List of New Testament minuscules (2201–2300)

A New Testament minuscule is a copy of a portion of the New Testament written in a small, cursive Greek script (developed from Uncial).[1]


† Indicates the manuscript has damaged or missing pages.
P Indicates only a portion of the books were included.
K Indicates manuscript also includes a commentary.
S Indicates lost portions of manuscript replaced via supplement of a later hand.
abs (abschrift) Indicates manuscript is copy.
[ ] Brackets around Gregory-Aland number indicate the manuscript belongs to an already numbered manuscript, was found to not be a continuous text manuscript, was found to be written in modern Greek versus Koine Greek, was proved a forgery, or has been destroyed.

Minuscules 2201–2300


See also


  1. ^ Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, Barbara Aland and Kurt Aland (eds), Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th edition, (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2001).
  2. ^ The two primary collections of manuscript images include the CSNTM ( "Manuscript Search". Center for the Student of New Testament Manuscripts. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) and the INTF ( "Manuscript Workspace". Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) Other hosted images are referenced separately.
  3. ^ "Gospel Book" (PDF). Leimonos Monastery. Retrieved 2019-06-25.
  4. ^ "Gospel Book" (PDF). Leimonos Monastery. Retrieved 2019-06-25.
  5. ^ "W.523, Gospel Book". The Digital Walters. 17 January 2014. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  6. ^ "Ms. 138, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-02.
  7. ^ "Monastery of Mega Spileo - Kalavrita". Monasteries of Greece. 18 December 2012. Retrieved 2018-06-18.
  8. ^ "Supplement Grec 1299". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
  9. ^ "Hagios Sabas 149. Theophylact: Commentary on Paul. 14th cent. 302 f. Pa. 46 ft". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-08-29.
  10. ^ "Ms. 727, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-02.
  11. ^ "New Testament, Gospel of St. Mark". Duke University Libraries Digital Collections. Retrieved 2017-06-23.
  12. ^ "Add MS 37001". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  13. ^ "Add MS 37002". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  14. ^ "Add MS 37003". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  15. ^ "Add MS 36752". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  16. ^ "Pauline Epistles". Gothenburg University Library. Retrieved 2017-09-14.
  17. ^ "Add MS 37320". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  18. ^ "Add MS 37485". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  19. ^ "Add MS 37486". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[permanent dead link]
  20. ^ "Tetraeuangelion". Austrian National Library. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  21. ^ "Actes des Apôtres et Epîtres". Bibliothèque Nationale. Retrieved 2016-07-08.
