Ranks in the French Air and Space Force

Rank insignia in the French Air and Space Force are worn on the sleeve or on shoulder marks of uniforms


Although they all wear the same insignia and titles, officers are divided into:

Généraux - general officers

Officiers supérieurs - senior officers

Officiers subalternes - junior officers

Sous-officiers - sub-officers, i.e. non-commissioned officers

Etymologically the adjudant is the adjoint ("joint (assistant)") of an officer, and the sergeant "serves" (Latin: serviens = English: servant).

Aspirants are cadet officers still in training. Sous-lieutenants are junior officers and are often aided by adjudants or adjudants-chefs, who are experienced NCOs/warrant officers.

Full lieutenants are experienced junior officers, served by sergeants when commanding their unit.

A four chevron sergent-chef-major rank existed until 1947. It was a ceremonial rank usually given to the most senior or experienced NCO in a unit, similar to a colour sergeant in the British Army. It was discontinued in the post-war army due to its redundancy.

Militaires du rang - Troop ranks

There are also distinctions to distinguish volunteers and conscripts, and bars for experience (one for five years, up to four can be obtained).

Military chaplains

See also
