Indrit Cara

Indrit Cara (also known as Ushtar Kavaja; 11 July 1971 – 31 March 1999) was an Albanian activist volunteer and soldier who died fighting during the Kosovo War. In 2009, ten years after his passing, Kosovo president Fatmir Sejdiu awarded him the medal of freedom "Adem Jashari" for bravery in combat. The song "Ushtar Kavaja" performed by singer Ilir Shaqiri is dedicated to Indrit. Cara is also named honorary citizen of his hometown, Kavajë and a street in the city bares his name.[2][3][4] A sculpture statue in honor of him is placed at the city center of Kavaja.[5]


  1. ^ "Zyra e Kryeministrit të Kosovës".
  2. ^ "Ushtaraku i UÇK-së nga Kavaja simbol i flijimit për Bashkim Kombëtar". Archived from the original on 2014-05-12. Retrieved 2014-05-10.
  3. ^ "Indirt Cara: Balli i Trimërisë".
  4. ^ "Kush ishte heroi kavajas Indrit Cara dhe rrethanat e vrasjes në UÇK".
  5. ^ "Indrit Cara - Kavajë". Retrieved 2023-09-25.