9th Corps (Yugoslav Partisans)

The Partisan 9th Corps (Slovene: IX Korpus), was a formation of the Yugoslav Partisans during World War II. It consisted of division and brigade-size units, and operated in the Italian-annexed Province of Ljubljana, in Yugoslav territories under German civil administration, the Independent State of Croatia and northeastern Italy during World War II.

The corps took part in many operations against Germans and Italians forces prior to the surrender of Italy on 8 September 1943. One of the most significant was the German Operation Adler.

After a decision of Palmiro Togliatti, all communist units (named Garibaldini after Giuseppe Garibaldi) operating in territories reclaimed by the Yugoslavs were to be incorporated into the Yugoslav Partisans,[2] and wrote personally[clarification needed] the content of the order of the day to be adopted by communist partisans.[3]

List of units


  1. ^ According to Brezovar, Milan. Letopis muzeja narodne osvoboditve LRS, 1957 p. 41, the Slovene Partisan flag is the Slovene tricolor flag with the anti-Fascist red five-armed star over all three fields.
  2. ^ Cattaruzza, Marina (2007). L'Italia e il confine orientale. p. 270.
  3. ^ "Quei garibaldini che scelsero Tito". Corriere della Sera. 31 January 1992. Retrieved 28 June 2012.
  4. ^ Nikola Anić, Sekula Joksimović, Mirko Gutić, «Narodno oslobodilačka vojska Jogoslavije. Pregled Razvoja Oruzanih Snaga Narodnooslobodilnackog pokreta 1941—1945», Izdaje Vojnoistorijski institut, Beograd, 1982.
  5. ^ Stanko Petelin Vojko: Gradnik Brigade Archived 2013-04-20 at the Wayback Machine on


External links