Self-ionization of water

The self-ionization of water (also autoionization of water, autoprotolysis of water, autodissociation of water, or simply dissociation of water) is an ionization reaction in pure water or in an aqueous solution, in which a water molecule, H2O, deprotonates (loses the nucleus of one of its hydrogen atoms) to become a hydroxide ion, OH. The hydrogen nucleus, H+, immediately protonates another water molecule to form a hydronium cation, H3O+. It is an example of autoprotolysis, and exemplifies the amphoteric nature of water.

History and notation

The self-ionization of water was first proposed in 1884 by Svante Arrhenius as part of the theory of ionic dissociation which he proposed to explain the conductivity of electrolytes including water. Arrhenius wrote the self-ionization as . At that time, nothing was yet known of atomic structure or subatomic particles, so he had no reason to consider the formation of an ion from a hydrogen atom on electrolysis as any less likely than, say, the formation of a ion from a sodium atom.

In 1923 Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted and Martin Lowry proposed that the self-ionization of water actually involves two water molecules: . By this time the electron and the nucleus had been discovered and Rutherford had shown that a nucleus is very much smaller than an atom. This would include a bare ion which would correspond to a proton with zero electrons. Brønsted and Lowry proposed that this ion does not exist free in solution, but always attaches itself to a water (or other solvent) molecule to form the hydronium ion (or other protonated solvent).

Later spectroscopic evidence has shown that many protons are actually hydrated by more than one water molecule. The most descriptive notation for the hydrated ion is , where aq (for aqueous) indicates an indefinite or variable number of water molecules. However the notations and are still also used extensively because of their historical importance. This article mostly represents the hydrated proton as , corresponding to hydration by a single water molecule.

Equilibrium constant

Animation of the self-ionization of water

Chemically pure water has an electrical conductivity of 0.055 μS/cm. According to the theories of Svante Arrhenius, this must be due to the presence of ions. The ions are produced by the water self-ionization reaction, which applies to pure water and any aqueous solution:

H2O + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + OH

Expressed with chemical activities a, instead of concentrations, the thermodynamic equilibrium constant for the water ionization reaction is:

which is numerically equal to the more traditional thermodynamic equilibrium constant written as:

under the assumption that the sum of the chemical potentials of H+ and H3O+ is formally equal to twice the chemical potential of H2O at the same temperature and pressure.[1]

Because most acid–base solutions are typically very dilute, the activity of water is generally approximated as being equal to unity, which allows the ionic product of water to be expressed as:[2]

In dilute aqueous solutions, the activities of solutes (dissolved species such as ions) are approximately equal to their concentrations. Thus, the ionization constant, dissociation constant, self-ionization constant, water ion-product constant or ionic product of water, symbolized by Kw, may be given by: