Hrizostom Jević

Hrizostom Jević ( cirílico serbio : Хризостом Јевић ; nacido el 4 de marzo de 1952) es un prelado bosnio de la Iglesia ortodoxa serbia . Ha sido obispo metropolitano de Dabar-Bosna desde 2017. Jević, ex monje del monasterio de Krka , también se ha desempeñado como obispo de Bihać y Petrovac (1991-2013) y Zvornik y Tuzla (2013-2017).

Primeros años de vida

Jević nació en Vođenica, cerca de Bosanski Petrovac, de padre Nikola y madre Rosa, de soltera Radošević. Terminó la escuela primaria con excelentes calificaciones en 1967. Mientras aún estaba en la escuela primaria, Jević expresó interés en convertirse en sacerdote, a lo que su familia se opuso, lo que resultó en una pausa de un año en su educación. Finalmente, en 1968 se matriculó en el seminario de cinco años del monasterio de Krka en Kistanje , Croacia , de donde se graduó en 1973, también con excelentes notas. Mientras estaba en el seminario, se dedicó al canto y al folclore. Mientras estaba en el cuarto año del seminario, Jević tomó los votos monásticos frente al obispo Stefan Boca de Dalmacia el 20 de septiembre de 1971 y tomó el nombre de Hrizostom. Jević se convirtió en diácono el 27 de septiembre de 1971 y fue ordenado sacerdote en el monasterio de Krka el 10 de junio de 1973 por Boca. [1]

From 1973 to 1974, Jević served in the military in Kraljevo. After the military service, Jević was appointed a secretary of the Church court of the Eparchy of Dalmatia in Šibenik. He enrolled at the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade as a part-time student, but because of duties in the eparchy as well as the parish of Skradin where he occasionally served, he ended his theological studies. In 1975, however, the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church allowed him to study theology in Bucharest, Romania. However, due to political tensions between Yugoslavia and Romania involving Vlado Dapčević, Jević never went to Bucharest. In January 1976, Boca sent him to Thessaloniki, Greece to study Greek and theology at the Aristotle University. There he studied from 1976 until his graduation summa cum laude in 1980. Simultaneously, from 1978 to 1979, he attended French courses in Paris.[1]

Influenced by starets Nikanor Savić, Jević entered the Hilandar monastery in Mount Athos. At the request of the new Bishop of Dalmatia Nikolaj Mrđa, Jević returned to teach at the seminary in the Krka monastery, where he remained from September 1981 to September 1991. There, he held various monastic duties besides lecturing.[1]


The Holy Synod appointed him the bishop of the newly created Eparchy of Bihać and Petrovac on 23 May 1991 and was installed on 4 August 1991 in the Church of Saint Sava in Drvar. The Eparchy of Bihać and Petrovac was previously administered by Mrđa. Jević served as bishop of Bihać and Petrovac for 22 years, until his appointment in the Eparchy of Zvornik and Tuzla on 1 June 2013. He was installed as the bishop of Zvornik and Tuzla on 13 July 2013 at the cathedral in Bijeljina.[1]

On 24 May 2017, Jević was appointed metropolitan bishop of Dabar-Bosna, succeeding Mrđa, who previously served as the bishop of Dalmatia. Jević was installed on 3 September 2017 at the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Sarajevo.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e Višegrad.
