Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...

Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic... is a British animated children's television series based on the Mary Tourtel character, Rupert Bear. Aimed at pre-school children, the show is part stop motion, part computer-generated imagery. Rupert Bear still wears his trademark bright yellow plaid trousers and matching scarf, with a red jumper. Rupert has brown fur once again, just as he was originally drawn in 1920: when he appeared as a cartoon character in the Daily Express, they economised on ink by printing him white.[2]

It was broadcast on Five from 8 November 2006 to 1 February 2008, as part of their Milkshake! block. 52 episodes were produced.

The series is available for streaming on Peacock before removed.



Each episode follows an adventure in the woodland world of Nutwood, England. The characters go between Rupert's cottage, the friends' tree house, Ping Pong's colourful pagoda and the ocean, where Miranda lives.


Series 1 (2006)

Series 2 (2007)

Series 3 (2008)

Series 4 (2009)


  1. ^ Purves, Barry. "Other film work". Barry JC Purves. Archived from the original on 18 February 2009. Retrieved 15 December 2008.
  2. ^ The Independent (6 November 2006). "Rupert Bear gets 21st Century makeover". Archived from the original on 30 December 2007.

External links