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Ancient Universities of the British Isles

This is a list of the ancient universities of the UK, along with their constituent (and former) colleges.

All Souls College, University of Oxford
Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
The Holy Sepulchre, Northampton
Brazenose Gate, University of Stamford
St Salvator's College, University of St Andrews
University of Glasgow
King's College, University of Aberdeen
Old College, University of Edinburgh
Trinity College, University of Dublin
South Kirk, Fraserburgh
Old Gresham College
New College, University of Durham (17th century)
University College, Durham University

Located in Oxford, England.

Located in Cambridge, England.

Located in Northampton, England.

Located in Stamford, England.

Located in Dublin, Ireland.

Located in St Andrews, Scotland.

Located in Glasgow, Scotland.

Located in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Located in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Located in Dublin, Ireland.

Located in Fraserburgh, Scotland.

Located in London, England.

Located in Durham, England.

Located in Durham, England.

Located in London, England.



Stuff I Find Interesting

  1. Anti-Catholicism in the United Kingdom
  2. Defenestrations of Prague
  3. Quadrangle (architecture)
  4. José María Montealegre
  5. National Bolshevism

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