Polish General Staff

Polish General Staff, formally known as the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces (Polish: Sztab Generalny Wojska Polskiego) is the highest professional body within the Polish Armed Forces. Organizationally, it is an integral part of the Ministry of National Defence and the Chief of the General Staff is the highest ranking military officer at the Ministry. It was created in 1918, and for a time bore the name Main Staff (Sztab Główny). Currently General Wiesław Kukuła holds the position of Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces (Szef Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego).[1]

History and structure

On 25 October 1918, a decision was made to establish the directorate of the chief of staff of the Polish Army. In 1928 the General Headquarters of the Polish Army was established, known commonly at the time as the Main Staff (Sztab Główny). In September 1939, during the Invasion of Poland by the Wehrmacht and the Red Army, all the institutions of the General Staff ceased to function and were transferred to joint German and Soviet. control. On 8 August 1944, the General Command of the Polish Army was created and on 1 January 1945, the National Council of Poland decided to establish the General Staff of the Polish Army, the head of which was appointed Soviet-Polish General Vladislav Korchits.

The General Staff consists of the following command personnel and organizational units at the Ministry of National Defence (MON):

Command personnel (Kadra kierownicza):[2]

General Staff Directorates (Zarządy Sztabu Generalnego WP):[3]

List of Chiefs

Kingdom of Poland (1917–1918)

Head of the Inspectorate
Chief of Staff

Second Polish Republic (1918−1939)

Polish government-in-exile (1939−1946)

Republic of Poland / People's Republic of Poland (1945−1989)

Third Polish Republic (1990−present)

See also

Badge of a WSW–certified officer of the General Staff of the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939).


  1. ^ "Polish president appoints new army chiefs". Polskie Radio. 2023-10-10. Retrieved 2023-10-26.
  2. ^ "Kadra Kierownicza". (in Polish). Retrieved 2023-10-26.
  3. ^ "Zarządy SGWP". (in Polish). Retrieved 2021-02-25.

External links