Gran Hermano (serie de televisión australiana), temporada 6

Gran Hermano Australia 2006 , también conocida como Gran Hermano 6 , fue la sexta temporada de la serie de telerrealidad australiana Gran Hermano , y se emitió en Network Ten en Australia. La serie comenzó el 22 de abril de 2006 y terminó el 31 de julio de 2006; una duración de 101 días. En las audiciones, que se habían celebrado en noviembre y diciembre de 2005, los productores pidieron concursantes que fueran "inteligentes, fuertes y con ganas de pelea". El lanzamiento se emitió la noche del 23 de abril de 2006 (un retraso de 24 horas). Quince compañeros de casa entraron inicialmente a la casa el día 0, con la adición de tres compañeros de casa Intruders que entraron a la Casa de Gran Hermano en la Semana 4, otros tres Intruders en la Semana 9 y dos compañeros de casa de reemplazo que entraron en la Semana 12. El día 100, Jamie fue declarado ganador de Gran Hermano 2006 , con Camilla como subcampeona. [1] En ese momento fue el margen de victoria más ajustado en cualquier serie australiana del programa, luego superado por la Serie 7 en 2007. [2]


Los índices de audiencia de Gran Hermano 2006 aumentaron ligeramente con respecto al año anterior. El Daily Show aumentó su audiencia media a 1,13 millones de espectadores, frente a los 1,11 millones de 2005. [3] Los programas en directo de Eviction, que se emitían los domingos por la noche , tuvieron una audiencia media de alrededor de 1,3 millones en la serie de 2006. [1] La final de 2006 atrajo a 1,9 millones de espectadores y la audiencia alcanzó un pico de 2,2 millones a las 21:39 h. [3]

Cambios y adiciones

Gran Hermano 2006 presentó varias innovaciones en la fórmula.

Formato de votación

En las series anteriores de Gran Hermano Australia, los espectadores solo podían votar para desalojar a los compañeros de casa que querían que abandonaran la casa. En Gran Hermano 2006, se agregó el voto de guardar . Cualquier espectador puede emitir tantos votos de desalojo o de guardar como desee. Antes del desalojo, los votos de guardar de cada compañero de casa se fusionaron con sus votos de desalojo; el compañero de casa con la mayor cantidad de votos de desalojo (o la menor cantidad de votos de guardar ) que quede después de la fusión es desalojado.

La casa

Al igual que en algunas temporadas anteriores de Gran Hermano Australia, para esta serie se construyó una nueva casa con un diseño original. Una característica nueva fue la incorporación de una Sala de Castigos, a la que Gran Hermano enviaba a los compañeros de casa que rompían las reglas. Los compañeros de casa en la Sala de Castigos debían realizar tareas y trabajos tediosos, difíciles, vergonzosos o levemente dolorosos, como separar el arroz blanco del arroz integral, lijar un cubo de madera para convertirlo en una esfera o bailar alrededor de un sombrero durante horas.

Compañeros de casa relacionados secretos

Uno de los giros de Gran Hermano 2006 , promocionado en la hipérbole publicitaria como "La primicia mundial de Australia", fue que las compañeras de casa Karen y Krystal son madre e hija. Esto no fue revelado a los otros compañeros de casa, quienes fueron desafiados a descubrir la relación secreta en la casa. Los otros compañeros de casa no lograron descubrir su secreto, y como recompensa por el éxito en mantener su secreto, Karen y Krystal fueron eximidas de ser nominadas por otros compañeros de casa en la primera ronda. Karen fue expulsada más tarde de la casa el día 22. En Gran Hermano 2005 se llevó a cabo una tarea secreta diferente entre compañeros de casa relacionados. Los hermanos gemelos Greg y David Mathew fueron colocados, uno a la vez, en la casa, y se les dijo que intercambiaran lugares en momentos determinados sin que los otros compañeros de casa se dieran cuenta. Se les dio la misión de mantener esto en secreto para tener la oportunidad de ingresar al juego como compañeros de casa individuales, cada uno con la posibilidad de ganar Gran Hermano 2005 .

Gran Hermano sin cortes

En 2006, Big Brother Uncut pasó a llamarse Big Brother: Adults Only . Network Ten suspendió Adults Only antes de tiempo debido a la presión de los políticos, y el episodio final se emitió el 19 de junio de 2006. [4] [5] El contenido que se iba a utilizar en los episodios no emitidos se puso a disposición en una nueva sección de Big Brother Premium (miembros pagos) del sitio web de Big Brother llamada Adults Only.

Compañeros de casa

Quince compañeros de casa de Gran Hermano 2006 entraron al principio de la temporada. Un total de ocho compañeros de casa adicionales entraron durante la serie. El primer grupo de intrusos fueron Danielle Foote, Jade Stack y Rob Rigley. El segundo grupo de intrusos fueron Perry Apostolu, Darren Bowley y Lauren Clayton. Después de que Ashley Cox y John Bric fueran eliminados tras el controvertido " incidente de la bofetada al pavo " [6], se agregaron los compañeros de casa de reemplazo Max y Chris.

En julio se anunció que el ganador era Jamie Brooksby, y Camilla Severi (alias "Camilla Halliwell") quedó en segundo lugar. Fue la votación pública más reñida en la serie australiana de Gran Hermano hasta el momento. Si bien todos los ex compañeros de casa de Gran Hermano de 2006 y los intrusos se reunieron para la final de 2006 , Ashley y John no fueron invitados a asistir y participar.

Tabla de nominaciones

El primer compañero de casa en cada casilla fue nominado para dos puntos, y el segundo compañero fue nominado para un punto. Los tres o más compañeros de casa con la mayor cantidad de puntos de nominación se enfrentan a la votación pública para salvar/desalojar, y cuando los votos de salvación se restan de los votos de desalojo, el compañero de casa con la mayor cantidad de votos de desalojo es desalojado. Cada semana, los compañeros de casa compiten en Friday Night Live (FNL), cuyo ganador gana un privilegio especial durante las nominaciones. Después de que se hayan anunciado las nominaciones, el ganador tiene la oportunidad de quitarle tres puntos de nominación al compañero de casa de su elección y potencialmente cambiar la alineación de nominaciones.

Notas de nominación

Resumen semanal y destacados

Semana 1

(hasta el domingo por la noche inclusive)

Semana 2

Semana 3

Semana 4

Semana 5

Semana 6

Semana 7

Semana 8

Semana 9

Semana 10

Semana 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14


The Big Brother 2006 House had the following areas and facilities:

Floorplan of the Big Brother House as designed in 2006


The Prize Fund at the beginning of Big Brother 2006 was A$1 million; however, following on from Big Brother 2005, the housemates were fined $5,000 a time for committing various offenses. In Big Brother 2006, the housemates were not allowed any grace period that Big Brother 2005 housemates experienced, and fines were awarded within minutes of all the housemates entering the House on launch night. Following the first week, the Punishment Room was revealed, where housemates were often sent after receiving their $5,000 fine from Big Brother. Housemates were also repeatedly warned that once a fine has been incurred, that money could never be regained. After final four housemates added $311,000 back to the remaining $200,000 prize money taking it to $511,000 during the last Friday Night Games they were told that whoever wins Big Brother 2006 will have all of their fines incurred during their stay deducted from the prize money. The fine tallies of the lowest and highest were from Lauren Clayton who broke the Big Brother record for receiving no fines at all since the concept developed in Big Brother 2005 and Camilla Severi who received the highest fine total in Big Brother History of $105,000.

Friday Night Live

Special shows

The Insider AKA Michael McCoy

The Insider was a live show, broadcast on Day 2, where the result of the Insider public vote was revealed. Viewers had to vote for whether David, Camilla or Michael should be appointed the Insider. The Daily Show was broadcast as part of The Insider. Hosted by Gretel Killeen. Michael McCoy was selected as the insider. Michael McCoy (born 16 June 1980) is a political science student from Sydney, New South Wales. He is of Anglo-Celtic and Filipino descent. Michael was the first housemate to enter the Big Brother House this year. On Day 2, he was given the task of the Insider by Big Brother, having been chosen by the viewing public. If he succeeded in his tasks, he would be immune from being nominated, but if he failed he would automatically be put up for eviction.

He failed his first mission within minutes of being assigned the task, which was to secretly spill water on a bed that was occupied by two housemates. Michael opted to spill water on Gaelan's bed, which at the time was only used by Gaelan himself. Because of that, and because he also didn't empty the whole bottle, he was awarded his first strike. Soon after, he was given other missions, one of which was to be nominated by at least eight of his fellow housemates in the next round of nominations. To complete this mission he fabricated a story about a custody issue concerning his young son Reuben, claiming he wanted to leave the house to concentrate on this issue.

After Big Brother revealed to the other housemates that Michael was the Insider, and that the Reuben story was pure fiction, Michael faced a strong backlash from several housemates angry at being duped in this way, especially from Anna who had little contact with her father. It was revealed on Michael's eviction night that Reuben is the name of one of Michael's real life friends. Despite no longer being the Insider, Michael continued to cause conflict in Week 5, hiding cutlery as well as hiding the housemates' toothbrushes from them, never revealing their locations even after he had been evicted, attempting to create doubts as to whether or not there is another insider inside the house besides Michael. He was the 5th housemate to be evicted from the house on Day 36, with 20% of the merged vote.

Michael appeared on Rove Live and when host Rove McManus insulted Michael by saying "don't do that, you're not The Rock" after Michael raised his eyebrow, the former housemate returned fire by bluntly telling Rove he is not as funny as the show's co-host Peter Helliar. When asked about "The Gretel Incident", Michael suggested that Friday Night Live and Big Brother UpLate host Mike Goldman, or Friday Night Live co-host and former housemate Ryan Fitzgerald, would be better hosts of Big Brother than Gretel Killeen. As has become custom over the history of the show, Michael appeared along with all the other 2006 housemates on the Rove Live episode of the week of the final. In his usual style he said what everyone wanted to say but were too afraid to. As soon as he was asked to speak, he immediately questioned why John and Ashley were not present, and attempted to get the host to bring them on.

Surprise Eviction

Surprise Eviction was a live show that was broadcast on the first Sunday (Day 8) following Launch, where the housemates each had to vote for two of the housemates that they wanted to see evicted. Kept hidden from them was the fact that the two housemates with the most votes, Anna and Camilla, were not evicted; but were sent to the Revenge Room to secretly cause havoc on the house. Hosted by Gretel Killeen.


Unforgettable was a special live show aired on Day 9. Hosted by Gretel Killeen.

Revenge Room Return

Revenge Room Return was a special live show aired on Day 10, two days after Anna and Camilla were evicted to the Revenge Room in Special Eviction. The one-hour episode incorporated the Daily Show. It ended with Anna and Camilla re-entering the house as John's special birthday gift. Hosted by Gretel Killeen.

Intruders Go In

Intruders Go In was a live special held on Day 24 (16 May 2006), when housemates Rob, Danielle and Jade were revealed and entered the House as Intruders throughout the night. Footage of Michael being revealed as the Insider to the housemates was also shown, including the reaction of the housemates. Rob entered first towards the end of the special. Jade entered the house shortly before Rove Live, and Danielle entered during UpLate.[18]

Truth, Lies, Eviction

Truth, Lies, Eviction was a live show used on Day 36. Big Brother felt that some housemates were lying or holding back on things about themselves, therefore flying Under the Radar. On Day 35, each housemate went into the diary room and was asked some questions. A lie-risk detector, said to be 90% accurate, was used to determine from the frequency of their voice whether or not they were lying. They weren't informed that a lie detector was used, or what the information would be used for until during Truth, Lies, Eviction was broadcast. The show also featured Michael's eviction, and the Daily Show was broadcast as part of Truth, Lies, Eviction.

Under the Radar

Under the Radar was a show that aired during Day 38. Based on the results of Day 36's Truth, Lies, Eviction show, Big Brother selected five housemates that he felt weren't contributing to the house, who were intentionally acting in a reserved manner to avoid conflict and thereby avoid being nominated, or flying Under the Radar. These housemates were up for a 24-hour public vote to decide which of them would be added to the list of housemates up for eviction that week. The public vote started on Day 37's Nominations show. The housemates Big Brother felt were "flying under the radar" were Ashley, Claire, Gaelan, John and Krystal. Based on viewer votes John and Krystal were added to the list of housemates up for eviction. On Eviction night, neither of them were evicted.

Intruders – Incoming

Intruders – Incoming was a live show that was broadcast on Day 60 (21 June 2006). In the show, new Intruders Darren and Perry entered the house. Lauren entered the House later, in UpLate. The Daily Show was broadcast as part of Intruders – Incoming. The show was hosted by Gretel Killeen.

Housemates on Trial

Housemates on Trial was a live show that aired on Day 67 (28 June 2006). This special replaced a previously advertised special where housemates were to be hypnotised by hypnotist, Peter Powers,[19] because not enough housemates consented to being hypnotised for enough footage to be produced for a special. In this special, Housemates were asked a series of questions previously submitted by viewers and were run through a Layered Voice Analysis device to determine how honest the housemates were with their answers. This device did not require housemates to give yes or no answers. This special ran in a similar format to the previous special Truth, Lies, Eviction, except without an Eviction. The show was hosted by Gretel Killeen.

The New Housemates

The New Housemates was a live show aired on Day 80 (11 July 2006), where new housemates Max and Chris, both from New South Wales, entered the house to replace Ashley and John. Unlike Intruders, Chris and Max could nominate and be nominated immediately (the next opportunity to nominate would be six days later). Max entered during the special one-hour show, where he posed as Darren in a pirate costume, quickly being identified. Chris entered live during Rove. The Daily Show was broadcast as part of The New Housemates.

Surprise Eviction

Surprise Eviction was a live show on Day 95 (26 July 2006). The show was hosted by Gretel Killeen.

The Prize Fight

The Prize Fight was a special Friday Night Live that was broadcast on Day 97 (28 July 2006). This was the last Friday Night Live of Big Brother 2006. The housemates were told by Big Brother that there would be no Rewards Room, Three Boxes, or Three Point Twist to compete for; and no chores to allocate; but would instead be given the opportunity to win any amount up to $416,000 to add to the prize fund of $200,000, depending on what percentage of the games they successfully completed. Ryan Fitzgerald, co-host of Friday Night Live, was involved in one of the games, as an "Ex-Professional Football Player". At the end of the games, the housemates were told that they added $311,000 to the prize fund, giving the winner the opportunity to win $511,000, less all the fines the winning housemate had incurred during their stay in the Big Brother House as they were all repeatedly warned that their fine money could never be regained.

Surprise Visit

Surprise Visit was the last Daily Show of Big Brother 2006, and was broadcast on Day 99 (30 July 2006). Camilla won a date with Big Brother as she had been the 1500th Housemate to use the Diary Room, and was able to take three of her closest friends, this being all of the other housemates in the House with her at the time. While they were in the Diary Room on their date, David's, Jamie's and Max's mothers; and Camilla's best friend, had entered the House to cook food and leave items that the housemates would recognise. After their departure, the housemates were allowed back into the House to watch a video message of their loved ones while they were in the House. Hosted by Gretel Killeen.

Final Sunday Double Eviction

Final Sunday Double Eviction was the last Eviction of Big Brother 2006, and was broadcast live in front of an audience on Day 99 (30 July 2006) from Dreamworld, and was hosted by Gretel Killeen. It was during this show that Max and David were evicted. On Day 98, the Final Four each had a separate discussion with Gretel in the Revenge Room, discussing their time in the house and what they may have regretted. During his eviction, David was nearly apparently attacked by a member of the crowd when he was making his walk through the auditorium to the Eviction stage. A security guard tackled the man, who was later revealed to be a friend of David's, to the ground, and David walked around them.


The season finale aired on Day 100 (31 July 2006) in which Jamie was announced the winner and Camilla the runner-up.


Sexual assault

This season of Big Brother Australia proved to be highly controversial. A sexual assault during which John (real name Michael Bric) held down Camilla Severi on her bed while Ashley (Michael Cox) pushed his crotch into her face in the house on 1 July 2006 resulted in the ejection of the pair from the show. The incident sparked calls for the series to be investigated for possible breaches of broadcasting laws,[5] and calls for the cancellation of the series by several commentators and politicians, including then Australian Prime Minister John Howard and opposition leader Kim Beazley.[20] The incident and in particular the Prime Minister's comments, were reported internationally, running on CNN and the BBC[21] and in various other international publications.[22] Because of the incident, Big Brother – Adults Only ended its run after politicians warned Network Ten that its screening of the show could harm its push for media reforms.[4][5]

The incident sparked a high level of discussion on Internet forums where commentators were split over whether the incident was playful fun or actual assault. In many forums there was overwhelming censure of the Big Brother series itself, with many calling for the show to be cancelled.[23] Subsequent to the controversy the program's ratings showed an increase;[24] however, this proved to be only a temporary boost; the show's regular ratings did not show a significant overall increase and the Daily Show continued to rate significantly lower than its competitors on other commercial networks.[25] Network Ten indicated that they planned to continue producing the series despite the barrage of criticism.[26] In the wake of the controversy, several former housemates came forward with descriptions of audition processes that require potential housemates to parade nude, and the frequent occurrence of sexual acts in the house similar to the one that the two housemates were ejected for.[27]

Following the removal of the two offenders the show continued as normal, with housemate Gaelan evicted via the usual procedure the following day. In an interview, Gaelan claimed that the Big Brother producers had not advised housemates on how to deal with sexual tension.[28] On the night of 3 July, Network Ten broadcast an interview with the ejected housemates John and Ashley speaking to Big Brother host Gretel Killeen. The two stated that the incident was only "out of fun", and that they "did not mean to hurt Camilla", as they have "a great deal of respect for her".[29]

As a result of the incident, a report by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) was compiled a few days after the incident. The report concluded that loopholes in broadcasting rules should be closed, and Internet content regulations tightened. It was found that Big Brother itself could not be penalised as the footage was never broadcast by Network Ten but was seen only via web streaming, and the Internet falls outside ACMA's authority. Websites running the footage would not be penalised under other regulations governing web broadcasts as they had removed the footage when requested.[30] Rival network current affairs programs A Current Affair on the Nine Network, and the Seven Network's Today Tonight, both broadcast the footage in full. Neither show faced a reprimand from ACMA as they can argue the footage was used as part of a news story.[21] Presenting the ACMA report, Communications Minister Helen Coonan said that legislation to broaden the authority's regulatory powers to cover the Internet and mobile phone broadcasts, would be introduced into Parliament as soon as possible.[31]

Michael and David's "kiss"

Host Gretel Killeen and evicted housemate Michael McCoy had a heated argument during the Monday live nomination show after he adamantly accused the producers of "editing" the footage with him and housemate David Graham to make it seem like they were kissing. McCoy censured that "it was great editing by Big Brother." Killeen took offense to this accusation, where she brusquely responded, "Listen mate, if you're going to tell me, when I've worked on a show for six years, that we have edited something and it has not been edited, I would like to know who told you that."[32][33]

After the commercial break, Killeen apologised to McCoy, stating that she gets offended when housemates claim that the producers "edit material". At first, the show declined to air the footage of the alleged kiss, but later released the clip after objection from Michael McCoy and Big Brother fans. It was discovered that McCoy and Graham did not kiss, but only "appeared" to have kissed because they were filmed from a high-angle wide shot from behind, which gave the illusion that they were kissing. The incident and the heated interview garnered some media attention where it was labelled "The Gretel Incident" by some fans due to Gretel's aggressively defensive interviewing style with McCoy.[34][35]


Several 2006 housemates were contestants in an Australia's Brainiest special named Australia's Brainiest BB06 Housemate produced for Network Ten in the weeks following the end of the season. It was broadcast on 13 August 2006.[36]

2006 Housemate Anna Lind-Hansen said the catchphrase 'Game on, moles' during her stay in the Big Brother house. This is largely credited as one of the most famous quotes to come out of Big Brother Australia and of Australian television as a whole.

2006 Housemate David Graham appeared in Season 14 of Big Brother Australia, where past housemates merged with new players.


  1. ^ a b "Jamie tells Katie 'I love you'". The Sydney Morning Herald. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press. 1 August 2006. Archived from the original on 16 October 2007. Retrieved 1 August 2006.
  2. ^ "Jamie takes home the money". Herald Sun. 1 August 2006. Retrieved 1 August 2006.[permanent dead link]
  3. ^ a b "Turkey slappers 'loveable to me'". The Sydney Morning Herald. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press. 1 August 2006. Archived from the original on 23 May 2007. Retrieved 1 August 2006.
  4. ^ a b c "Ten shuts Big Brother - Adults Only". The Courier-Mail. 23 June 2006. Archived from the original on 15 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  5. ^ a b c Stafford, Annabel (3 July 2006). "Big Brother in bigger bother". The Age. Canberra. Archived from the original on 5 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  6. ^ "Police rule out BB probe". The Age. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press. 3 July 2006. Archived from the original on 16 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  7. ^ "Big Brother in hot water again". The Sydney Morning Herald. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press. 20 June 2006. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 21 June 2006.
  8. ^ "Ash, John sexually assault Camilla and are escorted from the house". Behind Big Brother Australia. 1 July 2006. Archived from the original on 5 July 2006.
  9. ^ a b "Gaelan gets the boot". The Age. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press. 3 July 2006. Archived from the original on 4 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  10. ^ "Ash, John speak out over ousting". Nine News. NineMSN. Australian Associated Press (AAP). 3 July 2006. Archived from the original on 5 July 2006.
  11. ^ "Brother footage is under scrutiny". The Border Mail. 4 July 2006. Archived from the original on 13 September 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  12. ^ "Big Bro stars in meltdown". The Sunday Mail. 9 July 2006. Retrieved 13 July 2006.[permanent dead link]
  13. ^ "BB housemates 'stressed'". 9 July 2006. Retrieved 13 July 2006.[permanent dead link]
  14. ^ a b "Girls out in shock evictions". The Age. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press (AAP). 24 July 2006. Archived from the original on 16 May 2007. Retrieved 24 July 2006.
  15. ^ "Final insult". The Daily Telegraph. 29 July 2006. Retrieved 1 August 2006.[permanent dead link]
  16. ^ Moses, Alexa (1 August 2006). "Turkey-slapped then robbed". The Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from the original on 29 March 2007. Retrieved 1 August 2006.
  17. ^ Edwards, Lorna (1 August 2006). "Big Brother contestant saw a winner in the mirror". The Age. Archived from the original on 22 October 2007. Retrieved 1 August 2006.
  18. ^ "Intruders have landed!". Big Brother official site. Archived from the original on 21 May 2006. Retrieved 26 June 2006.
  19. ^ "Housemates on Trial". Big Brother official site. 26 June 2006. Archived from the original on 27 June 2006. Retrieved 28 June 2006.
  20. ^ Meade, Amanda; Sainsbury, Michael (4 July 2006). "Howard, Laws call for end to Brother". The Australian. Archived from the original on 4 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  21. ^ a b Doherty, Ben; Ziffer, Daniel (5 July 2006). "No action likely on Big Brother". The Age. Canberra. Archived from the original on 5 July 2006. Retrieved 5 July 2006.
  22. ^ Toms, Janine (4 July 2006). "'Big bother' a global pandemic". The Age. Archived from the original on 6 July 2006. Retrieved 8 July 2006.
  23. ^ Burrow, Vanessa (5 July 2006). "Big Brother viewers unperturbed". The Age. Archived from the original on 7 July 2006. Retrieved 5 July 2006.
  24. ^ "Big Brother ratings up". The Age. Fairfax Media. Australian Associated Press (AAP). 3 July 2006. Archived from the original on 4 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  25. ^ Warneke, Ross (13 July 2006). "Ratings". The Age. Archived from the original on 18 July 2006. Retrieved 13 July 2006.
  26. ^ Doherty, Ben; Ziffer, Daniel (4 July 2006). "Howard leads calls for eviction". The Age. Archived from the original on 5 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006.
  27. ^ Te Koha, Nui (9 July 2006). "Big Brother's dirty secret". Herald Sun. News Corp. Archived from the original on 18 July 2006. Retrieved 9 July 2006.
  28. ^ "Brother Tension on rise". mX (Metro eXpress). News Limited. 3 July 2006. p. 1.
  29. ^ "Ash, John speak out over ousting". Nine News. NineMSN. Australian Associated Press. 3 July 2006. Archived from the original on 5 July 2006. Retrieved 3 July 2006.
  30. ^ Burrow, Vanessa (5 July 2006). "Coonan flags internet crackdown". The Age. Fairfax Media. Archived from the original on 7 July 2006. Retrieved 5 July 2006.
  31. ^ Doherty, Ben; Ziffer, Daniel (6 July 2006). "Watchdog to vet internet content". The Age. Fairfax Media. Archived from the original on 15 July 2006. Retrieved 6 July 2006.
  32. ^ Coy, Bronte (16 de octubre de 2016). «Los momentos más controvertidos de todos los tiempos de Gran Hermano». Archivado desde el original el 9 de noviembre de 2019. Consultado el 24 de febrero de 2021 .
  33. ^ El incidente de Gretel - Gran Hermano Australia. YouTube. Archivado del original el 21 de diciembre de 2021.
  34. ^ Decent, Tom (18 de noviembre de 2014). «Los mejores momentos de todos los tiempos de Gran Hermano». Sydney Morning Herald . Archivado desde el original el 16 de octubre de 2018. Consultado el 24 de febrero de 2021 .
  35. ^ BB06 - Michael y David - ¿Beso o no beso?. YouTube. 28 de diciembre de 2009. Archivado desde el original el 21 de diciembre de 2021.
  36. ^ "SPOILERS: Los finalistas del concurso de compañeros de casa más inteligentes de Australia". Behind Big Brother Australia . 4 de agosto de 2006. Archivado desde el original el 5 de octubre de 2006. Consultado el 5 de agosto de 2006 .

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