Saturated family

In mathematics, specifically in functional analysis, a family of subsets a topological vector space (TVS) is said to be saturated if contains a non-empty subset of and if for every the following conditions all hold:

  1. contains every subset of ;
  2. the union of any finite collection of elements of is an element of ;
  3. for every scalar contains ;
  4. the closed convex balanced hull of belongs to [1]


If is any collection of subsets of then the smallest saturated family containing is called the saturated hull of [1]

The family is said to cover if the union is equal to ; it is total if the linear span of this set is a dense subset of [1]


The intersection of an arbitrary family of saturated families is a saturated family.[1]Since the power set of is saturated, any given non-empty family of subsets of containing at least one non-empty set, the saturated hull of is well-defined.[2] Note that a saturated family of subsets of that covers is a bornology on

The set of all bounded subsets of a topological vector space is a saturated family.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 79–82.
  2. ^ Schaefer & Wolff 1999, pp. 79–88.