
Ferentino es una ciudad y comuna de Italia , en la provincia de Frosinone , Lacio , 65 kilómetros (40 millas) al sureste de Roma . Está situado en una colina a 400 metros (1312 pies) sobre el nivel del mar , en la zona de Monti Ernici .


Ferentinum era una ciudad de los Hernici ; les fue arrebatada por los romanos en el 364 a.C. y no participó en el levantamiento del 306 a.C. Los habitantes se convirtieron en ciudadanos romanos después del 195 a. C. y más tarde el lugar se convirtió en municipium. Se encontraba justo encima de la Vía Latina y, al ser un lugar fuerte, servía para la detención de rehenes. [3]

De 1198 a 1557 fue la sede del rectorado papal de la provincia de Campagna y Marittima.

Fuerte en el sector textil (lino y bordado) y en la artesanía (ladrillos de arcilla de Fornaci Giorgi), después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial , Ferentino experimentó un fuerte crecimiento industrial, principalmente en el sector farmacéutico.

Principales vistas

Ferentino aún posee restos de antiguas fortificaciones. La parte inferior de los muros exteriores, que probablemente no estaban libres, está construida con bloques toscamente labrados de piedra caliza que naturalmente se divide en capas horizontales; encima de esto, en algunos lugares, hay muros de bloques rectangulares de toba . Se conservan dos puertas, la Porta Maggiore , una puerta doble construida íntegramente con bloques rectangulares de toba, y la Porta Sanguinaria (con un arco con dovelas de toba). Fuera de esta puerta, el testamento de Aulo Quinctilio Prisco inscrito en la roca. [3]

The highest part of the town, the acropolis (2nd-1st centuries BC), is fortified also; it has massive retaining walls similar to those of the lower town. At the eastern corner, under the present episcopal palace, the construction is somewhat more careful. A projecting rectangular terrace has been erected, supported by walls of quadrilateral blocks of limestone arranged almost horizontally; while upon the level thus formed a building of rectangular blocks of local travertine was raised. The projecting cornice of this building bears two inscriptions of the period of Sulla, recording its construction by two censors (local officials); and in the interior, which contains several chambers, there is an inscription of the same censors over one of the doors, and another over a smaller external side door. The windows lighting these chambers come immediately above the cornice, and the wall continues above them again. The whole of this construction probably belongs to one period.[3]

The Cathedral of Ferentino.

The Cathedral of Sts John and Paul occupies a part of the level top of the ancient acropolis; it was reconstructed on the site of an older church in 1099–1118; the interior was modernized in 1693, but was restored to its original form in 1902. It contains a fine ciborium in the Cosmatesque style[3] and a 12th-century mosaic pavement.

The Gothic church of Santa Maria Maggiore, in the lower town (13th-14th century), has a very fine exterior; the interior, the plan of which is a perfect rectangle, has been spoiled by restoration.[3] Other religious edifices include the Benedictine church of San Valentino (mostly remade after World War II, but still including 13th-century frescoes) and the Romanesque monastery of Sant'Antonio Abate, which housed the remains of Pope Celestine V until 1327. The latter's heart is preserved in the small convent church of the Clarisse (17th century).

In 2021, Italy's Minister of Culture awarded €1.5 million to fund the first full excavation of the town's Roman theatre, which will be partially restored for community use.[4]

Twinned cities

See also


  1. ^ "Superficie di Comuni Province e Regioni italiane al 9 ottobre 2011". Italian National Institute of Statistics. Retrieved 16 March 2019.
  2. ^ Population data from Istat
  3. ^ abcde Ashby 1911.
  4. ^ "Partono gli scavi al Teatro Romano di Ferentino". 31 de mayo de 2021.


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