West Branch Feather River

The West Branch (or West Fork) Feather River is a Lake Oroville tributary that flows generally north-to-south in the North Fork Feather Watershed near the watershed's drainage divide with the Mills-Big Chico Watershed and Upper Butte Watershed.

Toadtown development & DeSabla Regional Bundle
Up to 125 cu ft/s (3.5 m3/s) of the West Branch is diverted to the 8.66 mi (13.94 km) Hendricks Canal of the Toadtown development, and the Magalia 73 Dam conveys water via a sequence of DeSabla Regional Bundle facilities from the Upper Miocene Canal to Kunkle Reservoir (Lime Saddle Powerhouse near Lake Oroville), then via the Middle Miocene Canal to the Coal Canyon Powerhouse, and then to the Oroville-Thermalito Complex.[2]


  1. ^ George, Holly; et al. "Upper Feather River Watershed (UFRW) Irrigation Discharge Management Program" (PDF). University of California. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-06-12. Retrieved 2010-09-08.
  2. ^ "Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Application for Authorization to Divest Its Hydroelectric Generating Facilities and Related Assets, Section 4: Hydrology & Water Quality" (PDF). Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy. Retrieved 4 August 2010.