Veronica elliptica

Veronica elliptica, synonym Hebe elliptica, is a plant of the family Plantaginaceae.[1] It is native to New Zealand (including the Antipodean Islands and the Chatham Islands), south Argentina, south Chile and the Falkland Islands.[1] It is an evergreen, bushy shrub of 1 m or more in height, with green, oval leaves, 2–4 cm long. Flowers are white to pale mauve.[citation needed]

Branches from plants of Veronica elliptica on Disappointment Island, Auckland Islands, New Zealand were used by the survivors of the shipwreck of the Dundonald to build a coracle and oars which they eventually used to successfully reach Auckland Island.[2]


  1. ^ a b c d "Veronica elliptica G.Forst.", Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, retrieved 2022-10-09
  2. ^ Escott-Inman, Herbert (1911). The Castaways of Disappointment Island. London: S.W. Partridge & Co.