King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters is a British animated series which first aired on CITV. Co-created by Paul Parkes and Will Ashurst, the series follows and depicts attempts by King Arthur (voiced by Rik Mayall), assisted by the wizard Merlin (voiced by Matt Lucas), to woo the beautiful self-obsessed Princess Guinevere (voiced by Morwenna Banks). Due to the popularity of the show, it was picked up for a second series which began transmission on CITV from 6 November 2005. Both were executive-produced by Genevieve Dexter at Cake Entertainment.

King Arthur's Disasters was the highest-rated new CITV show during spring 2005. It regularly achieved an audience share of over 20% of children and it regularly won its time slot against CBBC.[citation needed] In 2006 the show was nominated for a children's BAFTA for Best Animation; however, it lost to The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers.[1]


Princess Guinevere requests a certain object, animal, or being which she apparently desperately wants or truly has need of. Arthur accepts, in return for her agreed hand in marriage. Arthur, usually accompanied by Merlin, will set off on a quest which sometimes included other people to gain the item required. He is beset by numerous dangers before finally reaching his goal, however something will always ruin it or its effects and Guinevere will never be pleased, or if she is, soon after she will be displeased. The enemies to the king are his two rebellious knights, Sir Lancelot and Sir Martyn, who constantly quarrel between each other but share the king as a common enemy.


The show uses a stock series of characters drawn from the popular reception of the Arthurian Legend, and whose most notable features demonstrate the influences of 20th century, rather than medieval incarnations of the knights. The main recurring characters are:


Series 1 (2005)

Series 2 (2005-2006)

International broadcasts


  1. ^ "Children's Nominations 2006". British Academy of Film and Television Arts. 2006. Retrieved 6 June 2008.
  2. ^ "Mouth Shut (U)".

External links