Personal wiki

A personal wiki is wiki software that allows individual users to organize information on their desktop or mobile computing devices in a manner similar to community wikis, but without collaborative software or multiple users.

Personal wiki software can be broadly divided into two categories:

Some personal wikis are public, but password-protected, and run on dedicated web servers or are hosted by third parties.

Multi-user wiki software

Multi-user wiki applications with personal editions include:

Single-user wiki software

There are also wiki applications designed for personal use,[3] apps for mobile use,[4] and apps for use from USB flash drives.[5] They often include more features than traditional wikis, including:

Notable examples include:

See also


  1. ^ Trapani, Gina, Geek to Live: How to host a personal wiki on your home computer,, 2005-9-16. Accessed 2012-4-17.
  2. ^ Zukerman, Erez, Editorial Review of MoinMoin, PCWorld,, 2012-3-23. Accessed 2012-4-17.
  3. ^ WikiMatrix search for personal wiki software, Accessed 2012-4-17.
  4. ^ Personal wiki Apps – Android, Accessed 2012-4-17.
  5. ^ Run Your Personal Wikipedia from a USB Stick, Accessed 2012-4-17.
  6. ^ "What is ConnectedText? – ConnectedText – The Personal Wiki System". Archived from the original on 6 December 2022. Retrieved 17 April 2012.
  7. ^ Brockmeier, Joe, Weekend Project: Set Up a Personal Wiki on Linux with TiddlyWiki,, 2011-3-4. Accessed 2012-4-17.
  8. ^ List of Vim Plugins tagged 'wiki', Vim Awesome, 2017-02-01. Accessed 2017-02-01.
  9. ^ Zukerman, Erez, Editorial Review of Zim, PCWorld,, 2012-3-12. Accessed 2012-4-17.