Twenty-Eight Mansions

The twenty-eight mansions of the Chinese astronomy (east is on the left, north at the top)

The Twenty-Eight Mansions (Chinese: 二十八宿; pinyin: Èrshíbā Xiù), also called xiu[1] or hsiu, are part of the Chinese constellations system. They can be considered as the equivalent to the zodiacal constellations in Western astronomy, though the Twenty-eight Mansions reflect the movement of the Moon through a sidereal month rather than the Sun in a tropical year.

The lunar mansion system was in use in other parts of East Asia, such as ancient Japan; the Bansenshūkai, written by Fujibayashi Yasutake, mentions the system several times and includes an image of the twenty-eight mansions.[2]

A similar system, called nakshatra, is used in traditional Indian astronomy.[3]


Yuan dynasty illustration of the 28 mansions from Shilin Guangji by Chen Yuanjing

Ancient Chinese astronomers divided the sky ecliptic into four regions, collectively known as the Four Symbols, each assigned a mysterious animal. They are Azure Dragon (青龍) on the east, Black Tortoise (玄武) on the north, White Tiger (白虎) on the west, and Vermilion Bird (朱雀) on the south. Each region contains seven mansions, making a total of 28 mansions. These mansions or xiù correspond to the longitudes along the ecliptic that the Moon crosses during its 27.32-day journey around the Earth and serve as a way to track the Moon's progress. In Taoism they are related to 28 Chinese generals.[4]

Late Sui to early Tang dynasty portrayal of the Five Stars and Twenty-Eight Mansions, by Liang Lingzan (梁令瓒), .

List of mansions

Ming Dynasty Water and Land Ritual paintings of the mansions from Baoning Temple. (clockwise: Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird)

The names and determinative stars of the mansions are:[5][6]

Ver también


  1. ^ Gary D. Thompson capítulo 11-24 Archivado el 26 de enero de 2011 en la Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ "Bansenshukai 8". Archivado desde el original el 1 de junio de 2010 . Consultado el 12 de diciembre de 2014 .
  3. ^ CBETA T21 No. 1299《文殊師利菩薩及諸仙所說吉凶時日善惡宿曜經》卷1 Archivado el 23 de septiembre de 2015 en la Wayback Machine.
  4. ^ 统天殿 Archivado el 22 de noviembre de 2005 en la Wayback Machine.
  5. ^ "El cielo chino". Proyecto Internacional Dunhuang . Archivado desde el original el 4 de noviembre de 2015 . Consultado el 25 de junio de 2011 .
  6. ^ Sol, Xiaochun (1997). Helaine Selin (ed.). Enciclopedia de la historia de la ciencia, la tecnología y la medicina en culturas no occidentales. Editores académicos de Kluwer. pag. 517.ISBN 0-7923-4066-3. Consultado el 25 de junio de 2011 .