[4] Charles Bernstein es autor de 16 libros, incluyendo All the Whiskey in Heaven: Selected Poems (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2010), Blind Witness: Three American Operas (Factory School, 2008), Girly Man (University of Chicago Press, 2006), y My Way: Speeches and Poems (Chicago, 1999).
También ha publicado otras 16 plaquetas, numerosos ensayos, traducciones, libretos de ópera.
boundary 2 ** The Politics of Poetic Form: Poetry and Public Policy.
*Hejinian, Lyn; Barrett Watten, eds.
"A Guide to Poetics Journal: Writing in the Expanded Field, 1982–1998."
Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology.
National Poetry Foundation, 1986; reimpreso, con nuevo epílogo, 2002.
Artifice and Indeterminacy: An Anthology of New Poetics.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1985 ** A Poetics.
Press, 1992 ** My Way; Speeches and Poems.
Simulcast: Four Experiments in Criticism.
Textual Politics and the Language Poets.
Assembling Alternatives: Reading Postmodern Poetries Transnationally.
*Lutzkanova-Vassileva, Albena, "The Testimonies of Russian and American Postmodern Poetry: Reference, Trauma, and History."
New York: Bloomsbury, 2013*McCaffery, Steve.
North of Intention: Critical Writings 1973-1986.
** Prior to Meaning: The Protosemantic and Poetics.
The Marginalization of Poetry: Language Writing and Literary History.
Language Poetry: Writing as Rescue.
Colección inicial de conversaciones y ensayos que sitúan la poesía del lenguaje en el pensamiento político contemporáneo, la lingüística, y la tradición literaria.
How Phenomena Appear to Unfold.
** Objects in the Terrifying Tense / Longing from Taking Place.
** How Phenomena Appear to Unfold.
Language Poetry and the American Avant-Garde.
Keele: British Association for American Studies, 1993.
The Constructivist Moment: From Material Text to Cultural Poetics.
Berkeley, CA: Atelos, Small Press Distribution, 1998.
The Grand Piano: An Experiment in Collective Autobiography.
ISBN 978-0-9790198-0-7 - este trabajo se describe como un experimento en curso en la autobiografía colectiva de diez escritores[6] identificado con la poesía del Lenguaje en San Francisco.
El proyecto constará de 10 volúmenes en total.