Numao language

Numao is a Hmongic language of China.


Meng (2001) lists the following language varieties for Numao.[1]

Zhou (2013:29) lists the following three varieties of Numao and also provides 400-word vocabulary lists for them.[2]

The Guizhou Province Gazetteer (2002) lists the following autonyms for these villages in Libo County, Guizhou.[3]


  1. ^ a b Meng, Chaoji 蒙朝吉 (2001). Yáozú Bùnǔyǔ fāngyán yánjiū 瑤族布努语方言研究 [A Study of the Bunu Dialects of the Yao People] (in Chinese). Beijing: Minzu chubanshe.
  2. ^ Zhou, Guoyan 周国炎 (2013). Zhōngguó xīnán mínzú zájū dìqū yǔyán guānxì yǔduō yǔ héxié yánjiū: Yǐ Diān Qián Guì pílín mínzú zájū dìqū wèi yánjiū gè'àn 中国西南民族杂居地区语言关系与多语和谐研究:以滇黔桂毗邻民族杂居地区为研究个案 (in Chinese). Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe. ISBN 978-7-5161-1985-3.
  3. ^ Guizhou Province Gazetteer: Ethnic Gazetteer [贵州省志. 民族志] (2002). Guiyang: Guizhou Ethnic Publishing House [貴州民族出版社].