Elecciones de la Cámara de Representantes de Georgia de 2022

Las elecciones a la Cámara de Representantes de Georgia de 2022 se celebraron el 8 de noviembre de 2022, como parte de las elecciones bienales de los Estados Unidos . La elección coincidió con las elecciones para otros cargos, incluidos los de gobernador , Senado de los Estados Unidos , Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos y Senado estatal . Los votantes de Georgia eligieron a los representantes estatales en los 180 distritos de la cámara estatal para la 157.ª Asamblea General de Georgia . Los representantes estatales cumplen mandatos de dos años en la Cámara de Representantes de Georgia . Las elecciones primarias se celebraron el 24 de mayo de 2022 y la segunda vuelta de las primarias se celebró el 21 de junio de 2022.

Los demócratas ganaron dos escaños, reduciendo la mayoría republicana a 101 de 180 escaños. [1]

Elecciones especiales

Se celebraron cinco elecciones especiales para la 156ª Asamblea General de Georgia .

Distrito 90 (especial)

La representante Pam Stephenson renunció el 10 de septiembre de 2020 debido a la demencia. Su nombre siguió en la boleta de las elecciones generales y ganó sin oposición. El 9 de febrero de 2021 se celebraron elecciones especiales para elegir a su sucesora, y el 9 de marzo de 2021 se llevó a cabo una segunda vuelta. Como Stephenson fue elegida sin oposición en 2020, solo se celebraron primarias demócratas para llenar su escaño.

Distrito 34 (especial)

El representante Bert Reeves renunció el 30 de abril de 2021 para convertirse en vicepresidente de relaciones con el instituto Georgia Tech . El 15 de junio de 2021 se celebraron elecciones especiales para elegir a su sucesor, con una segunda vuelta el 13 de julio de 2021.

Distrito 156 (especial)

El representante Greg Morris renunció el 13 de abril de 2021 para unirse a la Junta del Departamento de Transporte de Georgia . El 15 de junio de 2021 se llevó a cabo una elección especial para elegir a su sucesor, con una segunda vuelta el 13 de julio de 2021.

Distrito 165 (especial)

La representante Mickey Stephens falleció el 14 de agosto de 2021. El 2 de noviembre de 2021 se celebraron elecciones especiales para elegir a su sucesor.

Distrito 45 (especial)

El representante Matt Dollar renunció el 1 de febrero de 2022 para convertirse en el comisionado adjunto de desarrollo económico del sistema de universidades técnicas de Georgia . El 5 de abril de 2022 se celebraron elecciones especiales para elegir a su sucesor, con una segunda vuelta el 3 de mayo de 2022.


Resumen de resultados

† – El titular no busca la reelección

Carreras más reñidas

Escaños donde el margen de victoria fue inferior al 10%:

  1. Distrito 117, 1,46%
  2. Distrito 105, 3,44%
  3. Distrito 108, 4,2%
  4. Distrito 53, 5,26%
  5. Distrito 50, 8,02%
  6. Distrito 48, 9,62% (ganancia)

Titulares jubilados


  1. Distrito 39: Erica Thomas se jubiló.
  2. Distrito 40: Erick Allen se retiró para postularse para vicegobernador .
  3. Distrito 50: Angelika Kausche se jubiló.
  4. Distrito 51: Josh McLaurin se retiró para postularse como senador estatal por el Distrito 14.
  5. Distrito 55: Marie Metze se jubiló.
  6. Distrito 62: [bo] David Dreyer se retiró.
  7. Distrito 62: William Boddie se retiró para postularse para Comisionado de Trabajo .
  8. Distrito 68: [bp] Derrick Jackson se retiró para postularse para vicegobernador .
  9. Distrito 80: [bq] Mike Wilensky se retiró.
  10. Distrito 52: [br] Matthew Wilson se retiró para postularse para Comisionado de Seguros y Seguridad contra Incendios .
  11. Distrito 84: Renitta Shannon se retiró para postularse para vicegobernadora .
  12. Distrito 86: Zulma López se jubiló.
  13. Distrito 90: [bs] Bee Nguyen se retiró para postularse como Secretario de Estado .
  14. Distrito 97: [bt] Beth Moore se retiró para postularse como senadora estatal por el Distrito 7.
  15. Distrito 110: [bu] Donna McLeod se retiró para postularse como representante de los EE. UU. en el séptimo distrito del Congreso de Georgia .
  16. Distrito 130: [bv] Sheila Nelson se jubiló.
  17. Distrito 140: [bw] Calvin Smyre renunció anticipadamente.
  18. Distrito 153: CaMia Jackson se retiró.
  19. Distrito 154: Winfred Dukes se retiró para postularse para Comisionado de Agricultura .
  20. Distrito 163: Derek Mallow se retiró para postularse para senador estatal por el Distrito 2.


  1. Distrito 3: Dewayne Hill se retiró.
  2. Distrito 22: Wes Cantrell se retiró.
  3. Distrito 30: [bx] Timothy Barr se retiró para postularse como representante de los EE. UU. en el décimo distrito del Congreso de Georgia .
  4. Distrito 31: Tommy Benton se retiró.
  5. Distrito 35: Ed Setzler se retiró para postularse para senador estatal por el Distrito 37.
  6. Distrito 45: Mitchell Kaye se retiró.
  7. Distrito 64: [por] Micah Gravley se retiró.
  8. Distrito 72: [bz] Randy Nix se retiró.
  9. Distrito 73: [ca] Philip Singleton se retiró.
  10. Distrito 111: [cb] Tom Kirby se retiró.
  11. Distrito 114: [cc] Dave Belton se retiró.
  12. Distrito 118: [cd] Susan Holmes se jubiló.
  13. Distrito 119: [ce] Terry England se retiró.
  14. Distrito 133: [cf] Rick Williams se retiró para postularse para senador estatal por el Distrito 25.
  15. Distrito 147: Heath Clark se retiró.
  16. Distrito 160: Jan Tankersley se jubiló.
  17. Distrito 169: Dominic LaRiccia se retiró.
  18. Distrito 179: Don Hogan se retiró.

Titulares derrotados en las primarias


  1. Distrito 106: Rebecca Mitchell perdió una carrera de redistribución de distritos ante su compañera titular Shelly Hutchinson [cg]


  1. Distrito 24: Sheri Smallwood Gilligan perdió la renominación ante Carter Barrett .
  2. Distrito 100: Bonnie Rich [ch] perdió una carrera de redistribución de distritos ante su compañero titular David Clark . [ci]
  3. Distrito 149: Robert Pruitt perdió una carrera de redistribución de distritos ante su compañero titular Danny Mathis . [cj]

Resultados detallados

Fuente de los resultados de las elecciones primarias: [10] [11] Fuente de los resultados de las elecciones generales: [12]

Distrito 1

El republicano titular Mike Cameron había representado al primer distrito desde 2021.

Distrito 2

El actual republicano Steve Tarvin había representado al segundo distrito desde 2014.

Distrito 3

El republicano titular Dewayne Hill había representado al tercer distrito desde 2017. Hill no buscó la reelección y fue sucedido por su compañero republicano Mitchell Horner .

Distrito 4

El republicano titular Kasey Carpenter había representado al cuarto distrito desde 2017.

Distrito 5

El republicano titular Matt Barton había representado al distrito 5 desde 2019.

Distrito 6

El republicano titular Jason Ridley había representado al sexto distrito desde 2017.

Distrito 7

El actual presidente republicano, David Ralston, había representado al séptimo distrito y sus predecesores desde 2003.

Distrito 8

El actual republicano Stan Gunter había representado al octavo distrito desde 2021.

Distrito 9

El republicano titular Will Wade había representado al distrito 9 desde 2021.

Distrito 10

El actual republicano Victor Anderson había representado al distrito 10 desde 2021.

Distrito 11

El actual republicano Rick Jasperse había representado al distrito 11 y sus predecesores desde 2010.

Distrito 12

El actual republicano Eddie Lumsden había representado al distrito 12 desde 2013.

Distrito 13

La actual republicana Katie Dempsey había representado al distrito 13 desde 2007.

Distrito 14

El actual republicano Mitchell Scoggins había representado al distrito 14 desde 2019.

Distrito 15

El republicano titular Matthew Gambill había representado al distrito 15 desde 2019.

Distrito 16

El republicano titular Trey Kelley había representado al distrito 16 desde 2013.

Distrito 17

El actual republicano Martin Momtahan había representado al distrito 17 desde 2019.

Distrito 18

El republicano titular Tyler Smith había representado al distrito 18 desde 2021.

Distrito 19

El actual republicano Joseph Gullett había representado al distrito 19 desde 2019.

Distrito 20

La republicana titular Charlice Byrd había representado al distrito 20 desde 2021.

Distrito 21

El republicano titular Brad Thomas había representado al distrito 21 desde 2021.

Distrito 22

El actual republicano Wes Cantrell había representado al distrito 22 desde 2015. Cantrell no buscó la reelección y fue sucedido por su compañero republicano Jordan Ridley .

Distrito 23

La actual republicana Mandi Ballinger había representado al distrito 23 desde 2013.

Distrito 24

La actual republicana Sheri Smallwood Gilligan había representado al distrito 24 desde 2015. Gilligan perdió la renominación ante su compañero republicano Carter Barrett , quien ganó las elecciones generales.

Distrito 25

El republicano titular Todd Jones había representado al distrito 25 desde 2017.

Distrito 26

La republicana titular Lauren McDonald había representado al distrito 26 desde 2021.

Distrito 27

El actual republicano Lee Hawkins había representado al distrito 27 desde 2013.

Distrito 28

El nuevo distrito 28 incluye partes de los condados de Forsyth y Hall y no tenía ningún titular. El republicano Brent Cox ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 29

El republicano titular Matt Dubnik había representado al distrito 29 desde 2017.

Distrito 30

El nuevo distrito 30 incluye parte de los condados de Hall y Gwinnett y se superpone con gran parte del antiguo distrito 103, que había estado representado por el republicano Timothy Barr desde 2013. Barr se retiró para postularse al Congreso , y su compañero republicano Derrick McCollum ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 31

El nuevo distrito 31 incluye las casas de los republicanos en ejercicio Tommy Benton , que había representado al distrito 31 desde 2005, y Emory Dunahoo , que había representado al distrito 30 desde 2011. Benton se retiró y Dunahoo fue reelegido aquí.

Distrito 32

El nuevo distrito 32 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 28. El actual republicano Chris Erwin , que había representado al distrito 28 desde 2019, fue reelegido aquí sin oposición.

Distrito 33

El nuevo distrito 33 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 32. El actual republicano Alan Powell , que había representado al distrito 32 y sus predecesores desde 1991, fue reelegido aquí.

Distrito 34

El republicano titular Devan Seabaugh había representado al distrito 34 desde 2021.

Distrito 35

El republicano en ejercicio Ed Setzler había representado al distrito 35 desde 2005. Setzler se retiró para postularse al Senado estatal . La demócrata Lisa Campbell ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 36

La republicana titular Ginny Ehrhart había representado al distrito 36 desde 2019.

Distrito 37

La demócrata titular Mary Frances Williams había representado al distrito 37 desde 2019.

Distrito 38

El demócrata titular David Wilkerson había representado al distrito 38 y sus predecesores desde 2011.

Distrito 39

La demócrata titular Erica Thomas había representado al distrito 39 desde 2015. Thomas no buscó la reelección y su compañero demócrata Terry Cummings ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 40

El demócrata titular Erick Allen había representado al distrito 40 desde 2019. Allen se retiró para postularse a vicegobernador . Su compañero demócrata Doug Stoner ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 41

El demócrata titular Michael Smith había representado al distrito 41 desde 2013.

Distrito 42

La demócrata titular Teri Anulewicz había representado al distrito 42 desde 2017.

Distrito 43

El nuevo distrito 43 incluye partes del este del condado de Cobb y no tenía ningún titular. El demócrata Solomon Adesanya ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 44

El actual republicano Don Parsons había representado al distrito 44 y sus predecesores desde 1995.

Distrito 45

El nuevo distrito 45 incluye las casas de los republicanos en ejercicio Mitchell Kaye , quien había representado al distrito 45 desde su nombramiento el 17 de mayo de 2022, y Sharon Cooper , quien había representado al distrito 43 y sus predecesores desde 1997. Kaye se retiró y Cooper fue reelegido aquí.

Distrito 46

El actual republicano John Carson había representado al distrito 46 desde 2011.

Distrito 47

La actual presidenta pro tempore del Partido Republicano, Jan Jones, había representado al distrito 47 y sus predecesores desde 2003.

Distrito 48

La demócrata titular Mary Robichaux había representado al distrito 48 desde 2019. Robichaux perdió la reelección ante el republicano Scott Hilton .

Distrito 49

El actual republicano Chuck Martin había representado al distrito 49 y sus predecesores desde 2003.

Distrito 50

La demócrata titular Angelika Kausche había representado al distrito 50 desde 2019. Kausche no buscó la reelección y fue reemplazada por la senadora estatal Michelle Au .

Distrito 51

El demócrata en ejercicio Josh McLaurin había representado al distrito 51 desde 2019. McLaurin se retiró para postularse al Senado estatal . La demócrata Esther Panitch ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 52

El nuevo distrito 52 incluye las casas de los demócratas en ejercicio Shea Roberts , que había representado al distrito 52 desde 2021, y Matthew Wilson , que había representado al distrito 80 desde 2019. Wilson se retiró para postularse para Comisionado de Seguros y Seguridad contra Incendios , y Roberts fue reelegido aquí.

Distrito 53

El nuevo distrito 53 es un escaño vacante que incluye partes del condado de Fulton, entre ellas Buckhead, Sandy Springs y Roswell . La exrepresentante republicana Deborah Silcox ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 54

La demócrata titular Betsy Holland había representado al distrito 54 desde 2019.

Distrito 55

La demócrata titular Marie Metze había representado al distrito 55 desde 2015. Metze no buscó la reelección y su compañera demócrata Inga Willis ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 56

La demócrata titular Mesha Mainor había representado al distrito 56 desde 2021.

Distrito 57

La demócrata titular Stacey Evans había representado al distrito 57 desde 2021.

Distrito 58

La actual demócrata Park Cannon ha representado al distrito 58 desde 2016.

Distrito 59

El nuevo distrito 59 incluye partes del condado de Fulton, incluidos los barrios de Atlanta de Mechanicsville, Pittsburgh, Sylvan Hills, Capitol View y Forrest Park. El demócrata Phil Olaleye ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 60

El nuevo distrito 60 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 53. La actual demócrata Sheila Jones , que había representado al distrito 53 y sus predecesores desde 2005, fue reelegida aquí.

Distrito 61

El demócrata titular Roger Bruce había representado al distrito 61 y sus predecesores desde 2003.

Distrito 62

El nuevo distrito 62 incluye las casas de los demócratas en ejercicio William Boddie , que había representado al distrito 62 desde 2017, y David Dreyer , que había representado al distrito 59 desde 2017. Dreyer no buscó la reelección y Boddie se retiró para postularse para Comisionado Laboral . La demócrata Tanya Miller ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 63

El nuevo distrito 63 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 60. La actual demócrata Kim Schofield , que había representado al distrito 60 desde 2017, fue reelegida aquí.

Distrito 64

El nuevo distrito 64 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 67. El republicano Micah Gravley , que había representado al distrito 67 desde 2013, no se presentó a la reelección. La republicana Kimberly New ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 65

La demócrata titular Mandisha Thomas había representado al distrito 65 desde 2021.

Distrito 66

La demócrata titular Kimberly Alexander había representado al distrito 66 desde 2013.

Distrito 67

El nuevo distrito 67 incluye partes del sur del condado de Fulton y el noreste del condado de Coweta . La demócrata Lyda Glaize ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 68

El nuevo distrito 68 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 64. El demócrata en ejercicio Derrick Jackson , que había representado al distrito 64 desde 2017, se retiró para postularse a vicegobernador . La demócrata Tish Naghise ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 69

El nuevo distrito 69 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 63. La demócrata titular Debra Bazemore , que había representado al distrito 63 desde 2017, fue reelegida aquí.

Distrito 70

El actual republicano Lynn Smith había representado al distrito 70 y sus predecesores desde 1997.

Distrito 71

El nuevo distrito 71 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 68. El actual republicano J. Collins , que había representado al distrito 68 desde 2017, fue reelegido aquí.

Distrito 72

El nuevo distrito 72 es el sucesor del antiguo distrito 69. El republicano en ejercicio Randy Nix , que había representado al distrito 69 desde 2007, no se presentó a la reelección. El republicano David Huddleston ganó el escaño vacante.

Distrito 73

The new 73rd district includes the homes of incumbent Republicans Philip Singleton, who had represented the 71st district since 2019, and Josh Bonner, who had represented the 72nd district since 2017. Singleton retired and Bonner was re-elected here.

District 74

The new 74th district is the successor of the old 73rd district. Incumbent Republican Karen Mathiak, who had represented the 73rd district since 2017, was re-elected here.

District 75

Incumbent Democrat Mike Glanton had represented the 75th district since 2013.

District 76

Incumbent Democrat Sandra Scott had represented the 76th district since 2011.

District 77

Incumbent Democrat Rhonda Burnough had represented the 77th district since 2017.

District 78

Incumbent Democrat Demetrius Douglas had represented the 78th district since 2013.

District 79

The new 79th district is the successor of the old 74th district. Incumbent Democrat Yasmin Neal, who had represented the 74th district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 80

The new 80th district is the successor of the old 79th district. Incumbent Democrat Mike Wilensky, who had represented the 79th district since 2019, did not seek re-election. Democrat Long Tran won the open seat.

District 81

Incumbent Democrat Scott Holcomb had represented the 81st district since 2011.

District 82

Incumbent Democrat Mary Margaret Oliver had represented the 82nd district and its predecessors since 2003.

District 83

The new 83rd district includes part of northeastern DeKalb County, including Brookhaven and Chamblee. Democrat Karen Lupton won the open seat.

District 84

Incumbent Democrat Renitta Shannon had represented the 84th district since 2017. Shannon retired to run for Lieutenant Governor. Democrat Omari Crawford won the open seat.

District 85

Incumbent Democrat Karla Drenner had represented the 85th district and its predecessors since 2001.

District 86

Incumbent Democrat Zulma Lopez had represented the 86th district since 2021. Lopez did not seek re-election and fellow Democrat Imani Barnes won the open seat.

District 87

Incumbent Democrat Viola Davis had represented the 87th district since 2019.

District 88

Incumbent Democrat Billy Mitchell had represented the 88th district anfd its predecessors since 2005.

District 89

The new 89th district is the successor of the old 83rd district. Incumbent Democrat Becky Evans, who had represented the 83rd district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 90

The new 90th district is the successor of the old 89th district. Incumbent Democrat Bee Nguyen, who had represented the 89th district since 2017, retired to run for Secretary of State. Democrat Saira Draper won the open seat.

District 91

The new 91st district is the successor of the old 90th district. Incumbent Democrat Angela Moore, who had represented the 90th district since her appointment on March 16, 2021, was re-elected here.

District 92

The new 92nd district is the successor of the old 91st district. Incumbent Democrat Rhonda Taylor, who had represented the 91st district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 93

The new 93rd district is the successor of the old 92nd district. Incumbent Democrat Doreen Carter, who had represented the 92nd district since 2015, was re-elected here.

District 94

Incumbent Democrat Karen Bennett had represented the 94th district since 2013.

District 95

The new 95th district is the successor to the old 93rd district. Incumbent Democrat Dar'shun Kendrick, who had represented the 93rd district and its predecessors since 2011, was re-elected here.

District 96

Incumbent Democrat Pedro Marin, who had represented the 96th district and its predecessors since 2003.

District 97

The new 97th district is the successor of the old 95th district. Incumbent Democrat Beth Moore, who had represented the 95th district since 2019, retired to run for State Senate. Democrat Ruwa Romman won the open seat.

District 98

The new 98th district is the successor of the old 99th district. Incumbent Democrat Marvin Lim, who had represented the 99th district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 99

The new 99th district includes part of Gwinnett County. Most of its constituents came from the former 97th district. Republican Matt Reeves won the open seat.

District 100

The new 100th district includes the homes of Incumbent Republicans Bonnie Rich, who had represented the 97th district since 2019, and David Clark, who had represented the 98th district since 2015. Clark defeated Rich in the Republican primary and went on to win the general election.

District 101

The new 101st district is the successor of the old 102nd district. Incumbent Democrat Gregg Kennard, who had represented the 102nd district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 102

The new 102nd district includes part of Gwinnett County, including most of Lawrenceville. Democrat Gabe Okoye won the open seat.

District 103

The new 103rd district is located in Gwinnett County and had no incumbent. Republican Soo Hong won the open seat.

District 104

Incumbent Republican Chuck Efstration had represented the 104th district since 2013.

District 105

The new 105th district includes parts of Gwinnett County and had no incumbent. Democrat Farooq Mughal won the open seat.

District 106

The new 106th district includes the homes of incumbent Democrats Rebecca Mitchell, who had represented the 106th district since 2021, and Shelly Hutchinson, who had represented the 107th district since 2019. Hutchinson defeated Mitchell in the Democratic primary and went on to win the general election.

District 107

The new 107th district is the successor of the old 101st district. Incumbent Democrat Sam Park, who had represented the 101st district since 2017, was re-elected here.

District 108

Incumbent Democrat Jasmine Clark had represented the 108th district since 2019.

District 109

The new 109th district is the successor of the old 100th district. Incumbent Democrat Dewey McClain, who had represented the 100th district since 2013, was re-elected here.

District 110

The new 110th district is the successor of the old 105th district. Incumbent Democrat Donna McLeod, who had represented the 105th district since 2019, retired to run for Congress. Democrat Segun Adeyina won the open seat.

District 111

The new 111th district is the successor of the old 114th district. Incumbent Republican Tom Kirby, who had represented the 114th district and its predecessors since 2012, did not seek re-election. Republican Reynaldo Martinez won the open seat.

District 112

The new 112th district is the successor of the old 115th district. Incumbent Republican Bruce Williamson, who had represented the 115th district and its predecessors since 2011.

District 113

Incumbent Democrat Sharon Henderson had represented the 113th district since 2021.

District 114

The new 114th district is the successor of the old 112th district. Incumbent Republican Dave Belton, who had represented the 112th district since 2015, did not seek re-election. Republican Tim Fleming won the open seat.

District 115

The new 115th district is the successor of the old 109th district. Incumbent Democrat Regina Lewis-Ward, who had represented the 109th district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 116

The new 116th district is the successor of the old 111th district. Incumbent Democrat El-Mahdi Holly, who had represented the 111th district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 117

The new 117th district includes parts of eastern Henry County as well as part of northeastern Spalding County. Republican Lauren Daniel won the open seat.

District 118

The new 118th district includes the homes of incumbent Republicans Clint Crowe, who had represented the 110th district since 2021, and Susan Holmes, who had represented the 129th district and its predecessors since 2011. Holmes retired and Crowe was re-elected here.

District 119

The new 119th district is the successor of the old 116th district. Incumbent Republican Terry England, who had represented the 116th district and its predecessors since 2005, did not seek re-election. Republican Danny Rampey won the open seat.

District 120

The new 120th district is the successor of the old 117th district. Incumbent Republican Houston Gaines, who had represented the 117th district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 121

The new 121st district is the successor of the old 119th district. Incumbent Republican Marcus Wiedower, who had represented the 119th district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 122

The new 122nd district is the successor of the old 118th district. Incumbent Democrat Spencer Frye, who had represented the 118th district since 2013, was re-elected here.

District 123

The new 123rd district is the successor of the old 33rd district. Incumbent Republican Rob Leverett, who had represented the 33rd district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 124

The new 124th district is the successor of the old 120th district. Incumbent Republican Trey Rhodes, who had represented the 120th district since 2015, was re-elected here.

District 125

The new 125th district is the successor of the old 121st district. Incumbent Republican Barry Fleming, who had represented the 121st district since 2013, was re-elected here.

District 126

Incumbent Democrat Gloria Frazier had represented the 126th district and its predecessors since 2007.

District 127

The new 127th district is the successor of the old 123rd district. Incumbent Republican Mark Newton, who had represented the 123rd district since 2017, was re-elected here unopposed.

District 128

Incumbent Democrat Mack Jackson had represented the 128th district since 2009.

District 129

The new 129th district is the successor of the old 124th district. Incumbent Democrat Henry Howard, who had represented the 124th district since 2007, was re-elected here unopposed.

District 130

The new 130th district is the successor of the old 125th district. Incumbent Democrat Sheila Nelson, who had represented the 125th district since 2017, did not seek re-election. Democrat Lynn Gadney won the open seat.

District 131

The new 131st district is the successor of the old 122nd district. Incumbent Republican Jodi Lott, who had represented the 122nd district since 2015, was re-elected here.

District 132

The new 132nd district is the successor of the old 127th district. Incumbent Democrat Brian Prince, who had represented the 127th district since 2013, was re-elected here.

District 133

The new 133rd district is the successor of the old 145th district. Incumbent Republican Rick Williams, who had represented the 145th district since 2017, retired to run for State Senate. Republican Kenneth Vance won the open seat.

District 134

The new 134th district is the successor of the old 130th district. Incumbent Republican David Knight, who had represented the 130th district and its predecessors since 2005, was re-elected here.

District 135

The new 135th district is the successor of the old 131st district. Incumbent Republican Beth Camp, who had represented the 131st district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 136

The new 136th district is the successor of the old 132nd district. Incumbent Republican David Jenkins, who had represented the 132nd district since 2021, was re-elected here.

District 137

Incumbent Democrat Debbie Buckner had represented the 137th district and its predecessors since 2003.

District 138

The new 138th district is the successor of the old 133rd district. Incumbent Republican Vance Smith, who had represented the 133rd district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 139

The new 139th district is the successor of the old 134th district. Incumbent Republican Richard Smith, who had represented the 134th district since 2005, was re-elected here.

District 140

The new 140th district is the successor of the old 135th district. Incumbent Democrat Calvin Smyre, who had represented the 135th district and its predecessors since 1975, did not seek re-election. Democrat Tremaine Teddy Reese won the open seat.

District 141

The new 141st district is the successor of the old 136th district. Incumbent Democrat Carolyn Hugley had represented the 136th district and its predecessors since 1993, was re-elected here.

District 142

Incumbent Democrat Miriam Paris had represented the 142nd district since 2017.

District 143

Incumbent Democrat Minority Leader James Beverly had represented the 143rd district and its predecessors since 2011.

District 144

The new 144th district is the successor of the old 141st district. Incumbent Republican Dale Washburn, who had represented the th district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 145

The new 145th district is the successor of the old 140th district. Incumbent Republican Robert Dickey, who had represented the 140th district since 2011, was re-elected here.

District 146

Incumbent Republican Shaw Blackmon had represented the 146th district since 2015.

District 147

Incumbent Republican Heath Clark had represented the 147th district since 2015. Clark retired and fellow Republican Bethany Ballard won the open seat.

District 148

Incumbent Republican Noel Williams Jr. had represented the 148th district since 2019.

District 149

the new 149th district includes the homes of incumbent Republicans Robert Pruitt, who had represented the 149th district since 2021, and Danny Mathis, who had represented the 144th district since 2019. Mathis defeated Pruitt in the Republican primary election and went on to win the general election unopposed.

District 150

The new 150th district is the successor of the old 139th district. Incumbent Democrat Patty Bentley, who had represented the 139th district since 2013, was re-elected here.

District 151

The new 151st district is the successor of the old 138th district. Incumbent Republican Mike Cheokas, who had represented the 138th district since 2019, was re-elected here.

District 152

Incumbent Republican Bill Yearta had represented the 152nd district since 2019.

District 153

Incumbent Democrat CaMia Jackson had represented the 153rd district since 2019. Jackson retired and fellow Democrat David Sampson won the open seat.

District 154

the new 154th district includes the home of incumbent Democrat Winfred Dukes, who had represented the 154th district and its predecessors since 1997, and incumbent Republican Gerald Greene, who hagd represented the 151st district and its predecessors since 1983. Dukes retired to run for Agricultural Commissioner. Greene was re-elected here.

District 155

The new 155th district is the successor of the old 150th district. Incumbent Republican Matt Hatchett, who had represented the 150th district and its predecessors since 2011, was re-elected here.

District 156

Incumbent Republican Leesa Hagan had represented the 156th district since 2021.

District 157

Incumbent Republican Bill Werkheiser had represented the 157th district since 2015.

District 158

Incumbent Republican Butch Parrish had represented the 158th district and its predecessors since 1985.

District 159

Incumbent Republican Majority Leader Jon Burns had represented the 159th district and its predecessors since 2005.

District 160

Incumbent Republican Jan Tankersley had represented the 160th district since 2011. Tankersly did not seek re-election, and fellow Republican Lehman Franklin won the open seat.

District 161

Incumbent Republican Bill Hitchens had represented the 161st district since 2013.

District 162

Incumbent Democrat Carl Gilliard had represented the 162nd district since 2016.

District 163

Incumbent Democrat Derek Mallow had represented the 163rd district since 2021. Mallow retired to run for State Senate, and fellow Democrat Anne Allen Westbrook won the open seat.

District 164

Incumbent Republican Ron Stephens had represented the 164th district and its predecessors since 1997.

District 165

Incumbent Democrat Edna Jackson had represented the 165th district since her appointment on November 10, 2021.

District 166

Incumbent Republican Jesse Petrea had represented the 166th district since 2015.

District 167

Incumbent Republican Buddy DeLoach had represented the 167th district since 2021.

District 168

Incumbent Democrat Al Williams had represented the 168th district and its predecessors since 2003.

District 169

The new 169th district includes the homes of incumbent Republicans Dominic LaRiccia, who had represented the 169th district since 2015, and Clay Pirkle, who had represented the 155th district since 2015. LaRiccia retired and Pirkle was re-elected here.

District 170

Incumbent Republican Penny Houston had represented the 170th district and its predecessors since 1997.

District 171

Incumbent Republican Joe Campbell had represented the 171st district since 2020.

District 172

Incumbent Republican Sam Watson had represented the 172nd district since 2013.

District 173

Incumbent Republican Darlene Taylor had represented the 173rd district since 2011.

District 174

Incumbent Republican John Corbett had represented the 174th district since 2015.

District 175

Incumbent Republican John LaHood had represented the 175th district since 2018.

District 176

Incumbent Republican James Burchett had represented the 176th district since 2019.

District 177

Incumbent Democrat Dexter Sharper had represented the 177th district since 2013.

District 178

Incumbent Republican Steven Meeks had represented the 178th district since 2019.

District 179

Incumbent Republican Don Hogan had represented the 179th district since 2017. Hogan retired and fellow Republican Rick Townsend won the open seat.

District 180

Incumbent Republican Steven Sainz had represented the 180th district since 2019.

See also


  1. ^ Redistricted from the 103rd district.
  2. ^ Redistricted from the 30th district.
  3. ^ Redistricted from the 28th district.
  4. ^ Redistricted from the 32nd district.
  5. ^ Redistricted from the 43rd district.
  6. ^ Redistricted from the 80th district.
  7. ^ Redistricted from the 53rd district.
  8. ^ Redistricted from the 59th district.
  9. ^ Redistricted from the 64th district.
  10. ^ Redistricted from the 64th district.
  11. ^ Redistricted from the 63rd district.
  12. ^ Redistricted from the 68th district.
  13. ^ Redistricted from the 69th district.
  14. ^ Redistricted from the 72nd district.
  15. ^ Redistricted from the 71st district.
  16. ^ Redistricted from the 73rd district.
  17. ^ Redistricted from the 74th district.
  18. ^ Redistricted from the 83rd district.
  19. ^ Redistricted from the 89th district.
  20. ^ Redistricted from the 90th district.
  21. ^ Redistricted from the 91st district.
  22. ^ Redistricted from the 92nd district.
  23. ^ Redistricted from the 93rd district.
  24. ^ Redistricted from the 95th district.
  25. ^ Redistricted from the 99th district.
  26. ^ Redistricted from the 98th district.
  27. ^ Redistricted from the 97th district.
  28. ^ Redistricted from the 102nd district.
  29. ^ Redistricted from the 107th district.
  30. ^ Redistricted from the 101st district.
  31. ^ Redistricted from the 100th district.
  32. ^ Redistricted from the 105th district.
  33. ^ Redistricted from the 114th district.
  34. ^ Redistricted from the 115th district.
  35. ^ Redistricted from the 112th district.
  36. ^ Redistricted from the 109th district.
  37. ^ Redistricted from the 111th district.
  38. ^ Redistricted from the 110th district.
  39. ^ Redistricted from the 129th district.
  40. ^ Redistricted from the 116th district.
  41. ^ Redistricted from the 117th district.
  42. ^ Redistricted from the 119th district.
  43. ^ Redistricted from the 118th district.
  44. ^ Redistricted from the 33rd district.
  45. ^ Redistricted from the 120th district.
  46. ^ Redistricted from the 121st district.
  47. ^ Redistricted from the 123rd district.
  48. ^ Redistricted from the 124th district.
  49. ^ Redistricted from the 125th district.
  50. ^ Redistricted from the 122nd district.
  51. ^ Redistricted from the 127th district.
  52. ^ Redistricted from the 145th district.
  53. ^ Redistricted from the 130th district.
  54. ^ Redistricted from the 131st district.
  55. ^ Redistricted from the 132nd district.
  56. ^ Redistricted from the 133rd district.
  57. ^ Redistricted from the 134th district.
  58. ^ Redistricted from the 135th district.
  59. ^ Redistricted from the 136th district.
  60. ^ Redistricted from the 141st district.
  61. ^ Redistricted from the 140th district.
  62. ^ Redistricted from the 144th district.
  63. ^ Redistricted from the 138th district.
  64. ^ Redistricted from the 151st district.
  65. ^ Redistricted from the 150th district.
  66. ^ Redistricted from the 155th district.
  67. ^ Redistricted from the 59th district.
  68. ^ Redistricted from the 64th district.
  69. ^ Redistrcted from the 79th district
  70. ^ Redistricted from the 80th district
  71. ^ Redistricted from the 89th district.
  72. ^ Redistricted from the 95th district.
  73. ^ Redistricted from the 105th district.
  74. ^ Redistricted from the 125th district.
  75. ^ Redistricted from the 135th district.
  76. ^ Redistricted from the 103rd district.
  77. ^ Redistricted from the 67th district.
  78. ^ Redistricted from the 69th district.
  79. ^ Redistricted from the 71st district.
  80. ^ Redistricted from the 114th district.
  81. ^ Redistricted from the 112th district.
  82. ^ Redistricted from the 129th district.
  83. ^ Redistricted from the 116th district.
  84. ^ Redistricted from the 145th district.
  85. ^ Redistricted from the 107th district.
  86. ^ Redistricted from the 97th district.
  87. ^ Redistricted from the 98th district.
  88. ^ Redistricted from the 144th district.


  1. ^ "Republicans keep control of Georgia House and Senate". WABE. November 9, 2022. Retrieved April 29, 2023.
  2. ^ "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  3. ^ "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  4. ^ a b "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  5. ^ a b "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  6. ^ "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  7. ^ "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  8. ^ "Election Night Reporting". Retrieved March 16, 2024.
  9. ^ Jacobson, Louis (May 19, 2022). "The Battle for State Legislatures". Retrieved May 19, 2022.
  10. ^ "May 24, 2022 General Primary/Special Election Results". Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State. May 24, 2022. Retrieved May 14, 2023.
  11. ^ "June 21, 2022 General Primary/Special Election Runoff Results". Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State. June 21, 2022. Retrieved May 14, 2023.
  12. ^ "November 8, 2022 General/Special Election Results". Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State. November 8, 2022. Retrieved May 14, 2023.