Gopher (protocol)

The Gopher protocol (/ˈɡfər/ ) is a communication protocol designed for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents in Internet Protocol networks. The design of the Gopher protocol and user interface is menu-driven, and presented an alternative to the World Wide Web in its early stages, but ultimately fell into disfavor, yielding to Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The Gopher ecosystem is often regarded as the effective predecessor of the World Wide Web.[1][2]


The Gopher protocol was invented by a team led by Mark P. McCahill[3] at the University of Minnesota. It offers some features not natively supported by the Web and imposes a much stronger hierarchy on the documents it stores. Its text menu interface is well-suited to computing environments that rely heavily on remote text-oriented computer terminals, which were still common at the time of its creation in 1991, and the simplicity of its protocol facilitated a wide variety of client implementations. More recent[when?] Gopher revisions and graphical clients added support for multimedia.[citation needed]

Gopher's hierarchical structure provided a platform for the first large-scale electronic library connections.[4] The Gopher protocol is still in use by enthusiasts, and although it has been almost entirely supplanted by the Web, a small population of actively-maintained servers remains.[2]


The Gopher system was released in mid-1991 by Mark P. McCahill, Farhad Anklesaria, Paul Lindner, Daniel Torrey, and Bob Alberti of the University of Minnesota in the United States.[5] Its central goals were, as stated in RFC 1436:

Gopher combines document hierarchies with collections of services, including WAIS, the Archie and Veronica search engines, and gateways to other information systems such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Usenet.

The general interest in campus-wide information systems (CWISs) in higher education at the time,[6] and the ease of setup of Gopher servers to create an instant CWIS with links to other sites' online directories and resources, were the factors contributing to Gopher's rapid adoption.

The name was coined by Anklesaria as a play on several meanings of the word "gopher".[7] The University of Minnesota mascot is the gopher,[8] a gofer is an assistant who "goes for" things, and a gopher burrows through the ground to reach a desired location.[9]


The World Wide Web was in its infancy in 1991, and Gopher services quickly became established.[10] By the late 1990s, Gopher had ceased expanding. Several factors contributed to Gopher's stagnation:

Gopher remains in active use by its enthusiasts, and there have been attempts to revive Gopher on modern platforms and mobile devices. One attempt is The Overbite Project,[17] which hosts various browser extensions and modern clients.

Server census

Number of Gopher servers from 2012–2022

Technical details

The conceptualization of knowledge in "Gopher space" or a "cloud" as specific information in a particular file, and the prominence of the FTP, influenced the technology and the resulting functionality of Gopher.

Gopher characteristics

Gopher is designed to function and to appear much like a mountable read-only global network file system (and software, such as gopherfs, is available that can actually mount a Gopher server as a FUSE resource). At a minimum, whatever can be done with data files on a CD-ROM, can be done on Gopher.

A Gopher system consists of a series of hierarchical hyperlinkable menus. The choice of menu items and titles is controlled by the administrator of the server.

Similar to a file on a Web server, a file on a Gopher server can be linked to as a menu item from any other Gopher server. Many servers take advantage of this inter-server linking to provide a directory of other servers that the user can access.


The Gopher protocol was first described in RFC 1436. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has assigned Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 70 to the Gopher protocol. The protocol is simple to negotiate, making it possible to browse without using a client.

User request

First, the client establishes a TCP connection with the server on port 70, the standard gopher port. The client then sends a string followed by a carriage return followed by a line feed (a "CR + LF" sequence). This is the selector, which identifies the document to be retrieved. If the item selector were an empty line, the default directory would be selected.

Server response

The server then replies with the requested item and closes the connection. According to the protocol, before the connection closes, the server should send a full-stop (i.e., a period character) on a line by itself. However, not all servers conform to this part of the protocol and the server may close a connection without returning a final full-stop. The main type of reply from the server is a text or binary resource. Alternatively, the resource can be a menu: a form of structured text resource providing references to other resources.

Because of the simplicity of the Gopher protocol, tools such as netcat make it possible to download Gopher content easily from a command line:

$ echo jacks/jack.exe | nc 70 > jack.exe

The protocol is also supported by cURL as of 7.21.2-DEV.[23]

Search request

The selector string in the request can optionally be followed by a tab character and a search string. This is used by item type 7.

Source code of a menu

Gopher menu items are defined by lines of tab-separated values in a text file. This file is sometimes called a gophermap. As the source code to a gopher menu, a gophermap is roughly analogous to an HTML file for a web page. Each tab-separated line (called a selector line) gives the client software a description of the menu item: what it is, what it is called, and where it leads to. The client displays the menu items in the order that they appear in the gophermap.

The first character in a selector line indicates the item type, which tells the client what kind of file or protocol the menu item points to. This helps the client decide what to do with it. Gopher's item types are a more basic precursor to the media type system used by the Web and email attachments.

The item type is followed by the user display string (a description or label that represents the item in the menu); the selector (a path or other string for the resource on the server); the hostname (the domain name or IP address of the server), and the network port.

All lines in a gopher menu are terminated by "CR + LF".

Example of a selector line in a menu source: The following selector line generates a link to the "/home" directory at the subdomain, on port 70. The item type of 1 indicates that the linked resource is a Gopher menu itself. The string "Floodgap Home" is what the client will show to the user when visiting the example menu.

1Floodgap Home	/home	70

Item types

In a Gopher menu's source code, a one-character code indicates what kind of content the client should expect. This code may either be a digit or a letter of the alphabet; letters are case-sensitive.

The technical specification for Gopher, RFC 1436, defines 14 item types. The later gopher+ specification defined an additional 3 types.[24] A one-character code indicates what kind of content the client should expect. Item type 3 is an error code for exception handling. Gopher client authors improvised item types h (HTML), i (informational message), and s (sound file) after the publication of RFC 1436. Browsers like Netscape Navigator and early versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer would prepend the item type code to the selector as described in RFC 4266, so that the type of the gopher item could be determined by the url itself. Most gopher browsers still available, use these prefixes in their urls.

Here is an example gopher session where the user requires a gopher menu (/Reference on the first line):

/Reference1CIA World Factbook /Archives/mirrors/ 700Jargon 4.2.0 /Reference/Jargon 4.2.0 70 +1Online Libraries /Reference/Online Libraries 70 +1RFCs: Internet Standards /Computers/Standards and Specs/RFC 701U.S. Gazetteer /Reference/U.S. Gazetteer 70 +iThis file contains information on United States fake (NULL) 0icities, counties, and geographical areas. It has fake (NULL) 0ilatitude/longitude, population, land and water area, fake (NULL) 0iand ZIP codes. fake (NULL) 0i fake (NULL) 0iTo search for a city, enter the city's name. To search fake (NULL) 0ifor a county, use the name plus County -- for instance, fake (NULL) 0iDallas County. fake (NULL) 0

The gopher menu sent back from the server, is a sequence of lines each of which describes an item that can be retrieved. Most clients will display these as hypertext links, and so allow the user to navigate through gopherspace by following the links.[5]This menu includes a text resource (itemtype 0 on the third line), multiple links to submenus (itemtype 1, on the second line as well as lines 4-6) and a non-standard information message (from line 7 on), broken down to multiple lines by providing dummy values for selector, host and port.

Historically, to create a link to a Web server, "GET /" was used as a pseudo-selector to emulate an HTTP GET request.[26] John Goerzen created an addition[27] to the Gopher protocol, commonly referred to as "URL links", that allows links to any protocol that supports URLs. For example, to create a link to, the item type is h, the display string is the title of the link, the item selector is "URL:", and the domain and port are that of the originating Gopher server (so that clients that do not support URL links will query the server and receive an HTML redirection page).


Gopher+ is a forward compatible enhancement to the Gopher protocol. Gopher+ works by sending metadata between the client and the server. The enhancement was never widely adopted by Gopher servers.[28][29][30]The client sends a tab followed by a +. A Gopher+ server will respond with a status line followed by the content the client requested. An item is marked as supporting Gopher+ in the Gopher directory listing by a tab + after the port (this is the case of some of the items in the example above).

Other features of Gopher+ include:

Client software

Gopher clients

These are clients, libraries, and utilities primarily designed to access gopher resources.

Other clients

Clients like web browsers, libraries, and utilities primarily designed to access world wide web resources, but which maintain(ed) gopher support.

Browsers with no Gopher native support can still access servers using one of the available Gopher to HTTP gateways or proxy server that converts Gopher menus into HTML; known proxies are the Floodgap Public Gopher proxy and Gopher Proxy. Similarly, certain server packages such as GN and PyGopherd have built-in Gopher to HTTP interfaces. Squid Proxy software gateways any gopher:// URL to HTTP content, enabling any browser or web agent to access gopher content easily.

For Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey, Overbite[17] extensions extend Gopher browsing and support the current versions of the browsers (Firefox Quantum v ≥57 and equivalent versions of SeaMonkey):

OverbiteWX includes support for accessing Gopher servers not on port 70 using a whitelist and for CSO/ph queries. OverbiteFF always uses port 70. For Chromium and Google Chrome, Burrow[38] is available. It redirects gopher:// URLs to a proxy. In the past an Overbite proxy-based extension for these browsers was available but is no longer maintained and does not work with the current (>23) releases.[17]For Konqueror, Kio gopher[43] is available.

As the bandwidth-sparing simple interface of Gopher can be a good match for mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs),[44] the early 2010s saw a renewed interest in native Gopher clients for popular smartphones.

Gopher popularity was at its height at a time when there were still many equally competing computer architectures and operating systems. As a result, there are several Gopher clients available for Acorn RISC OS, AmigaOS, Atari MiNT, Conversational Monitor System (CMS), DOS, classic Mac OS, MVS, NeXT, OS/2 Warp, most Unix-like operating systems, VMS, Windows 3.x, and Windows 9x. GopherVR was a client designed for 3D visualization, and there is even a Gopher client in MOO.[45][46] Most such clients are hard-coded to work on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 70.[47]

Server software

Because the protocol is trivial to implement in a basic fashion, there are many server packages still available, and some are still maintained.

See also


  1. ^ Carlson, Scott (5 September 2016). "How Gopher Nearly Won the Internet". Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved 12 September 2016.
  2. ^ a b Barras, Colin (12 March 2009). "How Moore's Law saved us from the Gopher web". New Scientist. Archived from the original on 31 August 2011. Retrieved 20 September 2011.
  3. ^ Mark P. McCahill interviewed on the TV show Triangulation on the network
  4. ^ Suzan D. McGinnis (2001). Electronic collection management. Routledge. pp. 69–72. ISBN 0-7890-1309-6.
  5. ^ a b December, John; Randall, Neil (1994). The World Wide Web unleashed. Sams Publishing. p. 20. ISBN 1-57521-040-1.
  6. ^ "PAPER: Topics". Newsgroup: bit.listserv.cwis-l. 12 January 1992. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  7. ^ Mark McCahill, Farhad Anklesaria. "Smart Solutions: Internet Gopher" (Flash). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Media Mill. Event occurs at 2:40. Archived from the original on 20 July 2011. McCahill credits Anklesaria with naming Gopher
  8. ^ " – Official Web Site of University of Minnesota Athletics". Archived from the original on 14 August 2010. Retrieved 17 August 2010.
  9. ^ a b Gihring, Tim (11 August 2016). "The rise and fall of the Gopher protocol". Retrieved 12 August 2016.
  10. ^ Gregersen, Erik; Featherly, Kevin (11 May 2016). "ARPANET". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 3 May 2023.
  11. ^ "Subject: University of Minnesota Gopher software licensing policy". Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  12. ^ JQ Johnson (25 February 1993). "gopher licensing". Newsgroup: comp.infosystems.gopher. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  13. ^ Joel Rubin (3 March 1999). "CW from the VOA server page". Newsgroup: Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  14. ^ Johan Söderberg (2007). Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement. Routledge. p. 25. ISBN 978-0-415-95543-0.
  15. ^ "UMN Gopher(d) released under the GPL!". Newsgroup: comp.infosystems.gopher. 1 September 2000. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  16. ^ Christopher (Cal) Lee (23 April 1999). "Where Have all the Gophers Gone? Why the Web beat Gopher in the Battle for Protocol Mind Share".
  17. ^ a b c d e "The Overbite Project". Floodgap. Retrieved 25 July 2010.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Floodgap Gopher-HTTP gateway gopher://gopher/0/v2/vstat". Retrieved 5 January 2017.
  19. ^ Kaiser, Cameron (19 March 2007). "Down the Gopher Hole". TidBITS. Retrieved 23 March 2007.
  20. ^ "This is a Gopher link". Archived from the original on 4 August 2011.
  21. ^ "Download A Piece of Internet History". The Changelog. 28 April 2010. Archived from the original on 23 July 2011. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  22. ^ "Release Notes – OmniWeb 5 – Products". The Omni Group. Archived from the original on 7 August 2011. Retrieved 27 July 2011. OmniWeb 5.9.2 Released 1 April 2009: Implemented ground-breaking support for the revolutionary Gopher protocol—a first for WebKit-based browsers! For a list of Gopher servers, see the Floodgap list. Enjoy!. The same text appears in the 5.10 release of 27 August 2009 further down the page, copied from the 5.9.2 unstable branch. The Floodgap list referred to is at Floodgap: new Gopher servers and does not itself refer to April Fools' Day.
  23. ^ "Curl: Re: Gopher patches for cURL (includes test suite)". curl-library (Mailing list). 25 August 2010. Archived from the original on 21 April 2019. Retrieved 9 March 2020.
  24. ^ "Gopher+ protocol specification". GitHub.
  25. ^ "Directory entry says what? Current Gopher type field types". 5 March 2019.
  26. ^ "Gopher in the World-Wide Web". Retrieved 29 September 2021.
  27. ^ "Gopher: gopher.2002-02". gopher (Mailing list). Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  28. ^ Mešnjak, Matjaž (16 February 2009). "Re: New Gopher server and client". Newsgroup: Archived from the original on 10 March 2015. Retrieved 3 February 2012.
  29. ^ JumpJet Mailbox (14 January 2008). "Re: Server Contact Information". Newsgroup: Archived from the original on 10 March 2015. Retrieved 3 February 2012.
  30. ^ P. Hoffman (November 2005). The gopher URI Scheme. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC4266. RFC 4266. Proposed Standard. Obsoletes RFC 1738.
  31. ^ Charles Childers. "Gopher Client on the App Store". iTunes. Archived from the original on 24 May 2022.
  32. ^ skyjake (24 January 2022). "v1.10.2". gemini/lagrange. Gitea. Archived from the original on 12 March 2023.
  33. ^ Fonseca, Jonas (24 December 2004). "[ANNOUNCE] ELinks-0.10.0 (Thelma)". elinks-users (Mailing list). Linux From Scratch. Archived from the original on 20 February 2007. Retrieved 22 May 2010.
  34. ^ asakura42; rkd77 (5 March 2021). "What advantages does Elinks have over the current original version of Links?". rkd77/elinks. GitHub. Archived from the original on 13 March 2023.
  35. ^ a b "Kio gopher". KDE UserBase Wiki. Archived from the original on 1 May 2018. Retrieved 1 May 2018.
  36. ^ Strong, Robert; et al. (14 July 2007). "Bug 388195 – Remove gopher protocol support for Firefox". Bugzilla. Retrieved 15 June 2010.
  37. ^ hotaru.firefly; et al. (2 May 2009). "Issue 11345: gopher protocol doesn't work". Issues - chromium. Retrieved 25 July 2011.
  38. ^ a b "Burrow: Gopherspace Explorer for Chrome". Chrome Web Store. Archived from the original on 26 January 2024. Retrieved 1 July 2019.
  39. ^ "Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-047". Microsoft. 28 February 2003. Archived from the original on 4 July 2011. Retrieved 23 March 2007.
  40. ^ "Release Notes for Internet Explorer 7". Microsoft. 2006. Archived from the original on 4 August 2011. Retrieved 23 March 2007.
  41. ^ Sharps, Linda (1 April 2009). "OmniWeb 5.9.2 now includes Gopher support". The Omni Group. Archived from the original on 14 August 2011. Retrieved 3 April 2009.
  42. ^ "A comprehensive list of changes for each version of OmniWeb". The Omni Group. 1 April 2009. Archived from the original on 7 August 2011. Retrieved 3 April 2009.
  43. ^ "Kio gopher". Retrieved 1 April 2017.
  44. ^ Lore Sjöberg (12 April 2004). "Gopher: Underground Technology". Wired News. Archived from the original on 12 October 2008. Retrieved 27 July 2011.
  45. ^ Riddle, Prentiss (13 April 1993). "GopherCon '93: Internet Gopher Workshop and Internet Gopher Conference". Retrieved 20 May 2008.
  46. ^ Masinter, L.; Ostrom, E. (June 1993). "Collaborative information retrieval: Gopher from MOO" (PDF). The Proceedings of INET. Vol. 93.
  47. ^ Anklesaria, Farhad; McCahill, Mark P; Lindner, Paul; Johnson, David; Torrey, Daniel; Alberti, Bob (March 1993). The Internet Gopher Protocol (a distributed document search and retrieval protocol). Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1436. RFC 1436. Informational.
  48. ^ "Remove gopher protocol support. By yoav-steinberg · Pull Request #9057 · redis/Redis". GitHub.
  49. ^ "The lowdown on Archie, Gopher, Veronica and Jughead".

External links