Harvard Oriental Series

The Harvard Oriental Series is a book series founded in 1891 by Charles Rockwell Lanman and Henry Clarke Warren. Lanman served as its inaugural editor (1891–1934) for the first 37 volumes. Other editors of the series include Walter Eugene Clark (1934–1950, volumes 38–44), Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls (1950–1983, volumes 45–48) and Gary Tubb (1983–1990, volume 49).

Currently in its 93rd volume, the series is edited by Michael Witzel, the Wales Professor of Sanskrit in the Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies at Harvard University, and distributed by the Harvard University Press. A subseries, Harvard Oriental Series Opera Minora, "aims at the swift publication of important materials that cannot be included in the mainly text-oriented Harvard Oriental Series."

Volumes of Main Series

Volumes of Opera Minora subseries

See also


  1. ^ Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1904). Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.). The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka: A Summary of the Deities and Myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes: Part I: Introduction and Text and Appendices. Harvard Oriental Series. Vol. V. Harvard University. [1]
  2. ^ Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1904). Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.). The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka: A Summary of the Deities and Myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes: Part II: Translation and Notes. Harvard Oriental Series. Vol. V. Harvard University.
  3. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1908), The Panchatantra: a collection of ancient Hindu tales, in the recension called Panchakhyanaka, and dated 1199 A.D., of the Jaina monk, Pūrṇabhadra, critically edited in the original Sanskrit (in Nâgarî letters, and, for the sake of beginners, with word-division), Harvard Oriental Series Volume 11 [2] [3] [4]
  4. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1912), The Panchatantra-text of Pūrṇabhadra : critical introduction and list of variants, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 12 [5] [6]
  5. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1912), The Panchatantra-text of Pūrṇabhadra and its relation to texts of allied recensions as shown in parallel specimens, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 13
  6. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1915), The Panchatantra: a collection of ancient Hindu tales in its oldest recension, the Kashmirian, entitled Tantrakhyayika, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 14 [7]

External links