Muchos de los cortos producidos y emitidos fueron creados por animadores que posteriormente ganaron reconocimiento a través de sus cortos y/o series animadas, entre los que se incluyen: La serie concluyó en el año 2001 con 3 temporadas y 34 episodios, produciendo en total 99 cortos animados con alrededor de 54 personajes protagonistas.
"Jelly's Day" Bill Burnett y Vincent Waller Bill Burnett y Greg Emison Corto Corto "Teddy and Art: 25¢ Trouble" "Cat and Milkman" Alex Kirwan Miles Thompson "Thatta Boy" "Hobart: The Weedkeeper" Alex Kirwan Greg Emison y Bill Burnett "Ask Edward" "Peter Patrick, Private Investigator" Rob Renzetti Vincent Waller "Tutu the Superina" "Blotto" Bill Burnett y Sally Rousse Byron Vaughns "Twins Crimson" "Olly & Frank" Carlos Ramos Bob Boyle Corto Corto "A Cop & His Donut" "Enchanted Adventures" Rob Renzetti John Eng "Hobart & the Merman" "Super Santa" Greg Emison y Bill Burnett Mike Bell Corto Corto "That's My Pop" "Hubbykins & Sweetypie" Pat Ventura Rob Renzetti "Youngstar 3" "Hey Look!"
"Mina and the Count: My Best Friend" Butch Hartman y Steve Marmel Rob Renzetti Corto Recurrente "Herb" "Jamal the Funny Frog: Milk Dreams" Antoine Guilbaud Pat Ventura 1999 5 de enero de 1999 Corto Corto "Let's Talk Turkey" "Tales from the Goose Lady: Goldie Locks" Vincent Waller Dave Wasson Corto Recurrente "Zoey's Zoo: Lots of Ocelots" "My Neighbor Was a Teenage Robot" Amy Ellyn Anderson y David Burd Rob Renzetti Corto Serie "Terry & Chris" "Mina and the Count: FrankenFrog" John Reynolds Rob Renzetti Corto Recurrente "The Tantrum" "Super Santa: Naughty" John Fountain Mike Bell "Sick -N- Tired" "Tales from the Goose Lady: The Ugly Duck Thing" Andre Nieves y Ric Delcarmen Dave Wasson 2001 2001 Corto Recurrente "Skippy Spankerton: Hot Tamale Monster Movie Madness!"
"Jamal the Funny Frog: Beach" Eric Bryan y Michelle Bryan Pat Ventura Corto Corto "Elise" "A Kid's Life: Picture Perfect" Guy Vasilovich Ken Kessel "The Dan Danger Show!
"The Fairly OddParents: Súper Humor" "Jamal the Funny Frog: Dentist" Butch Hartman Butch Hartman Pat Ventura Serie Serie Corto "Aroma Woman" Greg Emison y Bill Burnett "Let's Talk Turkey: Fruits Day" "X-rays Life: Day 3" Vincent Waller Dave Wasson "Island Captain" "Usallity Dinner Night" Carlos Ramos Bill Burnett "Xavier the DJ" "Mandy: The New Girl" Mike Bell John Eng "Alones" "Lakky the Lampanter" Dave Wasson Guy Vasilovich "Super Wizard: The Weather Season" "Numbers Around" Vincent Waller John Eng "Daddy & Teen Kid" "Bomb Manio: Queen Lora" Butch Hartman John Eng "Mandy: The Mermaid" "Gorilla Zez: Woman and Kameleon" John Eng Rob Renzetti "Super Wizard: The Nine Times" "Robo-Flipper" Vincent Waller Rob Renzetti "Bomb Manio: Super PN-Man" "Day, Night, People" John Eng Greg Emison y Bill Burnett "Super Sherry" "Hovig and Maria: Love Suff" Miles Thompson Guy Vasilovich "Girl Twins" "Mina and the Count: Girl Is Count" John Eng Rob Renzetti Corto Recurrente "Hobart: The Machine Floor" "Annabel Dragon" Greg Emison y Bill Burnett Butch Hartman "Ryan the Car" "Laugh Day" "Die Right Ingreetion" Butch Hartman Pat Ventura John Eng y Rob Renzetti