Dinagat hairy-tailed rat

Dinagat hairy-tailed rat or russet batomys (Batomys russatus) is one of five species of rodent in the genus Batomys. It is in the diverse family Muridae. This species is endemic to the Philippines.[1][2][3]


This rat is found on Dinagat Island and possibly on other islands nearby. Further surveys have yet to be carried out, but it is currently endangered according to the IUCN.[4]


  1. ^ Mammal Species of the World. (2007-02-06). Retrieved on 2012-12-28.
  2. ^ Russet batomys videos, photos and facts - Batomys russatus Archived 2017-07-14 at the Wayback Machine. ARKive (2012-12-24). Retrieved on 2012-12-28.
  3. ^ Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. (2012). Batomys: Classification The Animal Diversity Web (online). Retrieved on 2012-12-28.
  4. ^