Tipografías Monotype

Las fuentes Monotype fueron desarrolladas por la empresa Monotype. Este nombre ha sido utilizado por tres empresas. Dos de ellas tenían sus raíces en el "metal caliente" o tipografía de plomo en la industria de la impresión. No se adaptaron cuando el mercado cambió a medida que los sistemas informáticos, offset y fotográficos se volvieron dominantes. Estas fueron:

Una tercera empresa produce fuentes para uso informático:

Esta última firma es en cierto sentido la sucesora de la fábrica inglesa Monotype. Tiene los derechos sobre los diseños originales, y posteriormente obtuvo los derechos sobre muchos más diseños de otras fuentes. Los restos del archivo de producción y lo que queda de las máquinas se encuentran en el Type Museum de Londres , Inglaterra. Allí todavía se puede acceder a las matrices originales y encargar partes de las antiguas máquinas. La colección en sí es propiedad del British Science Museum . La supervivencia del Type Museum se vio amenazada ya que el edificio ya no era propiedad del Science Museum, y estaba en muy mal estado de conservación, y el nuevo propietario pretendía otros usos para la propiedad. El Type Museum fue cerrado y todo el equipo ha sido almacenado en los Archivos Nacionales . [1]

Metal caliente

Una máquina de colada Monotype

Las dos primeras empresas mencionadas anteriormente produjeron una larga lista de fuentes, que se identificaban por nombres y números de serie. Ese diseño tipográfico con el tiempo adquirió una muy buena reputación y la marca "Monotype" era sinónimo de alta calidad y confiabilidad. [2]

En su nombre se han llevado a cabo numerosas investigaciones tipográficas sobre diseños de caracteres históricos de los primeros años de la tipografía. Muchas de las letras se produjeron como "retoques", incluidos caracteres de Garamond , Baskerville , Bodoni , Bembo , Caslon y muchos otros tipos de letra.

La principal diferencia entre ambas firmas es que las fuentes americanas no coinciden con las inglesas. Las letras con el mismo nombre en la mayoría de los casos tienen un diseñador diferente y su apariencia e implementación difieren. Los números de identificación no coinciden todos.

Las matrices de las dos empresas también difieren en cuanto a profundidad, la imagen dentro de la matriz, la implementación y el tamaño. Por ejemplo, las matrices americanas son 0,025   mm (0,010   pulgadas ) más bajas, y en consecuencia el interior de los moldes de fundición americanos debe ser más alto para producir caracteres con una altura de tipo de 23,3 mm (0,918 pulgadas). Esta fue una de las muchas medidas adoptadas por las dos empresas Monotype para dividirse el mercado mundial entre ellas. Por ejemplo, las americanas atendían los mercados americano y canadiense. La empresa británica, The Monotype Corporation Ltd. en Salfords, tenía muchos clientes en la India, África y Asia. Para estos países se crearon muchos tipos de letra no latinos para imprimir en hebreo, javanés, sánscrito, cingalés, tailandés y otros idiomas.

Las máquinas de composición por inyección de The Monotype Corporation producían páginas compuestas listas para usar con texto compuesto por piezas individuales de tipo. La máquina proporcionaba líneas rellenas, justificándolas añadiendo espacios de distintos anchos. Estas máquinas de acabado se controlaban con una cinta de papel. Escribir los textos en los teclados era un trabajo manual que llevaba mucho más tiempo que la inyección. Una máquina de composición por inyección necesitaba las cintas de al menos tres teclados distintos. La corrección de la composición final se lograba simplemente reemplazando los tipos móviles. Las líneas no necesitaban ser reimpresas, como en las máquinas Linotype .

Un teclado Monotype; el carrete de cinta o cinta que se está produciendo está en la parte superior

Estas máquinas de composición podían producir tipos en tamaños de hasta 14 puntos de ancho de fuente pica o Didot. Las máquinas y moldes personalizados de "composición grande" podían proporcionar composiciones de hasta 36 puntos. Las matrices son correspondientemente más grandes y hay espacio para un solo alfabeto en la caja de la matriz. Por esta razón, una tirada de máquina no podía proporcionar composiciones en tipografía romana y cursiva, por lo que se requería trabajo manual adicional en tales casos.

Estuche Monotype matrix para composiciones de gran tamaño

Los tipos para composición manual también se fundían con máquinas Monotype; todos los caracteres de hasta 36 puntos y las líneas podían fundirse en una máquina de composición grande. Otra máquina era la "super-caster" o "supra", que podía fundir tipos simples. Después de la conversión, también podía utilizarse para fundir cualquier material necesario en las imprentas, incluidas las regletas, los adornos y diseños similares, así como caracteres de hasta 72 puntos. Había moldes con insertos para tamaños de 14 a 36 puntos. Para los tamaños aún más grandes de 42, 48, 60 y 72 puntos se utilizaba otro molde de tipos. La máquina debía reconfigurarse para cada requisito de tipo diferente.

Disposición de la unidad

El ancho de los tipos Monotype impresos en caliente se expresa en unidades de un juego. La letra más ancha del alfabeto, normalmente la "W" mayúscula, se medía en puntos de un cuarto de pica , siendo la unidad 118 parte de este ancho. El ancho de la unidad se calcula de la siguiente manera para un ejemplo de 12 juegos.

Todos los caracteres fueron diseñados para tener anchos de un número entero de unidades del conjunto: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, hasta 18 o incluso más.


Los manuales ingleses y americanos utilizan un tamaño diferente para la pica: la nueva pica = 0,1660 pulgadas. En el continente europeo, todas las cuñas y tablas de los manuales se basan en la pica "antigua" = 0,1667 pulgadas y esas cuñas se pueden identificar por la E mayúscula adicional (= inglesa). Esto da lugar a pequeñas diferencias en las tablas de los distintos manuales. Sin embargo, en la práctica, estas diferencias son tan pequeñas que apenas suponen una diferencia cuando se lanza con una cuña S5-E o una cuña S5 basada en la nueva pica. Todos los caracteres están diseñados para tener como ancho un número entero de unidades del conjunto.

Por ejemplo, A=14, B=13, C=14... a=8, b,d,h,k,n,p,q=10, c=8... La lista con estos anchos se llama "disposición de unidad" (UA). Diferentes fuentes pueden tener la misma UA. En algunos diseños de fuentes, la disposición de unidad puede ser diferente para cada tamaño de punto, por ejemplo, con Lutetia (tipo de letra) y algunas otras fuentes de Jan van Krimpen . Estas UA son esenciales para el diseño del caso de la matriz, en el que las matrices se ordenan en filas por los anchos de unidad. A las diversas "disposiciones de unidad" se les han asignado números.

Descendientes largos y cortos

Las letras gjpqy ij son descendentes . En la tipografía cursiva, la f y la "s larga" también son descendentes.

Muchas de las fuentes más antiguas estaban pensadas principalmente para su uso en columnas de periódicos. Times New Roman es un buen ejemplo, pero había muchas otras. En estas fuentes, los trazos descendentes se mantenían lo más cortos posible para que todo el texto pudiera tener el mismo interlineado. Sin embargo, para muchas fuentes destinadas a producciones de lujo también había variantes más largas de los trazos descendentes; por lo general, era necesario ajustar el interlineado para acomodarlos al momento de la fundición.

Impresión tipográfica

El diseño de las fuentes para impresión tipográfica debe ajustarse a esta técnica. La razón es que el tipo se imprime con cierta fuerza sobre el papel, presionando la tinta del tipo hacia los bordes de la letra. En consecuencia, el centro del carácter se imprime un poco más claro que los bordes. Esto da como resultado lo que se denomina un "borde de perla". Se mejora aún más porque no solo se entinta la superficie del tipo, sino también los biseles que lo rodean, lo que también contribuye al efecto visual del tipo de letra impreso, como se puede ver fácilmente con una lupa. [3]

El borde con cuentas y el centro brillante de la impresión sugieren una tipografía caligráfica. Y con la impresión tipográfica hay una selección mucho más amplia de tipos de papel adecuados, a menudo más caros, que se pueden imprimir.

Ajustes de la computadora

Después de que las empresas de "metal caliente" dejaran de producir debido a la transición de la impresión tipográfica a la impresión offset en cada vez más imprentas, siendo Lanston Monotype la primera en hacerlo en Estados Unidos, los diseños de las fuentes necesitaban ser adaptados para su uso en ordenadores. Existe una diferencia en comparación con los antiguos caracteres de metal caliente, ya que la relación fija entre el ancho de las letras en la disposición de las unidades se considera a menudo una desventaja. Este problema se ha debatido durante mucho tiempo, por ejemplo, por Jan van Krimpen .

El diseño de un tipo de mina no se puede copiar sin algunos ajustes, ya que la presión sobre el tipo de mina durante la impresión presiona la tinta hacia los lados y la apariencia final de la letra en el papel es más ancha que la superficie del carácter de mina. Este ancho adicional no es el mismo en todos los lugares alrededor del carácter. Depende de la superficie del papel utilizada, la presión, el tipo de prensa, si es de cilindro o de platina, y muchos otros factores.

Muchas fuentes digitales de la primera era digital tienen este defecto característico. La superficie metálica se ha copiado simplemente, con lo que el color de las páginas impresas es demasiado claro. En la impresión offset u otras técnicas de impresión modernas, la tipografía de la plancha y de la letra impresa coinciden mucho más. El uso de papeles estucados en su mayoría con tipos offset también tiene un efecto. Durante el proceso de diseño de la tipografía hay que tener en cuenta todo esto, ya que un simple dibujo de la superficie de una letra de plomo sin ningún ajuste para la impresión offset o por ordenador no dará un buen resultado.

Lista de tipos de letra

La lista alfabética que aparece a continuación se refiere principalmente a las fuentes producidas por la empresa inglesa Monotype, que fabrica "metal caliente". Los números que se mencionan a continuación proceden de las "especimen-blades" inglesas, de cuatro ediciones de los folletos "Monotype book of information" y de información adicional del London Type Museum.

En los años 60 se dejaron de fabricar muchas fuentes Monotype. Los "patrones" de los originales a partir de los cuales se crearon los punzones, los punzones y todo el stock de matrices restantes se destruyeron. La fuente ha desaparecido, salvo las matrices que se encuentran en posesión de varios impresores. Las hojas de muestra de estas fuentes son especialmente difíciles de encontrar y faltan en muchas colecciones.

Se añaden a la lista un pequeño número de diseños de letras estadounidenses, designados por "Am" y su número. Las matrices estadounidenses difieren de las de Inglaterra. Las matrices estadounidenses tenían una profundidad de grabado 0,0025 mm (0,0010 pulgadas) menor. En consecuencia, los moldes estadounidenses tenían una profundidad de grabado 0,0025 mm (0,0010 pulgadas) mayor en comparación con los moldes de la fábrica de Salfords, Reino Unido. En consecuencia, las matrices estadounidenses sobre un molde inglés producen una letra baja. Las matrices inglesas sobre moldes estadounidenses producen tipos de altura francesa.

La lista de letras de computadora de Monotype Imaging, Inc. se modifica constantemente y se puede consultar mejor en el sitio web de la empresa. [4]

Fuentes latinas


297: Acier (nunca publicado)
319: Acier Grey and White (nunca publicado)
481: Alberto Romano
Introducción: 1935 [5]
matrices de visualización:
538: Título en negrita de Alberto en romano
Introducción: 1938 [6]
matrices de visualización:
534: Alberto romano ligero
Introducción: 1940 [7]
Matrices de visualización, tamaño único: línea de 24 puntos .2652
324: Título romano de Alberto (1940 ?) [8]
matrices de visualización:
__5: Albión romano
Matrices de composición UA.2 = 6pt - 12pt [9]
_42: Albión (No 2) Romana
Matrices de composición UA.2 = 6,5pt - 12pt [10]
_63: Albión romano
UA.2: 6,5 puntos - 13 puntos [11]
_70: Albión (No 4) Romana
Matrices de composición: UA.2: 6,5pt - 13pt [10]
_74: Albion Roman extendido
Matrices de composición: UA.3: 6D - 13pt [12]
matrices de visualización:
264: Albion (fue retirado de producción en 1965)
270: Aldine Bembo (ver: Bembo 270 )
370: Titulación de Aldine Bembo (ver: Titulación de Bembo )
491: Anchor (retirada de producción, "cancelada")
Producido únicamente para uso informático.
555: Angulus Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.474: solo un tamaño disponible 4.4pt [13]
207: Romana antigua / itálica (ver: 207 Estilo antiguo antiguo )
307: Antiguo (fue retirado de producción en 1965)
Matrices de composición: UA = 70, solo: 5,5pt y 7pt [14]
407: Antiguo (fue retirado de producción en 1965)
Matrices de composición: UA = 70 [15]
354: Antique (No. 2) (retirada de producción en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA = 335 [16]
_74: Antiguo extendido (ver Jónico , ver: Albión extendido )
153: Antiguo Extendido (ver: Albion Extendido )
223: Antiguo pesado (ver: Devonshire Bold )
224: Fuente condensada antigua y pesada (ver: Devonshire Bold Condensed )
__9: Latín antiguo (ver: Latín antiguo )
_60: Latín antiguo (ver: Latín antiguo n.° 2 )
_78: Latín antiguo (ver: Latín antiguo n.º 3 )
_84: Latín antiguo (ver: Latín antiguo n.° 4 )
__3: Estilo antiguo antiguo n.º 3 Romana / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.2 = 6pt - 12pt [17]
161: Estilo antiguo antiguo n.º 3 Romana / cursiva
Matrices de composición: Roman UA.29, itálica UA.54, 6pt - 12pt [18]
matrices de visualización:
124: Antique Old Style No. 1 sinónimos: Old Style Antique y Serie 124 (en 1967 se retiró de producción)
Todos los descensores están disponibles en dos versiones: descensor corto y descensor largo.
Matrices de composición: UA.1, 6pt - 12pt (faltan 6pt en las hojas de muestras más antiguas) [19]
207: Romana antigua de estilo antiguo / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.70 = 6,5pt - 10pt [14]
Sin matrices para metal caliente
252: Arrighi Itálica (ver: Centauro )
238: Ashley Crawford (cancelada en 1967)
matrices de visualización: [20]
279: Ashley Crawford Plain (cancelada en 1967)
matrices de visualización: [21]
574: Guión de Ashley
Matrices de visualización: 14-72 pt [22]
Sin matrices para metal caliente


178: Barbou Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.447: 8 - 12pt [23]
169: Baskerville Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.43: 6D - 14pt [24]
Matrices de composición grande: Roman UA.136 de 14-18 pt, itálica UA.141:
22pt: solo Roman, 24pt: Roman UA.136, cursiva UA.150
matrices de visualización:
312: Baskerville negrita romana / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.332: 6D - 14pt [25]
matrices de visualización:
313: Baskerville negrita (ver: 313 Baskerville Semi-Bold )
377: Baskerville Bold Large Face (cancelado en 1967)
matrices de visualización: [26]
376: Títulos en negrita de Baskerville para encabezados de periódicos (cancelado en 1965)
Matrices de composición grande: UA.374: 14pt, 18pt y 24pt emitidos a 18pt combinados en un marco de matriz [27]
378: Títulos en negrita de Baskerville para encabezados de periódicos (cancelado en 1965)
Matrices de composición grande: UA.372: 14pt, 18pt y 24pt emitidos a 18pt combinados en un marco de matriz [28]
380: Título extra negrita de Baskerville (cancelado en 1967)
matrices de visualización: [29]
312: Baskerville Heavy (ver: 312 Baskerville Bold )
313: Baskerville Semi-Bold Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.332: 6D - 14pt [24]
matrices de visualización:
381: Títulos de Baskerville para encabezamientos de periódicos (cancelado en 1965)
Matrices de gran composición: UA.372: 14pt, 18pt y 24pt fundidos a 18pt combinados en una sola caja de matriz [30]
341: Bell Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.314: 8D - 14pt [31]
matrices de visualización:
619: Campana Gótica Romana
Matrices de composición: UA.445: 6 y 8 puntos [32]
620: campana gótica romana audaz
Matrices de composición: UA.445: 6 y 8 puntos [32]
270: Bembo Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.91: 6D - 14pt [33]
variantes: numerales alternativos: F537, F538, mayúsculas alternativas: R 203, M 145, R 224
Matrices de composición grande: 14pt-24pt
matrices de visualización:
428: Bembo negrita romana / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.368: 6D - 14pt [34]
Matrices de composición grande: 14pt-18pt
matrices de visualización:
294: Bembo condensada cursiva cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.360: 10pt - 13pt UA.361: 16pt [35]
428: Bembo Heavy (ver: 428 Bembo Bold )
509: Bembo, seminegrita, romana / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.91: 5,5pt [36]
370: Bembo titula en letra romana / cursiva
matrices de visualización: [36]
643: Berling Roman / itálica (cancelada en 1973)
Punzones fabricados en colaboración con Berlinska Stilgjuteriet, Lund
Matrices de composición: UA.495: 6D-12D [37]
644: Berling, letra romana seminegrita
Punzones fabricados en colaboración con Berlinska Stilgjuteriet, Lund
Matrices de composición: UA.496: 6D-12D [37]
213: Bernardo condensó la obra romana
matrices de visualización: [38]
119: Blado Italic italic (diseñada para usarse con Poliphilus 170 )
Matrices de composición: UA.53: 10pt - 13pt [39]
Matrices de composición grande: 16pt = UA.142
matrices de visualización:
135: Bodoni Roman / cursiva (sinónimo: Bodoni no.3 )
Matrices de composición: UA.1: 6pt-13pt, UA.77: 14pt [40]
Variantes: descendentes largos y "Cara grande" en 11pt
Matrices de composición grande: 16pt, 18pt, 24pt Roman, UA.425 = 24pt itálico
matrices de visualización:
254: Bodoni No. 2 (ver también: 357 Bodoni No. 2 ) (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de visualización: 4 tamaños [41]
288: Bodoni No. 1 (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.364: 10D-12D-14D [42]
357: Bodoni n.º 2 romano / cursiva (ver: 357 Libro Bodoni )
Matrices de composición: UA.319: 8pt-12pt [43]
504: Bodoni No 5 Roman / cursiva (ver: 504 Bodoni 357 )
Matrices de composición: UA.319: 8pt-12pt [44]
195: Bodoni , novela audaz
Matrices de composición: UA.3: 6pt-12pt [45]
matrices de visualización:
260: Bodoni Bold Roman / italic , variante Vette para la serie 135
Matrices de composición: Roman UA.2 itálica UA.143: 6pt-13pt; Roman UA.417, itálica UA.143: 14pt [45]
Disponibles descensores largos y "cara grande" en 11pt
matrices de visualización:
529: Bodoni Negrita Condensada Romana / Cursiva
matrices de visualización: [32]
760: Bodoni, titulación en negrita romana
matrices de visualización: [22]
357: Libro Bodoni Romano / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.319: 8pt-12pt [23]
260: Bodoni Heavy Roman / cursiva (ver: 260 Bodoni Negrita )
529: Bodoni Heavy condensada Romana / itálica (ver: 529 Bodoni Bold condensada )
120: Bodoni ultra negrita romana / cursiva
matrices de visualización: [46]
_53: Negrita (ver: 53 Negrita estilo antiguo )
167: Negrita (ver: 167 De Vinne Italic )
366: Negrita (ver: 366 Inflex Bold )
245: Negrita cursiva n.º 2 (ver: 245 Negrita cursiva estilo antiguo )
253: Negrita n.º 2 (ver: 253 Negrita estilo antiguo )
138: Bold Face No. 3 Roman . (Cancelado en 1965)
Matrices de composición: UA.3: 9pt [47]
503: Bold Face (cancelado en 1965)
176: Contorno de letra en negrita (ver: 176 Contorno en negrita de estilo antiguo )
253: Línea especial en negrita (ver: 253 Old Style Bold )
167: Negrita cursiva (ver: 167 De Vinne Italic series No. 167 )
334: Bold (The Times) (ver: 334 Times Bold )
345: Bold (The Times) (ver: 345 Times Bold )
360: Bold (The Times) (ver: 360 Times Bold )
278: Fanfarronería romana
matrices de visualización: [48]
466: Breitkopf romain (cancelado en 1936)
a306: Broadway (Sorts) (cancelado antes de 1966)
a307: Broadway Engraved (Sorts) (cancelado antes de 1966)
494: Bruce Rogers (cancelado en 1967)
594: Título de Bruce Rogers (en investigación)
469: Bulmer Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.412: 11pt-12pt [49]


L17: Figuras del calendario romano
L19: Días del calendario romano
197: Canterbury (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.57 = 8-12pt [50]
matrices de visualización:
128: Caslon Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.57 = 8-12pt [51]
Composición grande: 18pt - 24pt,
matrices de visualización:
209: Titulación romana de Caslon
matrices de visualización: [51]
600: Castellar Romano
Tipografía del título dibujada por John Peters en 1957 basada en mayúsculas cuadradas romanas grabadas . [52] [53]
matrices de visualización: [54]
252: Centauro romano / itálico , también conocido con el nombre de Arrighi
Matrices de composición: UA.90 = 6-14pt, UA.322 = 14pt [55]
Composición grande: 14pt - 24pt, UA.165 = Roman , UA.166 = itálica
matrices de visualización:
352: Centauro romano / cursiva
Matrices de composición grande de solo 18 puntos [56]
295: Centauro Titulación Romana
227: Siglo N° 2 Romana / itálica (ver: Libro escolar del siglo 227 )
211: Siglo n.º 1 romano (sinónimo: 211 moderno )
Matrices de composición UA.1 = 8pt [57]
545: Century Bold (cancelado en 1967)
546: Century Bold Extended (cancelado en 1967)
227: Libro escolar del siglo XX Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.369 = 6-14pt, UA.322 = 14pt [58]
Composición grande: 18pt - 20pt solamente Roman UA.370
477: Libro escolar del siglo XX en negrita romana
Matrices de composición: UA.498 = 6-14pt, [59]
650: Libro escolar del siglo Romano / itálico
matrices de visualización: [60]
651: Libro escolar del siglo XX en negrita romana
matrices de visualización: [60]
matrices de visualización: [61]
510: Chatsworth (cancelado en 1965)
A petición de Stephenson y Blake, Sheffield produjo para ellos en un solo tamaño.
Matrices de composición: UA.391 = 10pt, [62]
154: Chiswell Old face Roman / itálica
matrices de visualización: [61]
_12: Clarendon Romano
Matrices de composición: UA.2 = 5-12pt, [63]
412: Clarendon No. 2 (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.2 = 5-12pt, [64]
501: Horario de Clarendon (cancelado en 1967)
157: Clearface Negrita Romana / Cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.2 = 6-12pt, [65]
matrices de visualización:
271: Claustro Bold (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.86 = 6-12pt, [66]
272: Claustro de estilo antiguo (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.89 = 6-12pt, [66]
a395: Claustro de estilo antiguo (clase) (cancelado antes de 1966)
165: Cochin Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.67 = 6D-13pt, UA.174 = 14pt Roman, UA.173 = 14pt italic [67]
matrices de visualización:
225: Columna romana
matrices de visualización: [68]
511: Condensa cursiva
matrices de visualización: [54]
213: Negrita condensada (ver: 213 Bernard Condensed )
224; Condensado pesado antiguo (ver: 224 Devonshire Bold Condensed )
383: Grotesco pesado condensado (ver: 383 Grotesco condensado )
523: Títulos grotescos condensados ​​y pesados ​​(ver: 523 Grotesco condensado )
419: Latín condensado (ver: 419 Títulos condensados ​​grotescos )
306: Soluciones de crucigramas
Matrices de composición: 11pt [59]
11pt: 28 matrices, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ + campo vacío + área sombreada, las matrices fueron moldeadas en cuadrados, con una cuña plana.
306: Crucigramas especiales
18pt: S 2612 t/m S 2641 = 1 t/m 30, S2727 t/m S2746 = 31-50, S3976 t/m S3986 = 51-61, S2643 = terreno irregular, S2611 = terreno irregular
309: Crucigramas cuadrados (cancelado)
_17: Cushing (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición UA.1 = 6pt - 13pt [69]


326: Daily Mail Modern (cancelado en 1974)
Esta fuente fue el último diseño de Giovanni Mardersteig . Charles Malin, el grabador que producía los punzones para Mardesteig, murió en 1955. Después de este suceso, Mardersteig no quiso más diseños nuevos. En su opinión, los punzones hechos con un pantógrafo eran inferiores. El carácter fue adaptado posteriormente para máquinas de impresión por Monotype y lanzado en 1957.
592: Dante Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.441, 6D-14D [70]
matrices de visualización
682: Dante Semi Bold Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.504, 6D-14D [70]
612: Dante titulando romano
matrices de visualización [71]
298: Deutsch Romisch (cancelado en 1970)
Matrices de composición: UA.303, 6D-12D [72]
286: Deutsch Romisch Bold (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.304, 8D-10D [11]
131: De Vinne (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.400, 8pt [73]
matrices de visualización
_21: De Vinne (ver: De Vinne condensado )
_21: De Vinne Condensed (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.2 6,5pt - 12 pt [74]
167: De Vinne Italic (sinónimo: Bold Italic Series No. 167 ) (cancelada en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.3 7,5pt - 11 pt [74]
223: Devonshire Bold (sinónimo: 223 Heavy Antique (cancelado en 1967)
matrices de visualización [75]
224: Devonshire Bold Condensed (sinónimo: 224 Condensed Heavy Antique ) (cancelado en 1967)
matrices de visualización [76]
_71: Didot Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.1 6,5pt - 13pt [77]
425: Divina Comedia (destruida en un bombardeo)
436 Escritura Dorcherster
matrices de visualización [78]


107: Egipcio No. 1 Romano
Matrices de composición: UA.2 = 6-12pt [79]
171: Egipcio (sinónimo: 171 Egipcio Bold ) (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.39 = 9pt [80]
173: Egipcio No. 4 Romano
matrices de visualización:
129: Romano egipcio (ver: Negrita egipcia n.° 1 en: 251)
130: Egipcio (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.3 = 8pt [81]
162: Egipcio No. 3 (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.3 = 8pt [82]
184: Egipcio (ver: 184 Jónico No. 3 )
241: egipcio
251: Egipcio (ver: Egipcio condensado )
330: Egipcio (ver: Egipcio Negrita )
129: Letra romana egipcia en negrita n.º 1 (ver: 251 )
Matrices de composición: UA.3 = 8-10pt [38]
171: Egyptian Bold (ver: 171 Egyptian ) (cancelado en 1967)
330: Egyptian Bold (sinónimo: 330 Egyptian ) (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.3 = 6D [83]
282: Egipcio negrita condensada romana (ver: 251 ) (sinónimos: egipcio pesado y egipcio pesado)
Matrices de composición: UA.313 = 6D [38]
251: Egipcio condensado romano
Matrices de composición: UA.63 = 6.5pt [38]
112: Egipcio condensado (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.2 = 9pt [84]
464: Egipcio condensado (cancelado en 1967)
Matrices de composición: UA.130 = 6D-10D [62]
_72: Egipcio romano extendido
Matrices de composición: UA.3 = 5-13pt [85]
465: egipcio extendido (bij bombardement vernietigd)
282: Letra egipcia pesada romana (ver: 282 egipcia negrita condensada )
453: Ehrhardt Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.397 = 6-14pt [86]
matrices de visualización:
563: Ehrhardt (cancelado en 1974)
573: Ehrhardt Semi-Bold Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.430 = 6-14pt [86]
matrices de visualización:
235: Máquina de escribir Elite (ver: Máquina de escribir )
Matrices de composición: UA.28 = 12pt [38]
_19: Elsevir Roman / cursiva
UA.1 6pt - 12pt [87] [88]
320: Emerson Roman / cursiva
Matrices de composición: UA.390 = 8-14pt [89]
matrices de visualización:
400: Emerson (cancelado en 1967)
479: Emerson (destruido en un bombardeo)
452: Emery (cancelado en 1965)
146: Título del grabador (ver: 146 Título del grabador )
146: Titulación romana de los grabadores
Matrices de composición: UA.18 = 6pt, mayúsculas en 4 tamaños, combinables. [90]
147: Titulación de los grabadores (ver: Titulación en negrita de los grabadores )
147: Títulos de grabadores en negrita (ver: Títulos de grabadores en negrita )
147: Grabadores Titulando en Negrita Romana
Matrices de composición: UA.18 = 6 y 12pt en 4 tamaños combinables. [68]
Matrices de visualización: 24 pt en 5 tamaños


586: Fabricio Romano
323: Falstaff Roman / itálica
Matrices de composición: UA.347 = 6D-12D [91]
matrices de visualización:
399: Félix Titulando Romano
matrices de visualización: [92]
514: Fanfarria Negrita Condensada Itálica Título en cursiva (destruido en un bombardeo)
516: Fanfarria Negrita Condensada Itálica Título N.º 2 itálica
554: Título del festival en cursiva
matrices de visualización: [93]
536: Fígaro romano
matrices de visualización: [94]
626: Figaro Bold (cancelado en 1967)

^ Titulación de la flota

632: Titulación de la flota romana
matrices de visualización: [22]
431: Capiteles floridos
matrices de visualización: [95]
403: Fontana Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.464 = 8pt-14pt[96]
large composition matrices:
437: Fontana bible face Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.464 = 4.5pt-6pt[86]
443: Fontana Titling (destroyed in a bombardment)
614: Forte
display matrices:[97]
185: Fournier Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.59 = 8pt-13.5pt[98]
large composition matrices: UA. 446
185: Fournier Old Face (see: Fournier)
285: Fournier Old Face (Shortened Caps) (see: Fournier Shortened Capitals)
285: Fournier Shortened Capitals Roman/italic (see also: Fournier 185)
composition matrices: UA.59 = 10pt-13.5pt, abridged capitals, for use in conjunction with the lowercase characters of Fournier 185[98]
_76: French Face Extended (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 7D-10pt[99]
111: French Modern (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6D-10pt[99]
_68: French Old Style Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5pt-13pt[100]
oid specimen blades show size 7pt and 8pt, later versions: 6.5pt and 7.5pt, set and lining stay the same.
109: French Old Style Roman/italic (synonym: French Old Stype no. 2) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5pt-11pt[101]
148: French Old Style No. 3 (cancelled in 1967
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5pt[102]
_69: French Old Style Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 7pt-13pt[103]
_69: French Old Style (Half-Fat) (see: French Old Style Bold)
_44: French Round Face Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5pt-13pt[104]
314: Fredericus Antiqus Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5pt-13pt[23]
596: Futura Buchschrift (cancelled in 1960)


a313: Gallia (Sorts) (cancelled voor 1966)
156: Garamond Roman/italic
Swash and ligatures for 156
The italic which was designed for this series was found by customers to be much too extreme. Eventually it was decided to design a more modest italic. That was: ' Series 174 '. The extra luxury italic "swash"-capitals continued to be maintained. In old die cases the italic matrices with 156 appearing on them are occasionally to be found, and they are quite popular for present users of Monotype machines.
composition matrices: UA.37 = 6-12pt, UA.99 = 14pt[105]
large composition: Roman = UA.114 italic = UA.115
14pt (14D) Roman/italic, 16pt (16D) Roman, 18pt (18D) Roman/italic, 24pt (24D) Roman/italic
display matrices:
201: Garamond bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: 6-12pt: Roman = UA.61, italic = UA.315, 14pt = UA.342[58]
large composition: UA.154
18pt (18D) Roman/italic, 24pt (24D) Roman/italic
display matrices:
174: Garamond Italic No. 2 italic (the Roman was cancelled before 1966)
composition matrices: UA.42 = 6-12pt, UA.140 = 14pt[106]
large composition: UA.140
14pt (14D) Roman/italic, 18pt (18D) Roman/italic, 24pt (24D) Roman/italic
display matrices:
201: Garamond Heavy (see: 201 Garamond Bold)
Am. 548: Garamond Bold
Am. 5481: Garamond Bold Italic
Am. 648E: American Garamond (Roman)
Am. 649G: American Garamond Italic
Am. 248: Garamont (Goudy) Roman
Am. 2481: Garamont Italic (Goudy) italic
275: Gill Bold Sans-Serif (see: 275 Gill Sans Bold)
430: Gill Face (destroyed in a bombardment)
442: Gill Ultra Bold (see: 442 Gill Sans Ultra Bold)
433: Gill Moiree Shadow (destroyed in a bombardment)
262: Gill Sans Roman/italic
composition matrices: Roman: UA.82, italic: UA.311 = 5-14pt (S.H. = short descenders)[107]
large composition: UA.383, Roman 18pt
display matrices:
349: Gill Sans No. 2 Roman/italic
composition matrices: Roman: UA.345 = 5pt[108]
275: Gill Sans Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: Roman: UA.93 = 5-14pt, italic: UA.302 = 5.5-14pt (S.H. = short descenders)[85]
large composition: UA.383, Roman 18pt
display matrices:
350: Gill Sans Bold Roman (see: 350 Gill Sans 349)
composition matrices: Roman: UA.346 = 5pt[108]
575: Gill Sans Bold (cancelled in 1967)
343: Gill Sans Bold Condensed Roman
composition matrices: Roman: UA.93 = 5-14pt, italic: UA.302 = 5.5-14pt (S.H. = short descenders)[109]
display matrices:
373: Gill Sans Bold Condensed Titling No. 1 Roman
display matrices:[54]
525: Gill Sans Bold Condensed Titling Roman
display matrices:[110]
468: Gill Sans Bold Extra Condensed Eoman
display matrices:[22]
_L8: Gill Sans Bold Timetable Roman
317: Gill Sans Bold Titling Roman
display matrices:[111]
233: Gill Sans Cameo Roman
display matrices:[54]
299: Gill Sans Cameo Ruled Roman
display matrices:[54]
485: Gill Sans Condensed Roman
composition matrices: Roman: UA.499 = 10-12pt[112]
display matrices:
321: Gill Sans Extra Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.336 = 6D-12pt[60]
display matrices:
526: Gill Sans Extra Bold Titling Roman
display matrices:[23]
526: Gill Sans Extra Heavy Titling (see: 526 Gill Sans Extra Bold Titling)
362: Gill Sans Light Roman/italic
composition matrices: Roman: UA.82 = 4.5-14pt, italic: UA.311 = 5-14pt[86]
display matrices:
662: Gill Sans Light No. 2 Roman (synonym: Gill Sans Light, see also: Gill Sans 349)
composition matrices: Roman: UA.345 = 5pt[108]
353: Gill Sans Poster Roman
display matrices:[113]
406: Gill Sans Shadow No. 1 Roman
display matrices:[46]
408: Gill Sans Shadow No. 2 Roman
display matrices:[23]
338: Gill Sans Shadow No. 3 Roman
display matrices:[114]
290: Gill Sans Shadow Line Roman
display matrices:[109]
304: Gill Sans Shadow Titling Roman
display matrices:[115]
231: Gill Sans Titling Roman
composition matrices: UA.84 = 6pt in 4 sizes, 12pt[38]
display matrices:
262: Gill Sans-Serif (see: 262 Gill Sans)
349: Gill Sans-Serif (see: 349 Gill Sans)
353: Gill Sans-Serif (see: 353 Gill Sans Poster)
275: Gill Sans-Serif Bold (see: 275 Gill Sans Bold)
350: Gill Sans-Serif Bold (see: 350 Gill Sans Bold)
343: Gill Sans-Serif Bold Condensed (see: 343 Gill Sans Bold Condensed)
468: Gill Sans-Serif Bold Extra Condensed (see: 465 Gill Sans Bold Extra Condensed)
233: Gill Sans-Serif Cameo (see: 233 Gill Sans Cameo)
299: Gill Sans-Serif Cameo Ruled (see: 299 Gill Sans Cameo Ruled)
373: Gill Sans-Serif Extra Bold Titling (see: 373 Gill Sans Bold Condensed Titling)
321: Gill Sans-Serif Extra Heavy (see: 321 Gill Sans Extra Bold)
485: Gill Sans-Serif Medium Condensed (see: 485 Gill Sans Condensed)
362: Gill Sans-Serif Light (see: 362 Gill Sans Light)
304: Gill Sans-Serif Shadow (see: 304 Gill Sans Shadow Titling)
406: Gill Sans-Serif Shadow No. 1 (see: 406 Gill Sans Shadow No. 1)
408: Gill Sans-Serif Shadow No. 2 (see: 408 Gill Sans Shadow No. 2)
290: Gill Sans-Serif Shadowline (see: 290 Gill Sans Shadow Line)
231: Gill Sans-Serif Titling (see: 231 Gill Sans Titling)
317: Gill Sans-Serif Titling (see: 317 Gill Sans Bold Titling)
338: Gill Sans-Serif Two Colour (see: 338 Gill Sans Shadow No. 3)
442: Gill Sans-Serif Ultra Bold (see: 442 Gill Sans Ultra Bold)
442: Gill Sans Ultra Bold Roman
display matrices:[116]
Alternative characters for 262, 275, 362
103: Gloucester Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.5 = 6-13.5pt,[117]
display matrices:
198: Gloucester Bold Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.60 = 6-12pt,[31]
display matrices:
243: Gloucester Bold Extended Roman
composition matrices: UA.75 = 6-12pt,[22]
display matrices:
395: Gloucester Bold Extra Condensed Roman
display matrices: 14-72pt[23]
160: Gloucester Bold Italic
composition matrices: UA.3 = 6-12pt,[22]
396: Gloucester Extra Condensed Roman
display matrices: 14-72pt[86]
_99: Gloucester Old Style Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.4 = 6-13.5pt,[31]
large composition: 18pt (18D) UA.116, Roman/italic, 24pt (24D) UA.117, Roman/italic
display matrices:
__4: Gothic (synonym: Grotesque Condensed) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices UA.1B 6pt - 12pt[118]
269: Goudy Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.88 = 6-14pt,[119]
display matrices:
441: Goudy Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.382 = 6-12pt,[120]
268: Goudy Cataloque Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.83 = 6-14pt,[98]
display matrices:
364: Goudy Cataloque Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 5-6pt, UA.419 = 7pt-7.75pt,[46]
214: Goudy Extra Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.88 = 6-14pt,[121]
display matrices:
249: Goudy Modern Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.87 = 10-12pt,[122]
display matrices:
291: Goudy Old Style Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.312 = 6-14pt, long descenders available, Swash capitals in: 42, 60, 72pt[94]
display matrices:
292: Goudy Text (gotisch schrift)
composition matrices: UA.339 = 9-12pt, can be combined with 293 Lombardic Capitals[123]
display matrices:
439: Goudy Titling Roman
533: Gravura Roman (cancelled in 1965)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 12pt[124]
388: Grock Roman
display matrices:[11]
493: Grosvenor Script italic
display matrices:[125]
_11: Grotesque (see: 11 Grotesque Bold Condensed)
_33: Grotesque (see: 33 Grotesque Condensed)
_51: Grotesque Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.2 = 6-12pt, UA.124 = 14pt-18pt, UA.125= 24pt[126]
large composition:
display matrices:
126: Grotesque (see: 126 Grotesque Light No. 1)
215: Grotesque Roman/italic (synonym: Grotesque No. 1)
composition matrices: 5pt = roman UA.421 and intslic UA.429, 6.5pt-13pt = roman UA.65 and italic UA.401[127]
display matrices:
216: Grotesque (see: 216 Grotesque Bold)
274: Grotesque (see: 274 Grotesque Light Condensed)
389: Grotesque No. 2 (see: 389 Grotesque Light)
212: Grotesque Roman (cancelled in 1964)
composition matrices: UA.62 = 6.5pt[128]
_73: Grotesque Bold No. 3 Roman
composition matrices: UA.3 = 6-13pt[129]
_97: Grotesque Bold Roman (in red: withdrawn around 197(?) )
composition matrices: UA.2 = 7.7pt[130]
216: Grotesque Bold No. 2 Roman/italic combines with Series No. 215 Grotesque
composition matrices: 6.5pt-13pt = UA.66[131]
display matrices:
680: Grotesque Bold Roman (see: Bell Gothic 619)
composition matrices UA.502 6pt[132]
_11: Grotesque Bold Condensed (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA-2, 6pt & 9pt (synonym: Grotesque)[133]
_15: Grotesque Bold Condensed No. 2 Roman/italic (synonym: series 15 Sans Serif)
composition matrices Roman: UA.2 = 6pt - 12pt[134]
6pt (6D) with short descenders: 6.5 set line .1225
display matrices:
365: Grotesque Bold Condensed (synonym: 365 Heavy Narrow Gothic) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices UA.333 = 10pt - 12pt[135]
_81: Grotesque Bold Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.2 = 10pt[136]
166: Grotesque Bold Condensed No. 4 (synonym: 166 Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling)
composition matrices: UA.403 = 12pt, UA.121 = 14pt[137]
large composition:
display matrices:
166: Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling Roman (see: 166 Grotesque Bold Condensed No. 4)
527: Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling Roman
display matrices:[138]
150: Grotesque Bold Extended No. 1 Roman/italic
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt, 7pt and 9pt only italic[139]
large composition:
display matrices:
168: Grotesque Bold Extended (cancelled in 1967)
524: Grotesque Bold Titling Roman
display matrices:[140]
_33: Grotesque Condensed No. 2 Roman
composition matrices: UA.2 = 6pt-13.5pt[141]
large composition, UA.395 = 22pt :
display matrices:
318: Grotesque Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.388 = 5D, 6pt, UA.300 = 6D-13pt[122]
display matrices:
383: Grotesque Condensed No. 4 Roman
composition matrices: UA.341 = 5D-12D[142]
display matrices:
__4: Grotesque Condensed (see: Gothic Series No. 4)
383: Grotesque Condensed Heavy (see: 383 Grotesque Condensed)
523: Grotesque Condensed Titling Roman
display matrices:[140]
215: Grotesque Half Fat (see: 215 Grotesque No. 1)
126: Grotesque Light No. 1 Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.420/UA.431 = 5pt-5.5pt, UA.64/UA.396 = 6.5pt-13pt[140]
display matrices:
389: Grotesque Light (synonym: 389 Grotesque No. 2) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.2 = 8pt-12pt[143]
274: Grotesque Light Condensed No. 2 Roman
composition matrices: UA.427 =5D, UA.94 = 6D-13pt[144]
204: Grotesque Light Condensed (synonym: 204 Light face Gothic) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.58 = 12pt[145]
display matrices:
405: Grotesque Light Condensed (cancelled in 1967)
405: Grotesque Narrow (see: 405 Grotesque Light Condensed)
177: Grotesque Newspaper Smalls (see: 177 Newspaper Small Ads)
216: Grotesque 34 Fat (see: 216 Grotesque Bold No. 1)
502: Grotesque Timetable (cancelled in 1967)
524: Grotesque Titling (see: 524 Grotesque Bold Titling)
208: Gwendolin (cancelled in 1967)
484: Gustavus Bold (cancelled in 1965)
497: Gustavus Light (cancelled in 1965)


531: Haarlemmer Roman (withdrawn in 1967) design: Jan van Krimpen
composition matrices: UA.408 = 14D[146]
_52: Half Fat Modern Mediaeval Roman (synonym: 52 Schurmann Antiqua Halbfette) (withdrawn in 196(?) )
composition matrices: UA.5[147]
595: Headline Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.443 = 6-14pt[148]
display matrices:
223: Heavy Antique (see: Devonshire Bold)
282: Heavy Egyptian (see: 282 Egyptian Bold Condensed) (synonym Egyptian Heavy)
365: Heavy Narrow Gothic (see: 365 Grotesque Bold Condensed) (cancelled in 1967)
435: Heavy Shadow French (cancelled in ??)
337: Heavy Small Caps (cancelled in 1974)
765: Helvetica Roman/italic
combines with 766 Helvetica Medium, equivalent with Stempel's Helvetica halbfett, and Linotype Helvetica Bold
composition matrices: UA.508 = 6D-12D[13]
766: Helvetica Medium Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.508 = 6D-12D[13]
261: Horley Old Face Heavy (see: 261 Horley Old Style Bold)
188: Horley Old Style (replaced by 199, cancelled in 1965)
199: Horley Old Style Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.56 = 6-13pt, UA.362 = 14pt[97]
large composition: Roman = UA.367
display matrices:
261: Horley Old Style Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.80 = 6-13pt[141]
display matrices:
composition matrices, 12pt, no italic available
Design: Russell Maret, a revival of a typeface cut in 1686 by Peter van Walpengen for Bishop John Fell of Oxford. After 50 years this was in 2020 the first design for a font to cast in composition.[149]


101: Imprint Roman/italic
combines with series 310 or 410
composition matrices: UA.4 = 6-12pt, UA.4a = 13.5pt[150]
large composition:
display matrices:
310: Imprint Bold Roman/italic
combines with series 101
composition matrices: UA.98 = 6pt-13.5pt[140]
410: Imprint Bold No. 2 Roman/italic
combines with series 101
composition matrices: 6-13.5pt[151]
310: Imprint Heavy No. 1 (see: 310 Imprint Bold)
410: Imprint Heavy No. 2 (see: 410 Imprint Bold)
101: Imprint Old Face (see: 101 Imprint)
190: Imprint Shadow Roman/italic
display matrices[152]
462: Indicateur (cancelled in 1967)
366: Inflex Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.344 = 5pt-9pt, combines with: Series No. 342 Ionic[153]
503: Inflex Timetable (see: Bold Face)
__6: Ionic (see: 6 Modern no.4) (cancelled in 1967)
265: Ionic No. 1 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.321 = 6pt-6.5pt[154]
342: Ionic No. 2 Roman/italic (see also: 562 Ionic 2-line
composition matrices: UA.317 = 5pt-9pt[79]
184: Ionic No. 3 Roman (synonym : 184 Egyptian) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.51 = 6pt[72]
153: Ionic No. 4 Roman (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 8pt[11]
416: Ionic No. 5 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 7D-8D[155]
451: Ionic No. 6 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.380 = 6pt-7pt[156]
476: Ionic (destroyed in a bombardment)
562: Ionic Two-line Roman only 10 pt high capitals, numbers and signs (see also: 342 Ionic)
composition matrices: UA.317(?) = 5pt,[79]
In a die case combined with series 342-5pt this produces 10pt large initials, to produce advertisements. All can be done in one machine-run.
_23: Iroquois Condensed Roman (cancelled in 1964)
UA.2, 8pt, 10pt, 12 pt[11]
108: Italian Old Style Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.4 = 6pt-13pt[79]
display matrices:
149: Italian Old Style Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.5 = 6pt-13pt[114]
display matrices:
149: Italian Old Style Display (see: 149 Italian Bold Style Bold & Veronese (typeface))
_54: Italic Display (see: 54 Modern Bold Italic)


579: Jacno (experimental)
646: Janson (cancelled in 1972)
Am. 401 Janson Roman
Am. 4011 Janson italic
Am. 58 Jenson Old Style[157]
Am. 258 Jenson Condensed
478: Joanna Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.449 = 8pt-14pt[158]
display matrices:
369: Jocunda Roman only capitals, numbers and signs (cancelled in 1967)
display matrices:[14]


311: Kaatskill (cancelled in 1967)
305: Kino Roman
display matrices:[159]
593: Klang italic
display matrices:[105]


490: Lamp (cancelled)
__9: Latin Antique Roman
composition matrices: UA-2 (6-13pt) (synonym: Latin Antique)[160]
_60: Latin Antique Roman (synonym: 60 Latin Antique No. 2
composition matrices: UA.2 = 8-12pt[161]
_78: Latin Antique Roman
composition matrices: UA.2 = 6-13pt[66]
_84: Latin Antique (cancelled) (synonym: 84 Latin Antique no. 4)
composition matrices: UA.2 = 6-12pt[162]
419: Latin Condensed Roman
display matrices:[62]
164: Latin Wide (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.19 = 8pt[163]
450: Laudian Old Style Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 5.5pt-7.75pt[164]
454: Laudian Old Style (destroyed by bombs)
538: Lectern Missal Roman (see: Missal 393)
348: Leysbourne (cancelled in 1965)
12 pt 10.5 set line.1325 UA.359[165]
505: Light Extra Condensed (see: 505 Placard light Extra Condensed)
204: Light Face Gothic (see: 204 Grotesque Light Condensed)
113: Light Face Plantin (see: 113 Plantin Light)
522: Light Placard Titling (see: 522 Placard Condensed Titling)
475: Light Script (see: 475 Script Light)
284: Littleworth (cancelled in 1967)
UA.=317, composition: 12pt = 10.5 set line.1336, 16pt display matrices line.1557[166]
293: Lombardic Capitals (see: 292 Goudy Text 292)
517: L.P.T.B. Titling (cancelled in 1965)
255: Lutetia Roman/italic
composition matrices Unit arrangements different for each size[167]
display matrices:


347: Mardersteig
Never produced, only one proof-set was made for Giovanni Mardersteig himself. The matrices were lost.
496: Matura script
display matrices:[168]
528: Matura scriptorial Capitals (combines with 496 Matura)
display matrices:[168]
125: Mediaeval Roman (cancelled in 1965)
134: Mediaeval Roman (cancelled in 1965)
136: Mediaeval Roman (cancelled in 1965)
_88: Mediaeval Modern (see: 88 Modern Mediaeval)
_52: Mediaeval Modern Half-Fat (see: 52 Half-Fat Modern Mediaeval) (synonyms: 52 Schurmann Antiqua Halbfette, Half-Fat Modern Mediaeval) (cancelled in 196?)
_67: Mediaeval Old Style (see: 67 Old Style)
397: Menhart Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.378 = 10D-14[169]
display matrices:
583: Mercurius Bold Script
display matrices:[170]
336: Missal
393: Missal Roman
448: Missal No. 3
459: Missal No. 4
__1: Modern No. 1 Roman/italic
1901, after a design of Miller & Richards
composition matrices: UA-1 (6-12pt), UA-1a(14pt),[171]
_80: Modern No. 2 (cancelled in 1967)
190?, composition matrices: UA-1,[133]
189: Modern No. 3 Roman/italic
190?, composition matrices: UA-1,[172]
__6: Modern No. 4 (cancelled in 1967) (synonym: Ionic)
190?, composition matrices: UA-1,[173]
_95: Modern No. 5 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA-1 = 11pt[174]
250: Modern No. 6 Roman (synonym: 250 Modern Condensed no.5)
composition matrices: UA.92 = 6.5pt UA=418 = 7D[39]
422: Modern No. 7 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1965)
composition matrices: UA.376 = 12 pt[175]
471: Modern No. 8 Roman (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 8D-10D[176]
183: Modern Roman (synonym: 183 Modern no. 6) (cancelled in 1967)
display matrices,[177]
211: Modern Roman (see: 211 Century no.1)
257: Modern (synonym: 257 Modern Wide)
composition matrices: UA.1[161]
444: Modern (cancelled in 1936)
570: Modern Bold Roman, combines with: Modern Series No. 7
composition matrices: UA.2,[178]
_54: Modern Bold Italic italic (synonym: 54 Italic-Display)
composition matrices: UA.3 = 6-12pt[179]
display matrices:
263: Modern Cancellation Fount Roman (see: 263 Modern Extended 17)
_13: Modern Condensed No. 1 Roman/italic
composition matrices UA.1 = 6pt[180]
_14: Modern Condensed No. 2 Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 7 pt[181]
_39: Modern Condensed No. 3 Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1,[182]
_79: Modern Condensed No. 4 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1965)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 11pt[183]
250: Modern Condensed No. 5 Roman
composition matrices: UA.92 = 6.5pt, UA.418 = 7D[39]
__7: Modern Extended No. 1 Roman/italic,
1902, some bit wider version of Modern no.1
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6pt-12pt[99]
_77: Modern Extended No. 2 Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices, UA1 = 9pt-11pt[99]
447: Modern Extended No. 3 (cancelled in 1965)
composition matrices, UA1 = 8D-9D[29]
237: Modern French
247: Modern French (cancelled in 1965)
_88: Modern Mediaeval (cancelled in 1964)
_52: Modern Mediaeval (Half-Fat) (see: 52 Half-Fat Modern Mediaeval) (synonyms: 52 Schurmann Antiqua Halbfette, Half-Fat Modern Mediaeval) (cancelled in 196?)
500: Modern Timetable (cancelled in 1967)
179: Modern Titling Roman/italic (synonyms: 179 Titling 179, Titling Italic)
composition matrices: UA.1 = UA.8-12pt[184]
_16: Modern Wide No. 1 Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 5pt[185]
_18: Modern Wide No. 2 Roman/italic (synonym: Modern Wide)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6pt[186]
_25: Modern Wide No. 3 Roman/italic (synonym: Modern Wide, also referred to as: Romano)
composition matrices UA.2 = 6pt - 12pt[187]
_26: Modern Wide No. 4 Roman/italic (synonym: Modern Wide)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 4.5pt-5pt[67]
_30: Modern Wide No. 5 Roman/italic (synonym: Modern Wide)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 7pt-8pt[188]
_75: Modern Wide No. 6 (synonym: 75 Modern Wide) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 7Dt[99]
257: Modern Wide No. 7 (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 10pt-11pt[189]
a297: Modernistic (Sorts) (cancelled vóór 1966)
537: Morrison Face (cancelled in 1964)
351: Monoline Script
210: Musical signs
382: Musical signs


294: Narrow Bembo Italic (see: 294 Bembo Condensed Italic)
166: Narrow Gothic (see: 166 Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling)
527: Narrow Gothic Titling (see: 527 Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling)
405: Narrow Grotesque (see: 405 Grotesque Light Condensed)
402: Nastaliq (cancelled)
_27: Neo Didot Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5-13pt[130]
_65: Neo Didot Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6.5-13pt[141]
617: New Clarendon Roman/italic combines with: 618 New Clarendon Bold
composition matrices: UA.481 = 6-14pt[190]
display matrices:
618: New Clarendon Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.481 = 6-14pt[190]
display matrices:
610: New Emerald Bible
606: New Face (cancelled in 1964)
607: New Face Bold (cancelled in 1964)
615: New Grotesque (cancelled in 1974) (apart from "A")
616: New Grotesque Bold (cancelled in 1974) (apart from "A")
666: New Grotesque Light (cancelled in 1967) (apart from "A")
229: News Advertisements (see: Newspaper Small Ads)
177: Newspaper Small Ads (cancelled in 1965)
229: Newspaper Small Ads (cancelled in 1965)
115: Newspaper Smalls Roman (cancelled vóór 1966)
Available matrices: capitals, small capitals and lower case plus double large capitals and numbers.
These four alphabets could be cast in one machine-run, the double capitals overhanging at the bottom, relying on the "high-white" of neighbouring character. These high-blanks were cast from a blank matrix and adapted exactly under the overhanging characters.
composition matrices: UA.30 = 5.5-7pt[161]
163: Newspaper Smalls (cancelled in 1967)
193: Newspaper Smalls (cancelled in 1965)
333: Newspaper Smalls (The Times) (see: Times Newspaper Smalls)
335: Newspaper Smalls (The Times) (see: Times Newspaper Smalls)


603 : Octavian Roman/italic
Design: about 1960 by Will Carter and David Kindersley. Used the first time in June 1961 for a text taken from the introduction to Stanley Morison's "The Typographic Book", intended for the members of the "Double Crown Club".
composition matrices: UA.485 = 14pt[120]
456: Old English text frakture typeface
composition matrices: UA.318 = 8-12pt[94]
display matrices:
356: Old English Text frakture typeface (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.318 = 8-12pt[94]
456: Old English Text Light (see: 456 Old English Text)
_43: Old Face (see: _43 Scotch Roman No. 3)
_46: Old Face (see: _46 Scotch Roman No. 1)
137: Old Face (see: 137 Scotch Roman No. 2)
154: Old Face (see: 154 Chiswell Old Face)
240: Old Face (cancelled in 1964)
composition matrices: UA.385 = 9pt[191]
159: Old Face Heavy (see: 159 Old Style Bold No. 2)
_20: Old Face (Special) (cancelled in 1967)
UA.6, 6.5pt - 12 pt[192]
_45: Old Face Standard (cancelled in 1967)
__2: Old Style No. 2 Roman/italic
UA.1: 6 tot 12 punt, UA.1a: 14pt[193]
151: Old Style No. 4 Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.20 = 6-11pt, UA.20a = 12pt, UA.52 = 14pt[194]
large composition: Roman = UA.133 italic = UA.358
18pt (18D) Roman/italic, 24Pt (24D) Roman
display matrices:
_67: Old Style Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
UA.1 = 9-12pt[195]
104: Old Style Roman/italic(cancelled in 1964)
UA.1 = 11pt[195]
__3: Old Style Antique (see: __3 Antique Old Style)
124: Old Style Antique (see: 124 Antique Old Style)
161: Old Style Antique (see: 161 Antique Old Style)
232: Old Style Antique Italic (cancelled in 1965)
_53: Old Style Bold No. 1 Roman/italic[196]
composition matrices: UA.3,3a: 53-12 italic, 53-14 & 18 : UA 100, 53-24: UA 101, italic: UA 76
Large composition matrices only available in roman.
159: Old Style Bold No. 2 Roman
composition matrices: UA.32 = 8-12pt, UA.112 = 14pt[39]
large composition: UA.112
display matrices:
544: Old Style Bold No. 5 Roman
composition matrices: UA.2 = 6-12pt[197]
253: Old Style Bold (synonym: 253 Bold Face No. 2) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.3 = 8-9pt[102]
245: Old Style Bold Italic italic (synonym: 245 Bold Face Italic No. 2) (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.76 = 8-12pt[161]
176: Old Style Bold Outline Roman
composition matrices: UA.100 = 12pt[161]
large composition: UA.100
display matrices:
__8: Old Style Condensed Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
UA.1, = one size only: 10pt (9D) = 9 set, line.1295[99]
_50: Old Style Condensed (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.1 = 8-10pt[198]
_55: Old Style Italic Display (see: 55 Gloucester Bold Italic)
122: Old Style (Prumyslava) Roman
591: Onyx Roman
Onyx was created in 1937 and was inspired by the Stephanie typeface created by Bauer Type Foundry in 1870.[199]
display matrices:[150]
Am 404): Onyx Roman
652: Opus (cancelled in 1966)
246: Othello Roman capitals
composition matrices: UA.85 = 10pt-12[200]
display matrices:
248: Othello Shadow (cancelled in 1967)
176: Outline (see: 176 Old Style Bold Outline)


429: Palace Script italic
Overhanging character that can only be cast with special moulds.
display matrices:[201]
206: Pastonchi Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.69 = 9-13 pt, UA.175 = 14D.[202]
display matrices:
508: Pegasus Roman
display matrices:[177]
613: Petita script
display matrices[203]
239: Perpetua Roman/italic
introduction: 1930, design: Eric Gill,
composition matrices UA.96 = 5.5pt - 18pt[204]
large-composition matrices: 18pt(18D) 16.5 set line T.1635
display matrices:
316: Perpetua No. 3 (cancelled in 1967)
registered design No. 751804,
composition matrices: UA.96 = 9pt[205]
386: Perpetua No. 2 (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.96 = 14pt[206]
461: Perpetua Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices UA.379 = 6pt - 14pt[207]
display matrices:
200: Perpetua Bold Titling Roman
composition matrices: UA. 145 : 12pt(12D) = 11.25 set line.1753[208]
display matrices:
480: Perpetua Light Titling Roman[209]
display matrices:
561: Perpetua Semi-Bold (cancelled in 1963)
258: Perpetua Titling Roman
composition matrices: UA. 97 = 10pt - 12pt[22]
display matrices:
543: Perpetua Titling (cancelled in 1967)
480: Perpetua Titling Light Face (see: 480 Perpetua Light Titling)
411: Pierre Didot (cancelled in 1965)
composition matrices: UA.375 = 9pt[210]
453: Pitman's i.t.a. (see: Ehrhardt 453)
573: Pitman's i.t.a. (see: Ehrhardt Semi Bold 573)
506: Placard Bold Condensed No. 1 Roman
composition matrices: UA.387 = 6D-12D[152]
display matrices:
515: Placard Bold Condensed No. 2 Roman
display matrices:[211]
568: Placard Condensed Roman (synonym: 568 Placard Medium Condensed)
composition matrices: UA.387 = 6D-12D[152]
display matrices:
522: Placard Condensed Roman (see: 522 Placard Condensed Titling)
522: Placard Condensed Titling Roman (synonym: 522 Placard Condensed)
display matrices:[212]
505: Placard light Extra Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.387 = 10D[152]
display matrices:
568: Placard Medium Condensed (see: 568 Placard Condensed)
110: Plantin Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.4 = 5.5pt-12pt, UA.4a= 13.5pt, UA.363 = 14pt[213]
large composition matrices:
display matrices:
194: Plantin Bold Roman/italic
can be combined with: 110 Plantin and 113/773 Plantin light
composition matrices: Roman UA.5 = 6pt-12pt, italic UA.3 = 6pt-12pt, UA.5a= 13.5pt, UA.158/159 = 14pt[214]
display matrices:
287: Plantin Bold (synonym: 287 Plantin Heavy No. 2) (cancelled in 1968)
composition matrices: UA.5 = 6.5pt-7.5pt[66]
236: Plantin Bold Condensed Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.72 = 6pt-14pt[39]
display matrices:
289: Plantin Condensed Roman/italic (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.4 = 7.5ptt[215]
194: Plantin Heavy (see: 194 Plantin Bold)
236: Plantin Heavy Condensed (see: 236 Plantin Bold Condensed)
287: Plantin Heavy No. 2 (see: 287 Plantin Bold)
113: Plantin Light Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.4 = 6pt-12pt[216]
large composition matrices:
display matrices:
773: Plantin Light Roman/italic
113: Plantin Light Face (see: 113 Plantin Light)
composition matrices: UA.4 = 10pt-11pt[214]
The two sizes of Series 773 are alternatives for Series 113, with identical set and lining', for use in combination with Series 194 and 663. Other sizes of Series 113 comply with this.
281: Plantin Old Style No. 2 (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.305 = 9pt-11pt[102]
663: Plantin Semi Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: Roman=UA.5, italic= UA.3, 6pt-12pt[214]
438: Plantin Titling Roman
display matrices:[217]
139: Plate Gothic (see: 139 Spartan Light)
140: Plate Gothic (see: 140 Spartan)
141: Plate Gothic (see: 141 Spartan Bold)
142: Plate Gothic (see: 142 Spartan Light Condensed)
143: Plate Gothic (see: 143 Spartan Condensed)
145: Plate Gothic (see: 145 Spartan Wide)
144: Plate Gothic Italic (see: 144 Spartan Italic)
170: Poliphilus Roman
composition matrices: UA.53: 10pt - 13pt, for the italic see: 119 Blado Italic[39]
large-composition matrices: 16pt = UA.139
display matrices:
230: Poliphilus Titling Roman
display matrices in 2 sizes[39]
394, Poltawski Roman
composition matrices: UA.156: 6D, 8D, 10D, 12D[218]
398: Poltawski Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.156: 6D, 8D, 10D, 12D[218]
532: Prayer Book Face (OUP) (cancelled)


371: Rockwell Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.338 = 6-14pt:[122]
display matrices:
391: Rockwell Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.338 = 6-14pt, combines with: 371 Rockwell[122]
display matrices:
359: Rockwell Bold Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.411 = 11pt[219]
display matrices:
414: Rockwell Condensed Roman
display matrices:[220]
424: Rockwell Extra Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.162 = 6-12pt[221]
display matrices:
424: Rockwell Extra Heavy (see: 424 Rockwell Extra Bold)
391: Rockwell Heavy (see: 391 Rockwell Bold)
359: Rockwell Heavy Condensed (see: 359 Rockwell Bold Condensed)
390: Rockwell Light Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.338 = 6-14pt[122]
display matrices:
582: Rockwell Light Condensed (Film Sub-titles) Roman/italic
175: Rockwell Shadow Roman
display matrices:[140]
175: Rockwell Shadow Titling (see: Rockwell Shadow)
458: Romulus Roman/italic
Jan van Krimpen started in 1931 with the design of this typeface, which eventually led to a whole font family. With the permission of the firm Enschede & Sons in Haarlem, "Series 458" was cut in 1936. It was a contemporary font that combined characteristics of many old fonts. The colour is matched to antique characters, but the serifs are almost horizontal and vertical. The font runs quite wide and the color is fairly light. The italic is an experiment: the oblique Roman is of the same width as the Roman.
composition matrices: UA.405 = 8D-14D[222]
large composition: UA.406
display matrices:
520: Romulus Bold Roman/italic (synonym: 520 Van Krimpen Bold)
composition matrices: UA.405 = 8D-14D[37]
_10: Ronaldson Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA-1 (6-12pt) (synonym: Ronaldson Old style)[223]
_10: Ronaldson Old Style (see: Ronaldson)
420 : Runic Condensed Roman


This font was designed by Jan Tschichold. Characters for hand composing can (still) be ordered from the company D. Stempel AG (foundry) in formerly Frankfurt (now Darmstadt); Linotype matrices were available at Linotype GmbH (Berlin and Frankfurt); and Monotype matrices could be ordered from the Monotype Setzmachinen-Fabrik GMbH (Frankfurt and Berlin). This can still be done at the Type Museum in London, because the "patterns" and punches and production archives survived there.
The shape of the letter was identical for all three systems. Hand-composing type could be mixed with Linotype and Monotype composition rules. The letter had a limited success. There was also criticism: the letter suffered from the combined disadvantages of the three systems. For example: the Roman and italic faces are as wide as those on a Linotype matrix when combined. And Jan van Krimpen had objections to what he considered the too rigid unit-system of Monotype.
669: Sabon Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.503 8D-12D[79]
693: Sabon Semi-Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.503 8D-12D[79]
499: Sachsenwald Mager (cancelled in 1965)
_15: Sans-Serif (see: 15 Grotesque Bold Condensed No. 2)
_81: Sans-Serif (see: 81 Grotesque Bold Condensed)
267: Sans-Serif (cancelled in 1965)
318: Sans-Serif Condensed (see: 318 Grotesque Condensed)
186: Schmale Nürnburger Gotisch fraktuur (cancelled in 1965)
display matrices in 6 sizes[224]
_22: Schoeffer (cancelled in 1964)
composition matrices UA.2, 8pt, 10pt, 12 pt[225]
_52: Schurmann Antiqua Halbfette Roman (synonym: 52 Modern Mediaeval (Half-Fat) (cancelled in 1967)
_46: Scotch Roman Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.1 = 6-12pt[10]
137: Scotch Roman Roman/italic
composition matrices: 8-12pt[141]
large composition: UA.144 = Roman, UA.151 = italic
display matrices:
322: Script (see: 322 Script Bold)
574: Script Ashley (see: 574 Ashley Script)
322: Script Bold script
display matrices:[78]
436: Script Dorchester (see: 436 Dorchester Script)
493: Script Grosvenor (see: 493 Grosvenor Script)
475: Script Light
display matrices:[226]
351: Script Monoline (see: 351 Monoline Script)
429: Script Palace (see: 429 Palace Script)
455: Script Temple (see: 455 Temple Script)
385: Script Wenceslas (see: 385 Wenceslas Script) (cancelled in 196?)
434: Shadow French (cancelled)
234: Shakespeare Titling (cancelled in 1967)
display matrices:[227]
552: Sheldon
276: Solus Roman (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.320 = 12pt-14pt[228]
display matrices:
368: Solus Bold Roman (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.320 = 12pt-14pt[228]
368: Solus Heavy (see: Solus Bold)
Imitation of stone inscriptions of chopped capitals: the font contains only capital letters, numbers, and punctuation. Each size has of the capitals four sizes, which can be combined, with the little ones functioning as lower case.
140: Spartan Roman
composition matrices: UA.16 = 6-12pt[130]
large composition: UA.157 = 24pt
display matrices:
141: Spartan Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.18 = 6-12pt[222]
display matrices:
143: Spartan Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.18 = 6-12pt[229]
144: Spartan Italic italic
composition matrices: UA.18 = 6-12pt[229]
139: Spartan Light Roman
composition matrices: UA.18 = 6-12pt[217]
display matrices:
142: Spartan Light Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.18 = 6-12pt[151]
145: Spartan Wide Roman
composition matrices: UA.18 = 6-12pt[226]
556: Spectrum Roman/italic
This font designed by Jan van Krimpen was originally intended for printing a Bible at the Spectrum publishing house in Utrecht (Netherlands). The project was cancelled. Nevertheless, the font was rather successful. Therefore, in collaboration with Enschede & Sons it was decided to cut the complete series. The font is open and seems fairly robust. The character produces a fairly compact composition.
composition matrices: UA. 428 = 6D-12D[71]
display matrices:
196: Surrey Old Style Roman (cancelled in 1967)
display matrices:[230]
583: Swing Bold script
display matrices:[230]


455: Temple Script
composition matrices: UA.386 = 10D-12D[231]
display matrices:
355: The Times Hever Titling Roman (synonym: 355 Times Hever Titling)
composition matrices: UA.323 = 9pt-12pt[186]
display matrices:
334: Times Bold Roman/italic
to be used in combination with Times New Roman Series 327
composition matrices: Roman = UA.324, italic = UA 325, 5.5pt-14pt[232]
matrices for long-descenders are available in several sizes
display matrices:
345: Times Bold No. 2 Roman (see also: 360 Times Bold)
composition matrices: UA.324 = 5pt-6pt[229]
360: Times Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.324 = 5pt-6pt[229]
328: Times Bold Titling No. 2 Roman
composition matrices: UA.324 = 5pt-6pt[229]
display matrices:
332: Times Bold Titling Roman
display matrices:[233]
639: Times Cosmoli Titling (cancelled in 1966)
339: Times Extended Titling Roman
composition matrices: UA.327 = 7pt-14pt[234]
display matrices:
569: Times Four-line Mathematics
355: Times Hever Titling (see:355 The Times Hever Titling)
333: Times Newspaper Smalls
335: Times Newspaper Smalls
329: Times Titling Roman
composition matrices: UA.328 = 14pt[93]
display matrices:
358: Times Titling (cancelled in 1967)
327: Times New Roman Roman/italic
421: Times New Roman Semi-bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.325 = 7pt-14pt[203]
display matrices:
427: Times New Roman Wide Roman/italic
627: Times New Roman Book Roman/italic
Series 627 consist of the special "long-descender" characters and the normal "non-descender" characters of Series 427
composition matrices: UA.327 = 7pt-14pt[235]
large composition: UA.426, 14pt only Roman
display matrices:
474: Times New Roman Heavy Book (destroyed in a bombardment)
727: Times New Roman (Light Caps) Roman
827: Times New Roman (French) Roman/italic (see: Times New Roman 727)
alternative matrices for:
small capitals and Roman capitals C G Q R Ç
italic capitals C Q R and lower case g and k
composition matrices: UA.325 = 6pt-12pt[45]
179: Titling (see: 179 Modern Titling)
synonyms: 179 Titling Modern No. 1, 179 Titling Italic
180: Titling (see: 180 Victoria Bold Condensed Titling) (synonym: 180 Victoria Bold Condensed)
181: Titling (see: 181 Victoria Condensed Titling)
182: Titling (see: 182 Victoria Titling)
183: Titling (see: 183 Modern)
209: Titling (see: 209 Caslon Titling)
234: Titling (see: 234 Shakespeare Titling)
440: Titling (cancelled in 1965)
522: Titling (see: 522 Placard Condensed Titling)
332: Titling Bold (The Times) (see: 332 Times Bold Titling)
__H: Titling (Caps) Roman
180: Titling Condensed (see: 180 Victoria Bold Condensed Titling)
339: Titling Extended (The Times) (see: 339 Times Extended Titling)
328: Titling Heavy (The Times) (see: 328 Times Bold Titling)
355: Titling Hever (The Times) (see: 355 Times Hever Titling)
179: Titling Italic (cancelled before 1966) (see: 179 Modern Titling)
synonyms: 179 Titling 179 Modern Titling No. 1
179: Titling Modern No. 1 (see: 179 Modern Titling)
synonyms: 179 Titling, 179 Titling Italic
329: Titling (The Times) (see: 329 Times Titling)
325; Tonic-Sol-Fa
629: Traveller Roman
display matrices:[236]
226: Treyford
114: Trojan Roman (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.81 = 9pt-11pt[237]
display matrices:
Typewriter is a general style of fonts. All characters are of the same width, or "monospaced"; they are cast with a "flat" wedge. Consequently, all the typewriter font characters are cast with the same die case layout, key banks and wedge. There was more than enough space for all the underlined characters in the die case as well.
Printers used these fonts to print mailings for large companies. The print was made to look like a hand-typed personal letter. The press was covered with previously used, worn paper combined with a thin cloth silk tissue. In this way, the type did not receive equal pressure and ink on the paper. Thus it appeared that the letter was typed by a somewhat inexperienced secretary.
_82: Typewriter No. 1 Roman
composition matrices: UA.28 = 10pt-12pt[96]
100: Typewriter No. 2 Roman (see: 100 Typewriter 82)
105: Typewriter No. 3 Roman (see: 105 Typewriter 82)
127: Typewriter No. 4 Roman
composition matrices: UA.28 = 8pt-12pt[96]
235: Typewriter No. 5 Elite Roman (see: 235 Typewriter 82)
301: Typewriter No. 6 Elite Roman (see: 301 Typewriter 82)
602: Typewriter IBM "Executive" Roman
This font is an exception to the rule: it has character of different widths, "unit values". Therefore, a special wedge was needed to cast it. The keyboard also needed additional equipment: the key bars, a kind of mechanical arrangement to translate the keystrokes on the keyboard into the punches in the ribbon. For the print shop it was a very expensive font to purchase.
Underlined character were cast at 12 pt, with a 2pt wide stripe (Rule R39 2pt)
composition matrices: UA.442 = 14pt[238]
_82: Typewriter Underlined Roman
100: Typewriter Underlined Roman
105: Typewriter Underlined Roman


120: Ultra Bodoni (see: 120 Bodoni Ultra Bold)
Univers was developed in cooperation with the French type foundry Deberny & Peignot.
It was possible to cast characters in lining with the character bought in France.
693: Univers Bold Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.486 = 5D-12D, extra &: S16511, S16512, superior: L225,[115]
display matrices:
694: Univers Bold Condensed Roman/italic
692: Univers Bold Expanded Roman
composition matrices: UA.491 = 6D-10D, extra &: S16511, superior: L228,[46]
display matrices:
696: Univers Extra Bold Roman
composition matrices: UA.484 = 5D-12D, extra &: S16511, S16512, superior: L223, inferior: L255[239]
display matrices:
695: Univers Extra Bold Expanded Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.491 = 6D-10D, extra &: S16511, superiors: L268,[46]
display matrices:
684: Univers Extra Light Extra Condensed Roman/italic
display matrices: extra &: S16511, superior: L292,[214]
685: Univers Light Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.483 = 6D-12D, extra &: S16511, S16512, superior: L295,[240]
display matrices:
686: Univers Light Condensed Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.492 = 5D-12D, extra &: S16511, S16512, superiors: L250,[239]
display matrices:
687: Univers Light Extra Condensed Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.501 = 10D-12D, extra &: S16511, superior: L292,[241]
display matrices:
689: Univers Medium Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.483 = 5D-12D, extra &: S16511, S16512, superiors: L222, inferiors: L254[239]
display matrices:
690: Univers Medium Condensed Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.484 = 5D-12D, extra &: S16511, S16512, superior: L251[85]
5D was not supplied after 1969
display matrices:
688: Univers Medium Expanded Roman
composition matrices: UA.484 = 6D-10D, extra &: S16511, superior: L266[46]
display matrices:
691: Univers Medium Extra Condensed Roman
composition matrices: UA.500 = 8D-12D, extra &: S16511, superior: L263[46]
display matrices:
697: Univers Ultra Bold Expanded Roman
composition matrices: UA.490 = 6D-10D, extra &: S16511, superior: L269[46]
display matrices:


203: Van Dijck Roman.italic
composition matrices: UA.354 = 7pt-14pt[126]
large composition: UA.423
display matrices:
520: Van Krimpen Bold (see: 520 Romulus Bold)
_59: Veronese (cancelled in 1967)
composition matrices: UA.4 = 11pt-12pt[242]
large-composition matrices:
display matrices:
180: Victoria Bold Condensed Roman (see: 180 Victoria Bold Condensed Titling)
180: Victoria Bold Condensed Titling Roman (synonym: 180 Victoria Bold Condensed)
composition matrices: UA.49 = 10pt-12pt[140]
display matrices:
181: Victoria Condensed Titling Roman
composition matrices: UA.50 = 12pt[243]
display matrices:
182: Victoria Titling Roman (synonym: 182 Titling)
display matrices:[244]


374: Walbaum Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.349 = 6D-12D, UA.351 = 14pt, UA.352 = 14D, UA.353 = 16D[203]
display matrices:
674: Walbaum Roman/italic (see: 374 Walbaum)
375: Walbaum Medium Roman/italic
composition matrices: UA.349 = 6D-12D, UA.351 = 14pt, UA.352 = 14D, UA.353 = 16D[203]
display matrices:
385: Wenceslas Script (cancelled in 1967)
display matrices:[78]
Designed by Karel Svolinsky, (11 January 1896, Heiligenberg near Olmütz, Mähren - 16 September 1986, Prague) Czech painter, graphic designer and book illustrator. He studied at the school of arts and crafts in Prague. Later, he taught as a Professor at this University. Svolinsky Antiqua (1925), Wenceslas Script(1933) Grotesk(1943)[245]
One incomplete set survives at the BookArtMuseum, Lodz, Poland[246]
_97: Wide Gothic Roman (see: 97 Grotesque Bold)
164: Wide Latin Roman (see: 164 Latin Wide)
273: Wigan Condensed (cancelled in 1965)
display matrices:[247]
123: Worcester Old Face (cancelled in 1965)


composition matrices: UA. 5F[248]
display matrices:
display matrices in 6 sizes[224]
display matrices in 7 sizes[249]



599: Amharic
composition matrices: 9D-12D[108]
display matrices: 14D
624: Amharic
composition matrices: 10D[108]


409: Arabic (cancelled in 1946. replaced by series 549)
542: Arabic Bold (destroyed in a bombardement)
415: Arabic Display (cancelled in 1950)
549: Arabic Naskh
composition matrices: 8D-18D, for 8D a special mould was needed.[13]
display matrices:
589: Arabic Naskh Accented
large composition matrices:[108]
649: Arabic Naskh Bold
composition matrices: 8D-18D[250]
display matrices:
559: Arabic Solloss
Display matrices:[251]
507: (see: 507 Urdu)
707: (see: 707 Urdu)
721: Farsi
composition matrices: 10D-12D[117]
display matrices:


638: Armanian
composition matrices: 8D-12D[108]


470: Bengali
composition matrices: 8D-12D[252]
700: Bengali
composition matrices: 8D-12D[240]
701: Bengali Bold
composition matrices: 8D-12D[240]
670: Bengali Bold (cancelled in 1967)


558: Burmese Light
composition matrices: 12pt-18pt[140]
578: Burmese Bold
composition matrices: 12pt-18pt[140]


633: Chinese (cancelled in 1974)
133: Chu Yin (cancelled in 1967)


609: Louvain Coptic


(Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Macedonian)
_42: Albion
composition matrices: 6.5(6D)-13pt(12D)[152]
_63: Albion
composition matrices: 9(8D)-13pt(12D)[170]
_70: Albion
composition matrices: 6.5(6D)-13pt(12D)[170]
169: Baskerville (Russian) Roman / italic
composition matrices: 9pt-11pt[170]
display matrices: Roman
370: Bembo Titling
display matrices: 36pt-42pt[252]
260: Bodoni Bold Roman / italic
display matrices: 14pt-72pt[253]
529: Bodoni Bold Condensed
display matrices: 14pt-36pt[169]
120: Bodoni Ultra Bold (Cyrillic) Roman
display matrices: 14pt-42pt[169]
_17: Cushing (cancelled in 1967)
_68: French Old Style
composition matrices: 6.5(6D)-13pt(12D)[170]
_69: French Old Style Bold
composition matrices: 6.5(6D)-13pt(12D)[170]
display matrices:
_44: French Round Face
composition matrices: 6.5pt-13pt[254]
201: Garamond Bold (Cyrillic Roman
display matrices:[138]
262: Gill Sans
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[255]
display matrices:
275: Gill Sans Bold
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[255]
display matrices:
373: Gill Sans Bold Condensed Titling
display matrices:[126]
233: Gill Sans Cameo Roman
display matrices:[126]
485: Gill Sans Condensed
display matrices: 14pt-36pt[252]
362: Gill Sans Light
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[255]
display matrices:
_96: Gothic (cancelled in 1965)
_51: Grotesque
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[170]
display matrices:
_97: Grotesque Bold (cancelled in 1967)
_11: Grotesque Bold Condensed (cancelled in 1967)
166: Grotesque Bold Condensed (Cyrillic) Roman (synonym: 166 Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling)
display matrices:[252]
166: Grotesque Bold Condensed Titling Roman (see: 166 Grotesque Bold Condensed (Cyrillic))
_33: Grotesque Condensed Roman
composition matrices: 6pt-13pt[170]
display matrices:
383: Grotesque Condensed Roman
composition matrices: 6pt-13pt[170]
display matrices:
383: Grotesque Condensed
composition matrices: 6D-12D[170]
display matrices:
_39: Modern Condensed
composition matrices: 6.5pt-13pt[254]
_77: Modern Extended (cancelled in 1967)
_75: Modern Wide (cancelled in 1967)
_27: Neo Didot
composition matrices: 6.5pt-13pt[170]
506: Placard Bold Condensed
display matrices:[138]
515: Placard Bold Condensed
display matrices:[90]
568: Placard Condensed
display matrices:[138]
522: Placard Condensed Titling
display matrices:[126]
194: Plantin Bold (Russian) Roman
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[170]
display matrices:
113: Plantin Light (Russian) Roman / italic
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[170]
display matrices:
327: Times New Roman
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[256]
display matrices:
334: Times Bold
composition matrices: 6pt-12pt[256]
display matrices:


155: Devenagari
composition matrices: 12pt-16pt[257]
display matrices:
346: Devenagari Bold
composition matrices: 10pt-16pt, voor 10pt is een speciale gietvorm nodig[258]
755: Devenagari Italic
composition matrices: 10pt-16pt[23]
Display matrices 18pt, 24pt, 30pt, 36pt


_24: Gaelic
composition matrices: UA.23: 8pt, 10pt, 12 pt, UA.108: 14 pt, 18pt, UA.109: 24 pt[259]
large composition matrices: UA.108 = 14 pt, 18pt, UA.109 = 24 pt
display matrices: 14pt - 72pt
117: Gaelic (see: 117 Gaelic Sans-Serif)
121: Colum Cille (see: 121 Gaelic Colm Cille)
121: Gaelic Colm Cille
_85: Gaelic Display
117: Gaelic Display (see: 117 Gaelic Sans-Serif)
117: Gaelic Sans Serif


539: Georgian Light (cancelled in 1972)
display matrices: 16D[105]
540: Georgian Bold (cancelled in 1972)
display matrices: 24D
587: Georgian
composition matrices: 8D-10D


598: Glagolitic (see also: 597 Old Bulgarian)
composition matrices: 12pt:[252]


259: Antigone
composition matrices: UA.432 = 13pt:[241]
672: Gill Sans Bold Upright
is used as "bold" in combination with series 571 & 572
585: Gill Sans Condensed
display matrices:[253]
625: Gill Sans Bold Upright
composition matrices: UA.452 = 8-12pt:[260]
display matrices:
571: Gill Sans Inclined italic
Is used as italic in combination with series 572 and 672, data similar with Series 572:
572: Gill Sans Upright Roman
composition matrices: UA.451 = 8-12pt:[260]
display matrices:
473: Greek (cancelled in 1967)
_91: Greek: Inclined
composition matrices: UA.26 = 6-13pt:[208]
_92: Greek: Bold Upright (see also: 92 Greek Upright Display)
composition matrices: UA.26 = 6-13pt:[254]
472: Greek: Inclined
composition matrices: UA.434 = 8-11pt:[208]
_90: Greek: Upright
composition matrices: UA.26 = 6-13pt:[23]
_92: Greek Upright Display (Synoniem: 92 Greek Bold Upright)
composition matrices: UA.27 = 9-13pt:[260]
683: Grotesque Condensed Upright
display matrices: 14D-36D[169]
718: Grotesque Condensed Upright
display matrices: 14pt-36pt[169]
486: Heavy Greek (see: 486 Sans-Serif)
192: New Hellenic Greek
composition matrices: UA.73 = 7-12pt:[261]
display matrices:
553: Old Style Bold Inclined
composition matrices: UA.436 = 9-11pt:[262]
283: Perpetua (cancelled in 1967)
605: Placard Extra Light Condensed
display matrices: 14D-36D[253]
668: Placard Condensed Upright
display matrices: 14D-36D[169]
106: Porson
composition matrices: UA.26 = 5.5-12pt:[101]
404: Porson Condensed (cancelled in 1967)
486: Greek: Sans Serif
composition matrices: UA.415 = 8-10pt:[263]
739: Spartan Light Upright
Only capitals in 4 sizes, the small sizes are used as lower case with the larger sizes
composition matrices: UA.454 = 6-12pt:[138]
740: Spartan Upright
Only capitals in 4 sizes, the small sizes are used as lower case with the larger sizes
composition matrices: UA.454 = 6-12pt:[138]
741: Spartan Bold Upright
Only capitals in 4 sizes, the small sizes are used as lower case with the larger sizes
composition matrices: UA.454 = 6-12pt:[138]
565: Times Upright
composition matrices: UA.437 = 6-12pt:[264]
display matrices:
566: Times Inclined was used as italic with Series 565 Times Upright
composition matrices: UA. 438 = 6pt-12pt, large composition matrices 14pt-18pt, (lining-data more equal)
567: Times Bold Upright
composition matrices: UA.439 = 6-12pt:[264]
display matrices:
667: Times Bold Inclined
composition matrices: UA.439 = 6-12pt:[264]
display matrices:
893: Univers Bold Upright
composition matrices: UA.439 = 6-12pt:[112]
989: Univers Medium Inclined
composition matrices: UA.439 = 6-12pt:[112]
889: Univers Medium Upright
composition matrices: UA.439 = 6-12pt:[112]


460: Gujerathi
composition matrices:[153]
518: Gujerathi Bold
composition matrices:[153]
display matrices:
704: Gujerathi
composition matrices:[153]


601: Gurmukhi Bold
composition matrices: 12-16pt:[108]
604: Gurmukhi
composition matrices: 12-16pt:[108]
604: Gurmukhi Light (see: 604 Gurmukhi)


219: Ashurith (unpointed)
composition matrices: 7-8pt:[232]
487: Gill (cancelled in 1967)
222: Hebrew
composition matrices: 6-8pt:[265]
219: Hebrew Ashurith (see: 219 Ashurith)
221: Hebrew Levenim (see: 221 Levenim)
220: Hebrew Peninim (see: 220 Peninim)
228: Hebrew Rabbinic (see: 228 Rabinnic)
547: Hebrew Schocken No. 1 (cancelled in 1974)
550: Hebrew Schocken No. 2 (cancelled in 1967)
551: Hebrew Schocken No. 3 (cancelled in 1967)
218: Hebrew Sonzino (pointed) (see: 218 Sonzino)
221: Levênim (unpointed)
composition matrices: 7pt:[232]
492: Mayer
488: Mayer Pointed
220: Peninim (unpointed)
composition matrices: 5-7pt:[265]
display matrices: size: 14pt, 18pt, 24pt
489: Peninim
217: Peninim Pointed
composition matrices: 6-8pt:[232]
228: Rabbinic
composition matrices: 11-12pt:[232]
218: Sonzino
composition matrices: 9-12pt: extra point-matrices available for 9pt, when cast at 9pt Didot[265]
display matrices: 18pt point S5469 to S5476 cast at 6 point


588: Kannada
composition matrices: 10-16pt:[108]
590: Kannada (see: 590 Malayalam)
788: Kannada
787: Kannada Semi-Bold


590: Malayalam (synonym: 590 Kannada)
composition matrices: 10-12pt:[232]
660: Malayalam
composition matrices: 8pt:

Old Bulgarian

597: Old Bulgarian (see also: 598 Glagolitic)
composition matrices: 10-12pt:[252]


706: Oriya


557: Sangalese
composition matrices: 8-14pt:[236]
657: Sangalese Bold
composition matrices: 8-14pt:[236]
698: Sangalese Italic
composition matrices: 8-14pt:[240]
699: Sangalese Bold Italic
composition matrices: 8-14pt:[240]


564: Syriac "Estrangelo"
composition matrices: 8-10pt:[131]


280: Tamil
composition matrices:[266]
340: Tamil Bold
composition matrices: 8pt-10pt[267]
display matrices:
581: Tamil Bold (cancelled)
340: Tamil Heavy (see: 340 Tamil Bold)
580: Tamil Medium\
composition matrices:[266]
708: Tamil Medium
composition matrices:[268]


426: Telugu (cancelled in 1969)
626: Telugu Medium
composition matrices:[151]
726: Telugu Bold


577: Thai
composition matrices:[108]
608: Thai Light
composition matrices:
611: Thai Bold
composition matrices:
621: Thai Medium
display matrices:[269]
628: Thai Light Italic
composition matrices:[232]


507: Urdu
composition matrices: 9D-16D[270]
707: Urdu Bold
composition matrices: 9D-16D[270]
display matrices:

External links

the site of David Bolton, with much info on Monotype and letterpress.
The website of the Type Museum in London, where matrices were still produced with the old machines.
Monotype Inc. for digital fonts.
Monotype digital fonts


  1. ^ 30-years-after-its-foundation-type-archive-is-no-more
  2. ^ Hudy Slinn, Sebastian Carter, Richard Southill: The History of The Monotype Corporation, Printing Historical Society, London, Vanburg Press Woodstock, 2014, ISBN 978-0-900003-15-8
  3. ^ Js. Hermans, ' that's printed... ' but how? , 1961 Intergrafia-series number 17, Edecea Publishing House, Horn
  4. ^ N.N., Specimen book of "Monotype" printing types , The Monotype Corporation LIMITED, 43 Fetter Lane, London EC4, 4 vols
  5. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 9-61, Albertus 324
  6. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 9-67, Albertus 481
  7. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 9-67, Albertus 534
  8. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 7-56, Albertus 538
  9. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-36
  10. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-61
  11. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-37
  12. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-39
  13. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-72
  14. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-38
  15. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 6-38
  16. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade series No. 354
  17. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 2-70
  18. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 1-77
  19. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 3-40
  20. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series no. 238
  21. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series no. 279
  22. ^ a b c d e f g The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-70
  23. ^ a b c d e f g h The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-71
  24. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-73
  25. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-70
  26. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-51 and 11-51
  27. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.376
  28. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.378
  29. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-41
  30. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.381
  31. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-70
  32. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-73
  33. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-46 and 3-71
  34. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-59
  35. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-51
  36. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-76
  37. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-65
  38. ^ a b c d e f The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-76
  39. ^ a b c d e f g The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-50
  40. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-50 and 7-60
  41. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-37 and 11-50
  42. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-40
  43. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-37 and 10-40
  44. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-60, 4-71 and 10-38
  45. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-76
  46. ^ a b c d e f g h The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-68
  47. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 138 Bold Face no.3
  48. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-55
  49. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-41
  50. ^ The Monotype Corporation Series no. 197 and 2-57
  51. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-72
  52. ^ Castellar at
  53. ^ Castellar font family at Microsoft Typography
  54. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-71
  55. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-67
  56. ^ The Monotype Corporation 5-67 and 12-72
  57. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd.5-76
  58. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-71
  59. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-72
  60. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-69
  61. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-68
  62. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-39
  63. ^ The Monotype Corporation specimen blade 3-58
  64. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.412
  65. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-71
  66. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-37
  67. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-55
  68. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-72
  69. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade series 17
  70. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-70
  71. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-61
  72. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-40
  73. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-39
  74. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 3-44
  75. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 223
  76. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-38
  77. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 8-68
  78. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-51
  79. ^ a b c d e f The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-67
  80. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.171
  81. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.130
  82. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series no.162
  83. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series no 330
  84. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series no.112
  85. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-68
  86. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-77
  87. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 10-37
  88. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 10-76
  89. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-86
  90. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-68
  91. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-60
  92. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-57
  93. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-58
  94. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-60
  95. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-56
  96. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-61
  97. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-62
  98. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-68
  99. ^ a b c d e f The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-40
  100. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series No. 68 and 4-56 and 5-40
  101. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-40
  102. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-40
  103. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 69 and 6-54
  104. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-52 and 11-86
  105. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-73
  106. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-73
  107. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-70
  108. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-63
  109. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-71
  110. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-71
  111. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-77
  112. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-72
  113. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-70
  114. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-71
  115. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-70
  116. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-60 and 12-67
  117. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-70
  118. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade Series No. 4
  119. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-67
  120. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-65
  121. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-58
  122. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-63
  123. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-60 and 10-63
  124. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-41
  125. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-62
  126. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-65
  127. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-63
  128. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-40
  129. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-61 and 12.53
  130. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-61
  131. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-65
  132. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 2-72
  133. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 10-40
  134. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-50 and 12-64
  135. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series 365
  136. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-69
  137. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-61 and 5-67
  138. ^ a b c d e f g The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-65
  139. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-60 and 11-63
  140. ^ a b c d e f g h The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-64
  141. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-62
  142. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-64
  143. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 389
  144. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-63 and 12-67
  145. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-37
  146. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-40
  147. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-37
  148. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-70, 7-65, 8-65
  149. ^ Last edition of Matrix
  150. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-60
  151. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-63
  152. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-61
  153. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-71
  154. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 265
  155. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 416
  156. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-37
  157. ^ Lanton Monotype specimen blade series 58 & 238
  158. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-59
  159. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 305
  160. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 1-50/1-54
  161. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-40
  162. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-40
  163. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-44
  164. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-41
  165. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. series No. 348
  166. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-39
  167. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-52, 3-75
  168. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-62
  169. ^ a b c d e f The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-64
  170. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-61
  171. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 10-47
  172. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 11-58
  173. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 1-53
  174. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-38
  175. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 5-41
  176. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 9-37
  177. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-40
  178. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 8-56
  179. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 5-40
  180. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 6-38/12-51
  181. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade Series No. 14
  182. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 8-50
  183. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade 7-40
  184. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 179
  185. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-36
  186. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-50
  187. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-50 and 12-36
  188. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-54
  189. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 257
  190. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-63
  191. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-38
  192. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 9-37
  193. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-50
  194. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-59
  195. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-39
  196. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blades 1-50, 12-37
  197. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-46
  198. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 50
  199. ^ Onyx font family at Microsoft Typography
  200. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-61
  201. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-60
  202. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-51
  203. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-66
  204. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-49
  205. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-38
  206. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 386
  207. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 8-58
  208. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-66
  209. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-66
  210. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-52
  211. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-57
  212. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-64 and 12-52
  213. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-70
  214. ^ a b c d The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-69
  215. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-38
  216. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-49 and 12-69
  217. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-61
  218. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-62
  219. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-60
  220. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-61
  221. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-68
  222. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 12-61
  223. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen-blade Series 10
  224. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade Serie nr. 186
  225. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 7-37
  226. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-58
  227. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-46
  228. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-39
  229. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-62
  230. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-60
  231. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-64
  232. ^ a b c d e f g The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-63
  233. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-57
  234. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-58 and 5-61
  235. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-58
  236. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-64
  237. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 114
  238. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-64
  239. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-67
  240. ^ a b c d e The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-67
  241. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-68
  242. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 6-54
  243. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-61 and 12-64
  244. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 182
  245. ^ KlingsporMuseum [ Karel Svolinski]
  246. ^ "Home".
  247. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 273
  248. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. serie nr. 98
  249. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade Serie nr. 187
  250. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 7-69
  251. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-63
  252. ^ a b c d e f The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-65
  253. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-64
  254. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 4-61
  255. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-61
  256. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-60
  257. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-65
  258. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 10-75
  259. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. specimen blade 6-41
  260. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-60
  261. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. Series No. 192 and 11-60
  262. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 2-69
  263. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 11-50 and 2-16
  264. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-59
  265. ^ a b c The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 3-63
  266. ^ a b The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 9-54
  267. ^ The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 1-66
  268. ^ La Corporación Monotype Ltd. 4-74
  269. ^ La Corporación Monotype Ltd. 1-63
  270. ^ de The Monotype Corporation Ltd. 5-73