Konami M2

Konami M2 es una placa de arcade creada por Konami destinada a los salones arcade.

El Konami M2 fue lanzada por Konami en 1997 y está basada en el hardware de 3DO.

El sistema posee dos procesadores IBM PowerPC 602, y el audio lo gestionaba el Playstation SPU.

[1]​ En esta placa funcionaron 8 títulos.

Custom ASICs Memory control, system control, and video/graphic control Full triangle renderer including setup engine, MPEG-1 decoder hardware, DSP for audio and various kinds of DMA control and port access Random access of frame buffer and z-buffer (actually w-buffer) possible at the same time 1 million un-textured triangles/s geometry rate 100 million pixels/s fill rate reportedly 700,000 textured polygons/s *without* gouraud shading or additional effects reportedly 300,000 to 500,000 textured polygons/s *with* gouraud shading, lighting and effects Hardware z-buffer (16-bit) (actually a block floating point with multiple (4) range w-buffer), object-based full-scene anti-aliasing, alpha channel (4-bit or 7-bit)