Dominio de nivel superior con código de país

Un dominio de nivel superior de código de país ( ccTLD ) es un dominio de nivel superior de Internet que generalmente se utiliza o reserva para un país , estado soberano o territorio dependiente identificado con un código de país . Todos los identificadores de ccTLD ASCII tienen dos letras y todos los dominios de nivel superior de dos letras son ccTLD.

En 2018, la Autoridad de Números Asignados de Internet (IANA) comenzó a implementar dominios de nivel superior de código de país internacionalizados , que consisten en caracteres nativos del idioma cuando se muestran en una aplicación de usuario final. La creación y delegación de ccTLD se describe en RFC 1591, que corresponde a los códigos de país alfa-2 de ISO 3166-1. Si bien los gTLD deben obedecer las regulaciones internacionales, los ccTLD están sujetos a requisitos que determina la corporación de regulación de nombres de dominio de cada país. Con más de 150 millones de registros de nombres de dominio a partir de 2022, los ccTLD representan aproximadamente el 40% de la industria total de nombres de dominio. [1]

Las solicitudes de extensión de código de país comenzaron en 1985. Las extensiones de código de país registradas en ese año incluyeron .us (Estados Unidos), .uk (Reino Unido) y .il (Israel). Las extensiones de código de país registradas en 1986 incluyeron .au (Australia), .de (Alemania), .fi (Finlandia), .fr (Francia), .is (Islandia), .jp (Japón), .kr (Corea del Sur), .nl (Países Bajos) y .se (Suecia). Las extensiones de código de país registradas en 1987 incluyeron .nz (Nueva Zelanda), .ch (Suiza) y .ca (Canadá). [2] Las extensiones de código de país registradas en 1988 incluyeron .ie (Irlanda), .it (Italia), .es (España) y .pt (Portugal). Las extensiones de código de país registradas en 1989 incluían .in (India) y .yu (Yugoslavia). En la década de 1990, se registraron por primera vez .cn (República Popular China) y .ru (Federación Rusa).

Hay 308 ccTLD delegados. Los ccTLD .cn , .tk , .de , .uk , .nl y .ru contienen el mayor número de dominios. Los diez ccTLD principales representan más de cinco octavas partes de los dominios ccTLD registrados. A fines de marzo de 2022, había alrededor de 153 millones de dominios ccTLD registrados. [1]

Delegación y gestión

La IANA es responsable de determinar un administrador adecuado para cada ccTLD. La administración y el control se delegan luego a ese administrador, que es responsable de las políticas y el funcionamiento del dominio. La delegación actual se puede determinar a partir de la lista de ccTLD de la IANA. [3] Los ccTLD individuales pueden tener distintos requisitos y tarifas para registrar subdominios . Puede haber un requisito de presencia local (por ejemplo, ciudadanía u otra conexión con el ccTLD), como, por ejemplo, los dominios estadounidense ( us ), japonés ( jp ), canadiense ( ca ), francés ( fr ) y alemán ( de ), o el registro puede ser abierto.


El primer ccTLD registrado fue .us , en 1985. Posteriormente, en ese mismo año, se registraron .uk y .il . Luego, en 1986, se registraron también .au , .de , .fi , .fr , .is , .jp , .kr , .nl y .se. [3] En 1987, se registraron .nz , .ch , .my y .ca . Más tarde, en 1988, se registraron también .ie , .it , .es y .pt .


Al 20 de mayo de 2017, había 255 dominios de nivel superior con código de país, en alfabeto latino puro, que utilizaban códigos de dos caracteres. En junio de 2020 , la cifra era de 316, con la incorporación de los dominios internacionalizados. [3]

ccTLD de caracteres latinos

Table Notes
  1. ^ 17 November 2009, Spanish-Portuguese specific characters (á, â, ã, à, é, ê, í, ó, ô, õ, ú, ü, ñ, ç) allowed, as approved by law.[5]
  2. ^ Mostly latin characters (à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ œ š ž), see[6]
  3. ^ Currently not allowed, but some higher-learning institutions were grandfathered-in.
  4. ^ Since March 2004, see[16]
  5. ^ Since July 1st, 2020[17]
  6. ^ IDN not adopted due to lack of public and corporate interest[18]
  7. ^ 93 non-ASCII characters, see[19]
  8. ^ 1 January 2004, support æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü, & é: see[20]
  9. ^ Estonian domain names to incorporate diacritics (IDN) starting from 13 June 2011[21]
  10. ^ Supported characters: Latin, Greek, & Cyrillic; see[23]
  11. ^ September 2005, supported characters: š, ž, å, ä, ö and Sami language; see[25]
  12. ^ a b c d e f g (6 December 2011)[26]
  13. ^ Support for Greek characters since July 2005; see[29]
  14. ^ a b c d Delegation Signer (DS) record in a root zone has not yet been published.
  15. ^ October 2003, for Swedish characters, summer 2007 also for Finnish, Meänkieli, Romani, Sami, and Yiddish; see[58]
  16. ^ Since October 2010, see[60]
  17. ^ (28 April 2008) see[62]
  18. ^ 14 November 2006; see[65]
  19. ^ 21 July 2015; see[66]
  20. ^ Traditional Chinese characters: see[68]
  21. ^ IDN domain names available in some .UA subdomains since June 2012
  22. ^ .UA secure delegations available since October 2019
  23. ^ Restricted to ISPs and other undefined entities. See .zm .

Internationalized ccTLDs

Table notes

Proposed internationalized ccTLDs

Internationalised domain names have been proposed for Japan and Libya.

Relation to ISO 3166-1

The IANA is not in the business of deciding what is and what is not a country. The selection of the ISO 3166 list as a basis for country code top-level domain names was made with the knowledge that ISO has a procedure for determining which entities should be and should not be on that list.

— Jon Postel, RFC 1591[80]

Unused ISO 3166-1 codes

Almost all current ISO 3166-1 codes have been assigned and do exist in DNS. However, some of these are effectively unused. In particular, the ccTLDs for the Norwegian dependency Bouvet Island (bv) and the designation Svalbard and Jan Mayen (sj) do exist in DNS, but no subdomains have been assigned, and it is Norid policy to not assign any at present. Two French territories—bl (Saint Barthélemy) and mf (Saint Martin)—still await local assignment by France's government.

The code eh, although eligible as ccTLD for Western Sahara, has never been assigned and does not exist in DNS. Only one subdomain is still registered in gb[81] (ISO 3166-1 for the United Kingdom), and no new registrations are being accepted for it. Sites in the United Kingdom generally useuk (see below).

The former .um ccTLD for the U.S. Minor Outlying Islands was removed in April 2008. Under RFC 1591 rules, .um is eligible as a ccTLD on request by the relevant governmental agency and local Internet user community.

ASCII ccTLDs not in ISO 3166-1

Several ASCII ccTLDs are in use that are not ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes. Some of these codes were specified in older versions of the ISO list.

Historical ccTLDs

ccTLDs may be removed if that country ceases to exist. There are three ccTLDs that have been deleted after the corresponding 2-letter code was withdrawn from ISO 3166-1: cs (for Czechoslovakia), zr (for Zaire) and tp (for East Timor). There may be a significant delay between withdrawal from ISO 3166-1 and deletion from the DNS; for example, ZR ceased to be an ISO 3166-1 code in 1997, but the zr ccTLD was not deleted until 2001. Other ccTLDs corresponding to obsolete ISO 3166-1 codes have not yet been deleted. In some cases they may never be deleted due to the amount of disruption this would cause for a heavily used ccTLD. In particular, the Soviet Union's ccTLD su remains in use more than twenty years after SU was removed from ISO 3166-1.

The historical country codes dd for the German Democratic Republic and yd for South Yemen were eligible for a ccTLD, but not allocated; see also de and ye.

The temporary reassignment of country code cs (Serbia and Montenegro) until its split into rs and me (Serbia and Montenegro, respectively) led to some controversies[83][84] about the stability of ISO 3166-1 country codes, resulting in a second edition of ISO 3166-1 in 2007 with a guarantee that retired codes will not be reassigned for at least 50 years, and the replacement of RFC 3066 by RFC 4646 for country codes used in language tags in 2006.

The previous ISO 3166-1 code for Yugoslavia, YU, was removed by ISO on 23 July 2003, but the yu ccTLD remained in operation. Finally, after a two-year transition to Serbian rs and Montenegrin me, the .yu domain was phased out in March 2010.

Australia was originally assigned the oz country code, which was later changed to au with the .oz domains moved to

Internationalized ccTLDs

An internationalized country code top-level domain (IDN ccTLD) is a top-level domain with a specially encoded domain name that is displayed in an end user application, such as a web browser, in its native language script or a non-alphabetic writing system, such as Latin script (.us, .uk and .br), Indic script (.भारत) and Korean script (.한국), etc. IDN ccTLDs are an application of the internationalized domain name (IDN) system to top-level Internet domains assigned to countries, including the United Kingdom, or independent geographic regions.

ICANN started to accept applications for IDN ccTLDs in November 2009,[85] and installed the first set into the Domain Names System in May 2010. The first set was a group of Arabic names for the countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. By May 2010, 21 countries had submitted applications to ICANN, representing 11 languages.[86]

ICANN requires all potential international TLDs to use at least one letter that does not resemble a Latin letter, or have at least three letters, in an effort to avoid IDN homograph attacks. Nor shall the international domain name look like another domain name, even if they have different alphabets. Between Cyrillic and Greek alphabets, for example, this could happen.[citation needed]

Generic ccTLDs

Generic Country Code Top-Level Domain or gccTLD refers to those TLDs which are technically "non-restricted ccTLDs" but used like traditional generic TLDs (gTLDs) rather than "country"-targeted ones.[87][88][89] Most of the gccTLDs are primarily used as domain hacks:

Unconventional usage

Lenient registration restrictions on certain ccTLDs have resulted in various domain hacks. Domain names such as,, and form well-known English phrases, whereas others combine the second-level domain and ccTLD to form one word or one title, creating domains such as of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (gs), of Belgium (be), of the United States (us), and of Tonga (to). The .co domain of Colombia has been cited since 2010 as a potential competitor to generic TLDs for commercial use, because it may be an abbreviation for company.[90]

Several ccTLDs allow the creation of emoji domains.

Some ccTLDs may also be used for typosquatting. The domain cm of Cameroon has generated interest due to the possibility that people might miss typing the letter o for sites in the com.[91]

Commercial use

Some of the world's smallest countries and non-sovereign or colonial entities with their own country codes have opened their TLDs for worldwide commercial use, some of them free like .tk.

See also


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External links