Second Peel ministry

The second Peel ministry was formed by Sir Robert Peel in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1841.


Peel came to power for a second time after the Conservative victory in the General Election caused the Whig government of Lord Melbourne to resign.

Henry Goulburn was Chancellor of the Exchequer, the future Prime Minister Lord Aberdeen Foreign Secretary and Sir James Graham Home Secretary. William Gladstone, who was yet to join the Liberal Party, became a member of the cabinet for the first time in 1843 when he was appointed President of the Board of Trade. His future rival Benjamin Disraeli was overlooked by Peel and was a sharp critic of the government.

The government was brought down by Peel's decision in 1846 to support the repeal of the Corn Laws, leading to a split in the Tory party and the formation of a Whig government under Lord John Russell.


September 1841 – July 1846

Contemporary engraving showing the members of the Peel ministry
Portrait of Sir Robert Peel by John Linnell


List of ministers

Members of the Cabinet are indicated by bold face.

  1. ^ Resigned 6 December 1845 and resumed 20 December 1845.
  2. ^ Created Earl of Ellenborough 22 October 1844.
  3. ^ Entered the Cabinet May 1844.
  4. ^ Entered the Cabinet May 1845.
  5. ^ Entered the Cabinet February 1845.
  6. ^ Succeeded as 2nd Earl of Lonsdale 19 March 1844.
