Y estudió Biosistemática en "Kings Park and Botanic Garden" de 1974 a 1983.
A new subspecies of Loxocarya striata (Restionaceae) from the Whicher Range.
A new species of Lomandra (Lomandraceae) from the Whicher Range, Western Australia.
Less weeds, more natives: the Oxalis corniculata complex in Western Australia.
Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia.
A new species of Rorippa (Brassicaceae) from southern Western Australia.
Saving our species: a major initiative for environmental weed management across Western Australia (ABSTRACT).
In EMAPi9 : 9th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions: Program & Abstract Book, 17-21 September 2007, Hyatt Regency, Perth, Western Australia Congress West, Perth.
50–51 Hussey BMJ, Keighery GJ, Dodd J, Lloyd SG, Cousens RD (2007).
Biology and weed risk of Euphorbia terracina in Western Australia.
In Geraldton Carnation Weed (Euphorbia terracina): workshop and field day: proceedings from a Skills for Nature Conservation Workshop held at Naragebup Rockingham Regional Environment Centre (Inc.
), Peron, Western Australia, Thursday 21 June 2007 Department of Environment & Conservation, Kensington, WA.
In Managing Sharp Rush (Juncus acutus): PowerPoint Presentations From the Workshop held at Wollaston College Conference Centre, Mt Claremont, Perth, Western Australia, viernes 4 de agosto de 2006 (CDROM) Dep.
In Managing Sharp Rush (Juncus acutus): PowerPoint Presentations From the Workshop held at Wollaston College Conference Centre, Mt Claremont, Perth, Western Australia, viernes 4 de agosto de 2006 (CDROM) Dep.
In EMAPi9 : 9th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions: Program & Abstract Book, 17-21 de septiembre de 2007, Hyatt Regency, Perth, Western Australia Congress West, Perth.
In Managing Sharp Rush (Juncus acutus): proceedings of a workshop held at Wollaston College Conference Centre, Mt Claremont, Perth, Western Australia, Friday 4 de agosto de 2006 (ed V Longman).
Biological survey and setting priorities for flora conservation in Western Australia.
In Managing Sharp Rush (Juncus acutus): proceedings of a workshop held at Wollaston College Conference Centre, Mt Claremont, Perth, Western Australia, Friday 4 August 2006 (ed V Longman).
In Managing Sharp Rush (Juncus acutus): proceedings of a workshop held at Wollaston College Conference Centre, Mt Claremont, Perth, Western Australia, Friday 4 de agosto de 2006 (ed V Longman).
A new species of Hypoxis (Hypoxidaceae) from saline wetland margins in Western Australia.
317–320 McKellar R, Abbott I, Coates D, Gioia P, Keighery G, Maslin B et al.
Detailed editorial review of 'The implications of climate change for land-based nature conservation strategies by Odile Pouliquen-Young and Peter Newman, Murdoch University, 1999': prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office.