Revised Dwikora Cabinet

The Revised Dwikora Cabinet (Indonesian: Kabinet Dwikora Yang Disempurnakan) was the Indonesian cabinet which served under President Sukarno from February 1966 to March 1966. The cabinet was formed under an extremely tense political situation, and it was expected that this cabinet would address the concerns of the people. It was during a meeting of this cabinet that unidentified troops surrounded the Presidential Palace causing to Sukarno to escape to Bogor from where he gave Supersemar to Lieutenant General Suharto.


Cabinet Presidium

Ministers in the Field of Law and Home Affairs

Ministers in the Field of Defense and Security

Ministers in the Field of Finance

Ministers in the Field of Development

Ministers in the Field of People's Industries

Ministers in the Field of Public Works and Energy

Ministers in the Field of Agriculture and Agrarian Affairs

Ministers in the Field of Distribution

Ministers in the Field of Maritime Affairs

Ministers in the Field of Welfare

Ministers in the Field of Religious Affairs

Ministers in the Field of Education and Culture

Ministers in the Field of Communication with the People

Presidential Advisers

State Ministers Attached to the Cabinet Presidium

State Officials

Officials with Ministerial status


On 18 March 1966, Subandrio, Chaerul Saleh, Setiadi Reksoprodjo, Sumardjo, Oei Tjoe Tat, Jusuf Muda Dalam, Armunanto, Surachman, Sutomo Martopradoto, Astrawinata, Achmadi, Sjafei, J. K. Tumakaka, Achadi, and Soemarno Sosroatmojo were arrested. A number of interim ministers were appointed to replace the 15 arrested ministers as follows:

To replace Saleh as Chairman of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly, Gen. Wiluyo Puspoyudo of the Army was appointed to this position in an acting capacity.

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