieran cualquiera de los criterios que se indican a continuación era el 12 de junio. [58] [59]


Los primeros debates presidenciales del Partido Demócrata antes de las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2020 se celebraron en dos grupos el 26 y 27 de junio de 2019, en Miami , Florida .

A partir de las 8:00 p. m., hora estándar del este, se transmitieron por NBC y fueron transmitidos por radio por Westwood One . Savannah Guthrie fue la moderadora principal de los debates, junto con Lester Holt , Chuck Todd , Rachel Maddow y José Díaz-Balart .

El DNC hizo un sorteo entre los 20 candidatos calificados para el primer debate para determinar si debían debatir en la primera noche (26 de junio) o en la segunda noche (27 de junio) en la sede de NBC News ( 30 Rockefeller Plaza ) en la ciudad de Nueva York el 14 de junio. Los candidatos calificados o sus representantes estuvieron presentes y participaron en el evento del sorteo, [89] que no fue televisado. [90]

Los debates se llevaron a cabo en el Arsht Center en Miami , Florida . La primera noche del debate estuvo marcada por un notable enfrentamiento entre O'Rourke y Castro sobre el tema de la inmigración, que Castro fue ampliamente percibido como ganador, mientras que Warren cumplió con las expectativas como candidata de primer nivel. Además, Booker y Klobuchar tuvieron cada uno su momento en el centro de atención, Klobuchar en particular se destacó por sus frases ingeniosas, una de las cuales fue sobre reconocer que, por primera vez en la historia de Estados Unidos, había al menos tres mujeres en el escenario en un debate presidencial. [91] [92] Gabbard se enfrentó a Ryan por continuar con la presencia estadounidense en Afganistán . [93] Booker, Castro y O'Rourke hablaron español en diferentes momentos durante el debate, que tuvo una recepción mixta y fue recibido con bromas de los competidores de la segunda noche Williamson y Yang en Twitter. [94] [95] En la segunda noche, Harris y Biden chocaron por los comentarios pasados ​​de Biden sobre trabajar con senadores segregacionistas y su postura sobre el transporte en autobús para la desegregación . [96] La segunda noche también fue notable por la actuación de Williamson, quien recibió una atención significativa por los comentarios que hizo durante el debate que se percibieron como extraños, incluida una referencia a la Primera Ministra de Nueva Zelanda, Jacinda Ardern . [97] [98]

Antes de estos debates, ningún partido importante había visto nunca a más de una candidata mujer en el escenario de un debate presidencial. [99]

Segundos debates (30 y 31 de julio de 2019)


Los criterios para calificar para los segundos debates fueron los mismos que para los primeros debates. [101] Para calificar para los segundos debates, los participantes del debate tenían que cumplir, como mínimo, con uno de los dos criterios enumerados a continuación. [57] Mike Gravel no fue invitado a los debates porque solo cumplía con el umbral de donantes, al que se le dio un peso menor que al umbral de votación. [102] La fecha límite para que los candidatos cumplieran con cualquiera de los criterios siguientes fue el 16 de julio. [103]


Los segundos debates presidenciales del Partido Demócrata antes de las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2020 se celebraron el 30 y 31 de julio de 2019 en Detroit , Michigan .

A partir de las 8:00 p. m., hora estándar del este, se transmitieron por CNN y fueron transmitidos por radio por Westwood One . Jake Tapper fue el moderador principal de los debates, junto con Dana Bash y Don Lemon .

El sorteo entre los 20 candidatos invitados para determinar cuándo debatirían fue televisado en horario de máxima audiencia el 18 de julio. [109] Hubo tres niveles de candidatos que se dividieron en dos noches, a diferencia de los dos niveles utilizados en los primeros debates. [110]

En total, 21 candidatos calificaron para el segundo debate. Los 14 candidatos que cumplieron con ambos criterios (Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Booker, Klobuchar, Castro, Yang, Gabbard, Gillibrand, Inslee y Williamson) y los seis candidatos que cumplieron solo con el criterio de la encuesta (Ryan, Hickenlooper, Delaney, de Blasio, Bennet y Bullock) fueron invitados a participar en el debate. Gravel, el único candidato que calificó solo por el criterio de los donantes, no fue invitado debido al límite de 20 candidatos y la precedencia del criterio de la encuesta sobre el criterio de los donantes según lo dispuesto por el DNC. El conjunto de participantes para el segundo debate fue idéntico al de los primeros debates con una excepción: Bullock reemplazó a Swalwell, quien suspendió su campaña entre el primer y el segundo debate. [102]

El debate del 30 de julio contó con la participación de Bullock, Buttigieg, Delaney, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Ryan, Sanders, Warren y Williamson, mientras que el debate del 31 de julio contó con la participación de Bennet, Biden, Booker, Castro, de Blasio, Gabbard, Gillibrand, Harris, Inslee y Yang. [49] [111] Ambos debates tuvieron lugar en el Teatro Fox en Detroit, Michigan.

El tema principal de la primera noche fue un enfrentamiento entre moderados y progresistas sobre una variedad de temas, desde Medicare para todos hasta la elegibilidad. [112] CNN recibió críticas por supuestamente incitar conflictos entre candidatos y hacer preguntas sobre temas de conversación republicanos, así como por hacer cumplir los límites de tiempo de manera demasiado estricta. [113] La segunda noche hubo un debate significativo centrado en los diferentes planes de atención médica de los candidatos. Además, Gabbard pasó a la ofensiva contra Harris. [114] [115]


Cada uno de los dos primeros debates se llevó a cabo durante dos noches consecutivas, con un máximo de 10 candidatos por noche. El DNC, en un evento público antes de cada debate, realizó un sorteo entre los candidatos calificados para determinar si debatirían en la primera o la segunda noche. [116] [117] Este procedimiento de sorteo fue diseñado para evitar la apariencia de un debate de "mesa de niños" en el que los candidatos con las encuestas más bajas se agruparon sin candidatos principales, lo que sucedió durante los debates presidenciales del Partido Republicano de 2016. [ 118]

Tercer debate (12 de septiembre de 2019)


El tercer debate se llevó a cabo en el Health and Physical Education Arena en el campus de la Texas Southern University en Houston , Texas . Para participar en el tercer debate, los candidatos debían cumplir con los criterios de votación y recaudación de fondos antes del 28 de agosto (en comparación con el primer y segundo debates, donde solo era necesario un criterio). Las encuestas de clasificación debían publicarse entre el 28 de junio y el 28 de agosto. [119] Cinco candidatos (Gravel, Hickenlooper, Inslee, Moulton y Gillibrand) suspendieron sus campañas entre el segundo y el tercer debate.

El 23 de agosto, la campaña de Gabbard criticó la supuesta falta de transparencia del DNC en el proceso de selección de organizaciones/instituciones para patrocinar las encuestas y cómo se excluían las encuestas mejor clasificadas. La campaña también destacó la marcada reducción en la frecuencia de las encuestas, especialmente en los estados con primarias tempranas, [120] después del segundo debate en comparación con después del primer debate y cómo creían que eso era "particularmente perjudicial" para los candidatos con un reconocimiento de nombre menor. [121] Las campañas de Marianne Williamson, [122] Tom Steyer, [123] y Michael Bennet [124] [125] también solicitaron que el DNC aumentara el número de encuestas certificadas ampliando la lista de organizaciones certificadas patrocinadoras de encuestas.


El tercer debate presidencial del Partido Demócrata antes de las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2020 tuvo lugar el 12 de septiembre de 2019 en Houston , Texas .

Se emitió en ABC News y Univision . George Stephanopoulos fue el moderador principal del debate, acompañado por David Muir , Linsey Davis y Jorge Ramos . [145]

Los candidatos que calificaron para el tercer debate fueron Biden, Booker, Buttigieg, Castro, Harris, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Sanders, Warren y Yang. [50]

Cuarto debate (15 de octubre de 2019)


Un memorando publicado por el DNC el 5 de agosto indicó que el período de calificación para el cuarto debate en octubre comenzó el 28 de junio, que fue el mismo día en que comenzó la calificación para el tercer debate (lo que en efecto permitió que todos los candidatos que calificaron para el tercer debate calificaran automáticamente para el cuarto debate). Esto les dio a los candidatos que no calificaron para el debate de septiembre más tiempo para calificar para el debate de octubre. [147] Biden, Booker, Buttigieg, Castro, Harris, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Sanders, Warren y Yang calificaron antes del 22 de agosto, [148] mientras que Steyer y Gabbard calificaron el 8 de septiembre [149] y el 24 de septiembre respectivamente. [150] La fecha límite de calificación para el cuarto debate fue el 1 de octubre de 2019. [151] Un candidato (de Blasio) suspendió su campaña entre el tercer y el cuarto debate. [152]


El cuarto debate presidencial del Partido Demócrata se celebró el martes 15 de octubre de 2019 en Westerville , Ohio , [162] de 8 a 11 pm EDT. [163] El 27 de septiembre, el DNC anunció que el debate incluiría a los 12 candidatos en una noche, aunque algunos habían asumido que se llevaría a cabo en dos noches ya que tenía más de 10 participantes. De izquierda a derecha, los candidatos fueron: Gabbard (que se perdió el debate anterior), Steyer (en su primer debate), Booker, Harris, Sanders, Biden y Warren (que compartió el centro del escenario), Buttigieg, Yang, O'Rourke, Klobuchar y Castro. El orden del podio para el debate se determinó en función de un promedio de las 10 encuestas de clasificación publicadas más recientemente. Los presentadores de CNN Erin Burnett y Anderson Cooper y el editor nacional del New York Times Marc Lacey actuaron como moderadores del debate. [164]

El debate se transmitió en exclusiva por CNN, CNN International y CNN en Español, y se transmitió en vivo en la página de inicio de y la página de inicio de El debate también se transmitió en vivo en las siguientes páginas de Facebook: CNN, CNN International, CNN Politics, CNN Replay, AC360 y Erin Burnett OutFront.

Además, el debate estuvo disponible en dispositivos móviles a través de las aplicaciones de CNN y New York Times para iOS y Android, a través de las aplicaciones CNNgo para Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, Chromecast y Android TV, los canales 116, 454 y 795 de SiriusXM, la red de radio Westwood One y la Radio Pública Nacional. [165]

El debate de Ohio contó con 12 candidatos, estableciendo un récord para el mayor número de candidatos en un debate presidencial.

Quinto debate (20 de noviembre de 2019)


Un memorando publicado por el DNC el 23 de septiembre indicó que el período de calificación para el debate de noviembre comenzó el 13 de septiembre y terminó el 13 de noviembre. Para calificar en términos de encuestas, los candidatos necesitaban alcanzar el tres por ciento o más en cuatro encuestas aprobadas por el DNC. Alternativamente, alcanzar el cinco por ciento o más en dos encuestas aprobadas por el DNC realizadas en Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada o Carolina del Sur también se aceptó como cumplimiento del umbral de votación. Para calificar en términos de donantes, los candidatos necesitaban recibir donaciones de 165.000 donantes únicos con 600 donantes únicos en 20 estados, territorios o el Distrito de Columbia diferentes. [167] Tres candidatos (Messam, O'Rourke y Ryan) suspendieron sus campañas entre el cuarto y el quinto debates.


El quinto debate presidencial del Partido Demócrata se llevó a cabo el 20 de noviembre de 2019, de 9 a 11:20 p. m. ET, [25] en Tyler Perry Studios en Atlanta , Georgia . [181] [182] [22] Fue moderado por Rachel Maddow , Andrea Mitchell , Kristen Welker y Ashley Parker . [25]

Los candidatos que calificaron fueron Biden, Booker, Buttigieg, Gabbard, Harris, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer, Warren y Yang. [52]

Sexto debate (19 de diciembre de 2019)


Un memorando publicado por el DNC el 25 de octubre indicó que el período de calificación para el debate de diciembre comenzó el 16 de octubre y terminó el 12 de diciembre. Para calificar en términos de encuestas, los candidatos tenían que alcanzar el cuatro por ciento o más en cuatro encuestas aprobadas por el DNC. Alternativamente, alcanzar el seis por ciento o más en dos encuestas aprobadas por el DNC realizadas en Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada o Carolina del Sur también se aceptó como cumplimiento del umbral de votación. Para calificar en términos de donantes, los candidatos tenían que recibir donaciones de 200.000 donantes únicos con 800 donantes únicos en 20 estados, territorios o el Distrito de Columbia diferentes. [184]


El sexto debate presidencial del Partido Demócrata se celebró el 19 de diciembre de 2019 a las 8 pm ET [53] en la Universidad Loyola Marymount en Los Ángeles , California , [28] y fue presentado por PBS NewsHour y Politico . [200] Inicialmente estaba previsto que se celebrara en la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles . [201] Sin embargo, el DNC anunció el 6 de noviembre que UCLA ya no albergaría el debate debido a una disputa laboral. [202] Tres candidatos (Sestak, Bullock y Harris) suspendieron sus campañas entre el quinto y el sexto debate demócrata; Harris se habría clasificado para el sexto debate si su campaña hubiera continuado.

Gabbard, unos días antes de no poder calificar para el debate, [53] anunció el 9 de diciembre que no participaría independientemente de si calificaba o no. [203]

El debate se transmitió en, PBS y CNN. [26]

Los candidatos que calificaron fueron Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer, Warren y Yang. [53] Los puntos destacados incluyeron: un intercambio entre Buttigieg, Warren y Sanders sobre el financiamiento de la campaña (incluida la mención de una recaudación de fondos de Buttigieg en una cueva de vino del Valle de Napa ), diferencias entre Klobuchar y Buttigieg sobre el tema de la experiencia y una discusión sobre la atención médica entre Sanders y Biden. Los candidatos estaban de acuerdo sobre el impeachment de Donald Trump , que había sido aprobado por la Cámara de Representantes el día anterior. Sanders y Klobuchar tuvieron un desacuerdo sobre el Acuerdo Estados Unidos-México-Canadá , con el primero en contra y el segundo a favor de la ratificación. Yang, el único candidato de color, expresó su lamento por la ausencia de Kamala Harris y Cory Booker, y declaró que su propuesta de ingreso básico universal diversificaría el campo. Sanders, Biden y Warren respondieron a una pregunta sobre la edad. [204] [205] Steyer declaró que el cambio climático sería su principal prioridad como presidente, y el tema fue discutido extensamente por todos los candidatos. [206] [207]

El gobierno chino censuró una transmisión en vivo del debate después de que la moderadora Judy Woodruff le preguntara a Pete Buttigieg si Estados Unidos debería boicotear los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2022 en Beijing debido a los presuntos abusos de los derechos humanos de los ciudadanos uigures por parte de China . [208]

Debates en 2020

Séptimo debate (14 de enero de 2020)


Un memorando publicado por el DNC el 20 de diciembre indicó que el período de calificación para el debate de enero comenzó el 14 de noviembre de 2019 y terminó el 10 de enero de 2020. Un candidato necesitaba cumplir con los criterios de las encuestas y de los donantes. Los candidatos tenían que alcanzar el 5% o más en cuatro encuestas aprobadas por el DNC, o el 7% o más en dos encuestas aprobadas por el DNC realizadas en Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada o Carolina del Sur. Además, los candidatos deben haber recibido donaciones de 225.000 donantes únicos, incluidos 1.000 donantes únicos en 20 estados, territorios o el Distrito de Columbia diferentes. [210] Los candidatos que calificaron fueron Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer y Warren. [54] Esta etapa de debate contó con todos los candidatos del sexto debate excepto Yang. Steyer calificó con 2 encuestas estatales tempranas en el penúltimo día para calificar, mientras que los otros cinco calificaron mucho antes. Yang y Booker cumplieron con los criterios de recaudación de fondos, pero no con los criterios de las encuestas. Bloomberg cumplió con los criterios de las encuestas, pero no con los de recaudación de fondos, ya que no estaba pidiendo donaciones en ese momento. [211] Tres candidatos (Castro, Williamson y Booker) suspendieron sus campañas entre el sexto y el séptimo debate, y Booker se retiró dos días después de que se anunciaran los candidatos que calificaban.


The Democratic Party's seventh presidential debate was held from 8 to 10:15 p.m. CT[30] on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. It was hosted by CNN and The Des Moines Register.[32] Several sources noted an exchange between Warren and Sanders. They discussed Warren's accusation that Sanders told her privately that women could not successfully win the presidency. Sanders flatly denied this accusation and pointed to his deference to Warren before running for president in 2016. Warren insisted that Sanders had said women could not win and pointed out that the women on stage had not lost any election, while the men on stage had lost 10 elections combined.[216]

At the end of the debate when candidates were shaking hands with one another, Warren was seen declining a handshake from Bernie Sanders; the two candidates then appeared to argue with each other. It was later revealed that Warren commented to Sanders, "I think you called me a liar on national TV." Sanders replied, "Let's not do it right now. You want to have that discussion, we'll have that discussion. You called me a liar."[217]

Eighth debate (February 7, 2020)


The qualifications for the eighth debate were similar to those for the January debate (5% nationally/early states, or 7% in early states, this time excluding Iowa) except for the added provision that all candidates who gained at least one pledged delegate in the Iowa caucus (which is expected to apply only to candidates supported by at least 15% of the final votes statewide or in a district) would also automatically qualify for the debate.[219] Candidates had until February 6 to qualify.[220]

The candidates who qualified included Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer, Warren, and Yang.[55]

One candidate (Delaney) suspended his campaign between the seventh and eighth debates.[221]


The Democratic Party's eighth presidential debate was held from 8–10:30 p.m. ET[35] on Friday, February 7, 2020, at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. It was hosted by ABC's New Hampshire affiliate WMUR-TV and Apple News.[228]

Emerging as frontrunners after the Iowa caucuses, Buttigieg and Sanders came under attack by other candidates. Klobuchar questioned Buttigieg on his lack of political experience, whereas Biden pressed Sanders to clarify how he would fund Medicare For All and brought up his past stances on gun control, citing Sanders's votes against the Brady Bill in the 1990s. Moderator Linsey Davis also inquired Buttigieg on the rise in marijuana-related incarcerations of African Americans in South Bend during his tenure as mayor, which he attributed to "systemic racism". Candidates also voiced praise for Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, who was the only Republican senator to vote against Donald Trump's acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial two days earlier, and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was fired from the National Security Council by Trump after serving as a key witness on the trial.[229] On the topic of campaign finance, Elizabeth Warren stated that political action committees had assisted all of the non-billionaire candidates except for Amy Klobuchar and herself. Another prominent issue discussed in the debate was abortion, with several candidates pledging to only support Supreme Court nominees who will uphold abortion rights and pushed for the codification of Roe v. Wade.[230]

Ninth debate (February 19, 2020)


The DNC announced on January 31 that it was eliminating the donor threshold as a debate qualification requirement for any debate following the New Hampshire debate on February 7,[232] which prompted criticism from several candidates as it was perceived to accommodate Bloomberg, who is not accepting individual donations. The polling thresholds were drastically increased since the last debate, with candidates now having to reach 10% in DNC-approved national polls or 12% in early state polls conducted in Nevada and South Carolina. Candidates who won at least one pledged delegate in the Iowa caucuses or New Hampshire primary were automatically qualified for the debate. Candidates had until February 18 to qualify.[233]

The candidates who qualified included Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren. Three candidates (Yang, Bennet, and Patrick) suspended their campaigns between the eighth and ninth debates.[56]


The Democratic Party's ninth presidential debate was held from 6–8 p.m. PST[239] on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at Paris Las Vegas in Paradise, Nevada. It was hosted by NBC News and MSNBC, in partnership with The Nevada Independent.[228]

Bloomberg, who made his debate stage debut after qualifying only a day prior,[240] was widely regarded by multiple news outlets as having performed poorly.[241][242] Bloomberg's political and personal record came under heavy scrutiny by other candidates, including his previous support of stop-and-frisk policies during his tenure as mayor of New York City. The controversial program, which disproportionately targeted racial minorities, was referred to by Biden as "abhorrent" and "a violation of every right people have".[243] Warren reprimanded Bloomberg for his recently resurfaced derogatory comments on women and called for him to rescind the non-disclosure agreements he signed with several of his company's former female employees over sexual harassment and workplace discrimination, accusing Bloomberg of attempting to "muzzle" them.[244]

Sanders's electability was also brought up in the debate, when moderator Lester Holt mentioned the findings of a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll which showed that two thirds of American voters would not be comfortable with a socialist presidential candidate; Sanders retorted by touting his wide lead over other candidates in the same poll.[245][246] Bloomberg criticized Sanders's advocacy of democratic socialism by comparing it to communism, which Sanders dismissed as a "cheap shot", arguing that his economic policies were closer to Nordic social democracy.[247][248] Buttigieg, meanwhile, branded both Sanders and Bloomberg as polarizing figures who would further divide the party if one of them were to receive the nomination.[249]

Healthcare was another issue discussed by the candidates, in light of the Culinary Workers Union's recent criticism that Sanders's Medicare for All policy would replace their existing union healthcare in favor of a government plan.[250] In response, Sanders defended his plan by saying that it would expand, rather than take away, healthcare benefits for union members.[251] Warren attacked Buttigieg and Klobuchar on their more moderate healthcare plans, likening their lack of details to a "PowerPoint" presentation and "Post-it Note" respectively.[252] On the other hand, Klobuchar argued that Sanders's Medicare for All proposal would be too radical to garner enough support in the Senate, whereas Buttigieg expressed disapproval at the idea of letting the government decide what healthcare plan is best for unions, calling it "condescension and arrogance".[253]

The televised debate drew a combined 19.7 million viewers on NBC and MSNBC, making it the most-watched Democratic primary debate of all time.[254]

Tenth debate (February 25, 2020)


The qualification criteria remained largely unchanged from the last debate, with candidates having to either garner at least 10% support in DNC-approved national polls or 12% in early state polls conducted in the remaining state of South Carolina in order to meet the polling threshold. Candidates could also qualify via the delegate threshold by winning at least one pledged delegate in Iowa, New Hampshire or Nevada. The qualification deadline for the debate was February 24.[256]

All candidates still in the race at the time (Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Steyer and Warren), except for Gabbard, qualified for the debate.[257]


The Democratic Party's tenth presidential debate was held from 8–10 p.m. ET on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at the Gaillard Center in Charleston, South Carolina. It was hosted by CBS News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in partnership with Twitter, and aired on CBS and BET.[228]

Following his landslide victory in Nevada the prior week, Sanders was targeted by several other candidates who attempted to dampen his momentum going into the upcoming South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries. Biden hit Sanders on the issue of gun control by drawing a contrast between Sanders's voting record and his own, noting that he was a consistent supporter of more stringent gun regulations throughout his Senate career. Biden highlighted his role in passing legislation to expand universal background checks and extend waiting periods for purchasing guns, while pointing out that Sanders previously had a relatively moderate stance on gun control, voting against the Brady Bill and in favor of the PLCAA during his tenure as a congressman.[263] However, his claim that "150 million people have been killed since 2007" by guns was fact-checked by CNN as being incorrect, with a Biden campaign spokesperson suggesting that he might have intended to say 150,000.[264] Sanders expressed regret at his decisions, admitting that he has "cast thousands of votes, including bad votes", and noted that he had a D-minus rating from the NRA Political Victory Fund.[265]

Foreign policy was extensively discussed by the candidates, which took up about 25 minutes of the debate.[266] Sanders and Bloomberg clashed over past comments they have made regarding foreign authoritarian leaders; Bloomberg emphasized recent allegations that Russian President Vladimir Putin was trying to prop up the Sanders campaign.[267] When Sanders's praise for Fidel Castro's literacy programs in Cuba on 60 Minutes was brought up by Bloomberg, Sanders responded by calling out Bloomberg's refusal to call China's paramount leader Xi Jinping a dictator in an interview,[268] and pointed out that Barack Obama had also previously praised Cuba's healthcare and education. This provoked a reaction from Biden, who said that while Obama did acknowledge Cuba's progress in increasing life expectancy during a 2016 town hall, he did not "in any way suggest that there was anything positive about the Cuban government" and proceeded to condemn the dictatorial regime.[269]

The debate moderators received staunch criticism for focusing too much on narrowly-focused policy issues, failure to keep control of the candidates' speaking times, allowing candidates to interrupt other candidates during their allotted speaking times, applying the debate rules regarding giving candidates time to respond to personal attacks in a non-equitable way, and for permitting the audience to boo and jeer certain candidates without consequence. Both Biden and Sanders criticized the moderators on stage for failing to enforce the debate rules.[270][271] The crowd's negative reception of Sanders led to the proliferation of rumors on social media that the debate audience had been "stacked against" him, pointing to the high entry costs which ranged from $1,750 to $3,200 as evidence. The Democratic National Committee has denied this claim, explaining that the debate tickets were allocated among political organizations (DNC, CBCI and SCDP) and media entities (CBS and Twitter) hosting the debate as well as participating candidates' campaigns, with each campaign being given an equal quota. Tickets were guaranteed to sponsors, and the ticket costs referred to the cost of sponsorship.[272]

Eleventh debate (March 15, 2020)

CNN, Univision, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus hosted the eleventh debate in Washington, D.C., from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. Eastern Time.[281]

Five candidates (Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, and Warren) suspended their campaigns between the tenth and eleventh debates.[282][283][284][285][286] On March 6, the DNC announced that qualification would be based on "earning at least 20 percent of delegates awarded by March 15",[287] as calculated by the Associated Press or CNN.[288]

The Democratic National Committee announced on March 10 that the debate would no longer allow a live audience, nor would press (beyond CNN and Univision) be allowed to attend, due to fears about the spread of the coronavirus.[289]

On March 12, the Democratic National Committee announced that the March 15 debate, originally scheduled to take place at the Arizona Federal Theatre[290] in Phoenix, Arizona, would instead be held at CNN's studio in Washington, D.C.[291] It also announced that Jorge Ramos was no longer a moderator because he had contact with a person with coronavirus.[47]



The debate was primarily focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, which was discussed for 17 minutes and 45 seconds, with Biden claiming the Trump administration rejected test kits from the WHO.[295][296] Both candidates also compared the pandemic to that of the Ebola epidemic.

Cancelled twelfth debate

In an interview with Politico regarding the March 15 debate, a DNC official confirmed a twelfth debate was still being planned.[297] Two candidates (Gabbard and Sanders) suspended their campaigns between the eleventh and twelfth debates, leaving Biden as the only remaining major candidate.[298][299] Prior to suspending his campaign, Sanders stated that he planned to participate in the debate.[300] Biden dismissed the idea, however:

"My focus is just dealing with this crisis right now. I haven't thought about any more debates. I think we've had enough debates. I think we should get on with this."[301]

It is likely that the debate would have been hosted in an East Coast location, such as New York City.[302]

On April 8, 2020, Sanders dropped out of the Democratic primary, leaving Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic nominee. In early June 2020, Biden passed the threshold of 1,991 delegates to gain the nomination at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.[303][304][305]

Incidents and controversies

Climate change debate

On April 22, 2019, Jay Inslee proposed that the DNC dedicate one of its presidential debates to climate change,[306] giving candidates a chance to elaborate in full detail on how they intend to implement climate action and achieve the goals presented by the Green New Deal (a progressive climate resolution proposed by Democratic members of the House of Representatives).[307] Recent polls of both Democratic voters and the electorate in general had identified this topic to be of the highest importance (for example, a CNN poll[308] found 80% of Democrats wanted presidential candidates to make climate change a top priority, and a Morning Consult poll[309] of registered voters nationwide found that 63% said it's either important or a top priority for Congress to pass a bill to address climate change). Despite support from seven other candidates (Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Julian Castro, Michael Bennet, John Delaney[310] and Seth Moulton[311]), several progressive and environmental groups (Sierra Club, CREDO Action, Sunrise Movement, Friends of the Earth Action, Public Citizen, 350 Action, MoveOn, Youth Climate Strike), at least two dozen Democratic lawmakers from the House and Senate,[307] and over 52,000 signatories of a petition,[312] the DNC turned down the idea of limiting some of their debates to only one debate topic.[313][2] On June 29, 2019, however, the DNC referred to a committee a proposal "calling for an official debate on climate change".[314] On August 22, the resolutions committee voted to reject the proposal.[315]

Steve Bullock's qualification for first debate

After Steve Bullock received 1% in an open-ended ABC News/The Washington Post poll, controversy arose as the DNC's official qualification rules, published on February 14 and updated on May 9,[57] did not state whether open-ended polls would count towards qualification. The DNC later stated during rule guidance given on June 10 and 11,[103] that "polls based on open-ended questions will not be considered". This additional rule was initially orally communicated between DNC chairman Tom Perez and the Bullock campaign in March 2019, and was only publicly confirmed via a statement to a Politico reporter on June 6,[60] but was never confirmed in writing by any primary DNC sources ahead of the qualification deadline.[316]

On June 12, the Bullock campaign wrote a certification letter to the DNC claiming that Bullock qualified for participation in the first debate through the polling criteria (as they believed the open-ended poll from ABC News/The Washington Post should be counted as Bullock's third qualifying poll, according to the official published rules).[317] If Bullock had been deemed a qualifying candidate by the DNC, then 21 total candidates would have qualified by the polling criteria. However, the DNC explicitly limited the debate stage to 20 candidates, so that would have triggered tiebreak rules. Bullock and Eric Swalwell were tied for the 20th spot with each candidate having 1% polling averages and three qualifying polls with exactly 1% support. In that scenario, the DNC would have had to accept inviting 21 candidates, or invent a supplementing final tiebreak rule (for example, drawing lots for the last spot, or deciding the tie by their number of unique donors).[316] However, Bullock's certification letter was rejected and he failed to qualify for the first debate,[48] though he qualified for the second debate.[105]

Debate protests

Second debate protest

On the second night of the second debate, protesters motivated by the death of Eric Garner and the continued employment of Staten Island police officer Daniel Pantaleo shouted during Bill de Blasio's opening remarks, and then entirely halted Cory Booker's, disrupting the debate for nearly 30 seconds.[318]

Third debate protest

During the closing statements for the third debate, in which candidates were asked to recall moments of resilience after a professional setback, protesters interrupted Joe Biden for approximately two minutes. According to Jess Davidson, they shouted "we are DACA recipients; our lives are at risk!"[319] The Trump campaign accused the protesters of having insensitive timing.[320]

Ninth debate protest

Immigrant rights protestors interrupted Biden's closing statement.[321]

Tenth debate protest

Some people in the audience of the tenth debate booed candidates.[322]

Tulsi Gabbard disputes with DNC

Pollster selection and poll frequency

On August 23, Gabbard's campaign protested the failure of the DNC to release "their criteria for selecting the 16 polling organizations they deem 'certified'" for qualifying candidates for the third debate.[323] In the campaign's statement, they listed 26 polls in which Gabbard reached the 2% threshold and alleged that certain "DNC-certified" polls were rated lower than non-certified polls by organizations such as the American Research Group and FiveThirtyEight, and questioned why only four qualifying polls were released following the second debate, while fourteen were released following the first debate; and why only two polls were released in the first two weeks after the second debate while six polls were released in the first two weeks after the first debate.[121][324] The campaign further argued that the lack of polling was "particularly harmful to candidates with lower name-recognition."[121] They called on the DNC to revise the set of polls it considers for qualifying and also asked them "to hold true to their promise and make adjustments to the process now to ensure transparency and fairness."[325][326]

Several other campaigns, including those of Michael Bennet, Tom Steyer, and Marianne Williamson also criticized the unclear criteria, and overall lack, of qualifying polls.[326][327][328]

Qualifying polls for October debate

On September 8, a The Washington Post/ABC News poll was released. An initial report from ABC claimed that Gabbard had not received the 2% necessary for the poll to count as a qualifying poll, but the Gabbard campaign announced that she had indeed received the 2% necessary for the poll to count as a qualifying poll, citing The Washington Post figures directly.[329][330] To further complicate matters, FiveThirtyEight claimed that it had received confirmation from the DNC that the poll did not count for Gabbard but the Gabbard campaign countered by stating that no official DNC ruling had been delivered.[331][332][333]

The confusion stemmed from the fact that the poll data was presented with two sets of results: one of all adults, and one of registered voters. Gabbard reached 1% among all adults and 2% among registered voters. An approved poll conducted on July 1 was conducted similarly, but it is unclear which category was used for the qualification for the debates, as no candidate had 2% in one category and 1% in the other.[334][126] Gabbard later reached 2% in two other qualifying polls, allowing her to qualify for the fourth debate.[150]

Threatened boycotts

On October 10, Gabbard threatened to boycott the fourth debate, saying that she believed the DNC and the media were rigging the election.[335] On October 14, Gabbard announced that she would be attending the debate.[336] On December 9, Gabbard announced that she would boycott the sixth debate, and that instead she would be prioritizing campaigning in New Hampshire and South Carolina.[337] She failed to qualify for the sixth debate by the deadline, December 12.[338]

Eleventh debate qualification

On March 3, as Super Tuesday results were announced, DNC communications director Xochitl Hinojosa tweeted that the qualification threshold would likely increase, giving the reason that almost 2,000 delegates would have been allocated by the time of the debate.[339] This tweet was sent after Gabbard apparently received a delegate and would qualify for the March debate, per the previous three debates' threshold of one delegate.[340] She later gained another delegate.[341] On March 6, the DNC confirmed that the single qualification for entry to the eleventh debate would be for a candidate to have earned at least 20 percent of awarded delegates by March 15.[342] The threshold was impossible for her to meet to qualify for the eleventh debate.[294]

Andrew Yang disputes

Microphone complaints in first debate

Yang, along with Marianne Williamson and Eric Swalwell, complained of microphone problems not allowing them to speak unless called upon when other candidates seemed to be able to freely interject at all times. NBC responded by stating that none of the candidates' microphones were turned off or muted.[343]

Yang qualification for third debate

After Yang had received what he considered to be his fourth qualifying poll, the DNC revealed that qualifying polls conducted by different organizations would not be counted separately if they were sponsored by the same DNC-approved sponsor. The ruling was controversially disclosed by the DNC on July 30, less than one day after Yang had obtained 2% in four polls, rather than on July 19 when the second of these polls had been completed.[344] In spite of this, Yang qualified for the third debate.[50]

Yang disputes with MSNBC

In the fifth debate, Yang did not receive his first question until 32 minutes into the debate and spoke for considerably less time than all the other participants.[345] Yang and his supporters criticized the network for what they saw as an undemocratic process.[346] MSNBC asked Yang to join an unspecified program the weekend of November 24, but Yang said he would not appear until the network "apologizes on-air" and "discusses and includes [his] campaign consistent with [his] polling".[347] Yang ended his boycott on December 27 by going on the TV show All in with Chris Hayes, stating "I decided that I'd prefer to speak to as many Americans as possible – our message is too important" on Twitter.[348]

Yang qualification for seventh debate

Yang requested for the DNC to conduct more early state polls in December due to a lack of early state polling by qualifying pollsters. The DNC rejected this idea saying that conducting its own polls would call into question its impartiality.[349]

Sixth debate labor disputes

The sixth debate was initially set to be held at the University of California, Los Angeles.[201] However, the DNC announced on November 6 that UCLA was no longer hosting the debate due to a labor dispute.[202]

Due to a Sodexo worker strike at the new venue, Loyola Marymount University, Warren announced that she would not attend the debate unless the labor dispute was resolved, followed soon after by Sanders and Yang. All of the remaining qualifying candidates (Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer) then followed suit over the next several days.[350][351] The dispute was resolved on December 17, allowing the debate to move forward.[352]

2020 debates rule-change petition

Days before the December 2019 debate, for which Booker did not qualify, he sent a petition to the other candidates' campaigns in which he urged the DNC to change the qualification requirements for the upcoming debates in 2020 so that more non-white candidates could participate. All candidates that qualified for the December debate as well as Castro signed the petition. The DNC rejected the request to change the qualification criteria.[353][354] The petition cites the New Hampshire Democratic Party central committee which voted to urge the DNC to "lift the barriers" on participation in further debates.[355]

Seventh debate moderation controversies

During the seventh Democratic debate, January 14, hosted by CNN and the Des Moines Register, the wording of a series of questions from moderator Abby Phillip directed at senators Sanders and Warren drew criticisms from various other news outlets and from Sanders supporters. Following reports alleging that Sanders said to Warren in a 2018 private conversation that he did not believe that a woman could defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, Sanders was given the question "Senator Warren confirmed in a statement, that in 2018 you told her that you did not believe that a woman could win the election. Why did you say that?" Sanders stated in his reply "as a matter of fact, I didn't say it" and received the follow-up question from Phillip: "I do want to be clear here, you're saying that you never told Senator Warren that a woman could not win the election?" to which Sanders replied "That is correct." Phillip's next question was directed at Warren, and was phrased: "Senator Warren, what did you think when Senator Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?"[356][357]

MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Donny Deutsch the next day on Morning Joe criticized the question, describing it as "bizarre" and "a miss" respectively.[358] Senior reporter at HuffPost Zach Carter stated that he believes CNN "botched" the debate[359] and Matt Taibi from Rolling Stone described the moderation as "shameful" and "villainous".[360] Jeet Heer from The Nation commented that CNN was "the biggest loser of the night."[361] Washington Examiner senior commentary writer Becket Adams described Phillip's question as "a hatchet job".[362] The controversy also led to negative reactions on social media.[363]

Michael Bloomberg's debate inclusion

In January, Michael Bloomberg became the only candidate to simultaneously reach the polling threshold and fail to reach the donor threshold since the DNC began requiring both with the third debate. According to Politico, some left-wing activists questioned whether the donor threshold should remain part of the qualification requirements,[364] asserting that a candidate polling in the high single or low double digits should not be able to escape in-person scrutiny from other candidates who participate in the debates.

DNC debate qualification rules change

On January 31, the DNC announced that it would not impose a donor threshold starting with the ninth debate.[232] DNC spokesperson Adrienne Watson stated that the prior rules were "appropriate for the opening stages of the race, when candidates were building their organizations and there were no metrics available outside of polling to distinguish those making progress from those who weren't."[365] She said the DNC always had planned to change the debate qualification thresholds and that "we signaled it many times". She argued that the rule change was "not designed to benefit any one candidate" and declared that "every candidate has an equal opportunity to qualify".[366]

Other candidates' reactions to Bloomberg's inclusion

Four candidates opposed the DNC's changing the rules allegedly to make sure Bloomberg qualifies for the debates. Sanders senior adviser Jeffrey P. Weaver stated that the rules changing "in the middle of the game" was wrong and "the definition of a rigged system". He also complained that Bloomberg "is trying to buy his way into the Democratic nomination".[365] Warren tweeted, referencing Bloomberg's personal wealth, that "[b]illionaires shouldn't be allowed to play by different rules". She further objected that the DNC failed to change the debate qualification rules to "ensure diverse candidates could remain on the debate stage".[367] Biden responded to a question about the issue by pointing out that Bloomberg is not "even on the ballot in Nevada" (the location of the first debate where Bloomberg qualified).[368] Tulsi Gabbard remarked that "The DNC's and "corporate media partners'" playing favorites with candidates is "wrong"[369] and that "[t]he DNC would rather hear from a billionaire than the only person of color left in this race, the first female combat veteran ever to run for president."[370]

On the other hand, two of the candidates welcomed Bloomberg's inclusion. Buttigieg told reporters, "It is important that we have that process where folks have to stand with their competitors and explain why each of us is the best."[371] Klobuchar took it a bit further, and stated that he should have to answer questions and not "hide behind the airwaves". She claimed that although she could not beat him "on the airwaves", she could beat him in a debate.[372]

Criticisms about the tenth debate

Alleged influence efforts by Bloomberg

There were accusations online and in the media that Bloomberg had stacked the audience in his favor, though nothing was ever proven. The high ticket prices to the event were also heavily condemned.[373] A 60-second ad for Bloomberg's campaign played during the first and second commercial breaks, drawing ire, especially online.[374]


CBS was also widely criticized for doing a poor job of moderating the debate and letting candidates talk over each other, often leading to 10–20 seconds of unintelligible shouting.[375][376]

Criticisms about the eleventh debate

Announcement of change from prior format

Following Super Tuesday, the DNC and CNN announced that the eleventh debate would occur in a seated format with "a more intimate setting" and a "town hall-style production featuring audience questions," instead of the traditional format of the prior debates led by formal moderator questioning.[377] This announcement was opposed by the Sanders campaign as "giving Biden too much of a break" and avoiding an "exchange of ideas",[377] as well as criticized by commentators.[378] These concerns became moot after the coronavirus pandemic forced the debate to be changed to the traditional moderator questioning format without any audience.[47]

See also


  1. ^ a b The drawing of lots happened from two tier groups (with the top tier comprising all qualified candidates with a polling average of over 2%, and the other tier comprising the rest), so that each tier was evenly split between each of the two debate nights.[89]
  2. ^ a b The drawing of lots happened from three tier groups (with the top tier comprising all qualified candidates with a polling average of over 15%), so that each tier was evenly split between each of the two debate nights.
  3. ^ a b c Bloomberg is not collecting donations.[196] To avoid being classified as receiving donations, the Bloomberg campaign reportedly sells campaign merchandise at its cost, preempting against the possibility of meeting the donor criterion.[197]
  4. ^ a b 6 from national; 3 from South Carolina
  5. ^ 4 from national 1 from South Carolina
  6. ^ 6 from national; 1 from South Carolina
  7. ^ 6 from national
  8. ^ 3 from South Carolina


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