Allerton Grange School

Allerton Grange School is a coeducational secondary school and sixth form located in Moortown, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. The school has around 1,500 pupils.[1]


Allerton Grange was established in 1953 in response to the natural increase in the number of school-aged children following the Second World War. It was built on part of the site of Allerton Grange - a medieval grange which was part of the Kirkstall Abbey estate. The grange itself no longer exists and housing has been erected on the site.[2]

The original buildings were built in the 1950s (Middle School) and 1960s (High School) and equipped with a swimming pool and full size athletic track. In 1992 the two schools merged into one secondary modern school, which continued to use the buildings of the previous schools until a new school building was completed in 2009 as part of the Building Schools for the Future programme.

The demolition of the old school buildings was completed in 2010.[2][3]


The school uniform consists of black shoes, grey tailored trousers or skirt, a white shirt and a navy blue blazer with the school emblem. Students wear a tie (navy and light blue for lower school, navy and red for upper school) and may also wear a grey jumper.[4]

School Emblem and Motto

The school emblem consists of the Yorkshire Rose and the year 1953, which is when the school was established. The school motto, as created by staff and agreed by students and parents, is 'Aspire, Grow, Succeed'.[citation needed]


The school was last inspected in January 2020 and was judged as a school with an Ofsted rating of 'good'.[5]


Justo antes de un fin de semana de manifestaciones celebradas en apoyo del pueblo palestino en mayo de 2021, el director Mike Roper pronunció un discurso en una asamblea solicitando que no se ondeara la bandera palestina alrededor de la escuela, ya que algunas personas la ven como un símbolo del terrorismo. Esto fue grabado por un alumno con un teléfono móvil. Se volvió viral en Internet y provocó protestas en otras escuelas de Inglaterra, [a] y por parte de los padres. [6] [7] La ​​escuela y el Ayuntamiento de Leeds emitieron una carta de disculpa una semana después. [7]

Antiguos alumnos notables

Ex personal notable


  1. ^ Escuelas donde se planeó la protesta: Clapton Girls' Academy y Loreto High School, Chorlton


  1. ^ "Inicio - Allerton Grange". . Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2020 .
  2. ^ ab Silson, Anthony (otoño de 2010). "Escuelas de Allerton Grange" (PDF) . www.oakwoodchurch . Iglesia de Oakwood . Consultado el 7 de agosto de 2022 .
  3. ^ Arados, Trevor (otoño de 2010). "Recuerdos de la escuela Allerton Grange" (PDF) . www.oakwoodchurch . Iglesia de Oakwood . Consultado el 7 de agosto de 2022 . La escuela acaba de ser demolida.
  4. ^ "Sitio web de Allerton Grange". Archivado desde el original el 31 de mayo de 2015.
  5. ^ "Escuela Allerton Grange". . Ofsted. 4 de marzo de 2020 . Consultado el 7 de agosto de 2022 .
  6. ^ Parveen, Nazia (26 de mayo de 2021). "Ira por la respuesta de los profesores británicos a las protestas pro Palestina". El guardián . Consultado el 26 de mayo de 2021 .
  7. ^ ab Dzinzi, Mellissa (24 de mayo de 2021). "El director de Leeds lamenta haber dicho que la bandera palestina es un 'llamado a las armas'". Leeds en vivo . Consultado el 26 de mayo de 2021 .
  8. ^ ab "Archivos de la escuela Allerton Grange". Archivado desde el original el 2 de abril de 2012 . Consultado el 30 de enero de 2012 .
  9. ^ "Pide que Damien Hirst sea Freeman de Leeds". Correo nocturno de Yorkshire . 25 de abril de 2012 . Consultado el 22 de enero de 2013 .

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