Quintus Volusius (prefect)

Quintus Volusius also known as Quintus Volusius Saturninus[1] was a senator of the Roman Republic who lived in the 1st century BC.


He was originally from the city of Feronia, also known as Lucus Feroniae in Etruria.[2] He came from an ancient and distinguished Senatorial family, that never rose above the Praetorship.[3]

Volusius was a pupil of the Roman statesman Cicero in oratory.[4] He accompanied Cicero to Cilicia, where he held office under him.[4] While in Cilicia, Volusius served as a Prefect under Cicero in 51 BC to 50 BC.[2]

During his Prefectship in Cilicia, Cicero sent to Volusius to Cyprus.[5] When Volusius arrived on the island, he had heard and settled civil cases to a small group of Roman citizens who lived on the island. Cicero describes Volusius as a 'man both trustworthy and extraordinarily moderate'.[5]

Volusius married Claudia, the daughter of Pompey's officer, Tiberius Claudius Nero, and aunt of the future Roman emperor Tiberius.[6] Claudia bore Volusius one son, Lucius Volusius Saturninus[6] and a daughter, Volusia Saturnina.[2]

In fiction

Volusius is a character in the novel titled Respublica: A Novel of Cicero's Roman Republic written by Richard Braccia, which was released by AuthorHouse in 2009.


  1. ^ Rudolf Hanslik, "Q. Voluius 5", Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Supplement 9A, col. 1863
  2. ^ a b c Romeins Imperium – Lucius Quintus Volusius Saturninus translated from Dutch to English
  3. ^ Tacitus, Annales XII.22
  4. ^ a b Quintus Volusius no.2 article at ancient library
  5. ^ a b Jonathan Zarecki, "The Cypriot Exemption from Evocatio and the Character of Cicero’s Proconsulship", Greece & Rome, 59 (2012), pp. 46-55
  6. ^ a b Cicero, Ad Atticum, V, 21
