The Four Million

The Four Million is the second published collection of short stories by O. Henry originally released on April 10, 1906, by McClure, Phillips & Co. in New York. There are twenty-five stories of various lengths including several of his best known works such as "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Cop and the Anthem". The book's title refers to the then population of New York City where many of the stories are set. O. Henry was responding to a newspaper editorial by Ward McAllister, who claimed that there were only four hundred people in New York City worth knowing, by instead opining that every human being in New York is worthy of notice.[1]


1963 Airmont illustrated paperback edition.

See also


  1. ^ A Study Guide for O. Henry's "After Twenty Years". Gale, Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1-4103-3939-3.

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