George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus

George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus (1380–1403) was a Scottish nobleman and peer.


He was born at Tantallon Castle, East Lothian, Scotland. He was the natural-illegitimate son of William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas and Margaret Stewart, Dowager Countess of Mar & Countess of Angus and Lady Abernethy in her own right.

His father's wife Margaret had already produced an heir for her Lord in 1358, James, 2nd Earl of Douglas and Mar, who succeeded his father upon his death in 1384.

In 1389, Margaret of Angus relinquished her title in favour of her son, but George did not assume it until his betrothal in 1397 to Princess Mary Stewart, daughter of King Robert III of Scotland. The influence of George's mother must have been considerable - in addition to obtaining a royal bride for George, she persuaded King Robert III to confirm him in his style of Earl of Angus, and also to bestow upon him the lordships of Abernethy, (Perthshire) and Bonkill, (Berwickshire); and "to endow him and his spouse with the justiciary fees of the County of Forfar, to ratify all gifts, entails, and leases made or to be made by his half-sister, Isabel, Countess of Mar, to the said Jorge her brothir".[1]

James 2nd Earl of Douglas, was killed without issue in 1388, at the Battle of Otterburn, and the Earldom of Mar, and all non-entailed Douglas possessions passed to his sister Isabel. The earldom of Douglas passed to a cousin, Archibald the Grim, a natural (illegitimate) son of the Good Sir James Douglas.

The descendants of Archibald the Grim formed the famed Black Douglas line, and those of George formed the longer lived Red Douglas line.

Angus no parece haber mostrado mucho interés en la vida pública, aunque su nombre aparece en varios estatutos menores. Sin embargo, en 1402, fue enviado bajo órdenes del duque de Albany , regente de Escocia , para acompañar a Murdoch, conde de Fife y al conde de Moray para ayudar a Archibald Douglas, cuarto conde de Douglas durante su invasión de Northumberland . Esa incursión terminó en el desastroso campo de Homildon Hill , donde los escoceses fueron derrotados y todos los anteriores hechos prisioneros. Tanto Moray como Angus murieron a causa de la plaga mientras estaban cautivos.


Con su esposa, Mary Stewart, hija del rey Roberto III , Angus tuvo dos hijos:

  1. William Douglas, segundo conde de Angus (1398-1437)
  2. Lady Elizabeth Douglas, casada primero con Sir Alexander Forbes, más tarde primer Lord Forbes ; casada en segundo lugar con Sir David Hay de Yester.

María se casaría cuatro veces más y tendría siete hijos más de tres de estos maridos. La descendencia de su segundo marido, Sir James Kennedy el Joven de Dunure , fueron los antepasados ​​de los marqueses de Ailsa ; Producto de su cuarto matrimonio con William, el primer Lord Graham fueron los antepasados ​​de los vizcondes de Dundee y los duques de Montrose .


  1. ^ Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Una historia de la casa de Douglas. Freemantle, Londres 1902
