Names of European cities in different languages (Q–T)

The names used for some major European cities differ in different European and sometimes non-European languages. In some countries where there are two or more languages spoken, such as Belgium or Switzerland, dual forms may be used within the city itself, for example on signage. This is also the case in Ireland, despite a low level of actual usage of the Irish language. In other cases where a regional language is officially recognised, that form of the name may be used in the region, but not nationally. Examples include the Welsh language in Wales in the United Kingdom, and parts of Italy and Spain.

There is a slow trend to return to the local name, which has been going on for a long time.[citation needed] In English Livorno is now used, the old English form of Leghorn having become antiquated at least a century ago. In some cases, such as the replacement of Danzig with Gdansk, the official name has been changed more recently. Since 1995, the government of Ukraine has encouraged the use of Kyiv rather than Kiev.[1]






  1. [KNAB] "KNAB, the Place Names Database of EKI". Retrieved 2013-01-01.
  1. ^ "Kyiv (Kiev) Travel Guide. Kiev?, Kyiv?! Which is right?".
  2. ^ Buruma, Ian. Year Zero: A History of 1945. Penguin, 2013.
  3. ^ Donostia (Basque) / San Sebastián (Spanish), El Diario Vasco, Thursday 29 December 2011. (in Spanish)
  4. ^ "Escútari". The Free Dictionary. Retrieved 23 August 2020.
  5. ^ Johannes Schiltberger. Hans Schiltbergers Reisebuch. Tübingen, Litterarischer Verein in Stuttgart, 1885. p. 111.
  6. ^ ספר יהודי סוצ׳בה (שוץ) וקהילות הסביבה Sefer Yehude Suts'avah (Shots) ṿe-kehilot ha-sevivah. Book of the Jews from Suceava (Shotz) and the surrounding communities . Ṭeper, 2007. ISBN 978-965-7226-16-2.
  7. ^ Peter Kosta. Eine russische Kosmographie aus dem 17. Jahrhundert: sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse mit Textedition und Faksimile. Munich, Otto Sagner, 1982. ISBN 978-3-87690-200-5.
  8. ^ Anon (1673). "Deductie of korte voorstellingh, uyt welcke oorsaecken sijn keurvorstelijcke doorluchtigheyt van Brandenburgh, hertogh van Pruyssen, Maeghdenburgh, Gulick, Kleef, Berge, Stettijn, Pomeren &c. Bewogen is geworden om de wapenen van defensie, of verdeediging tegen de keurvorst van Keulen en de bisschop van Munster aen te tasten. Vyt het Hooghduytsch overgeset".
  9. ^ "Salmonsens Konversations Leksikon". 19 January 2012. Retrieved 20 May 2012.
  10. ^ (in Danish)In 1219 Valdemar II of Denmark, leading the Danish fleet in connection with the Livonian Crusade, landed in an Estonian town of Lindanisse
  11. ^ (in German) Reval's ältester Estnischer Name Lindanisse, Verhandlungen der gelehrten estnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat. Band 3, Heft 1. Dorpat 1854, p. 46–47
  12. ^ Jan Krejčí (1876). "Přehled geologicko-orografický zemí českoslovanských". Časopis Musea Království Českého. 50 (3): 434.
  13. ^ Vincenc Prasek (1900). Judiciorum saxonicorum per Moraviam sept. Silesiam austr. acta, nexus: Organisace práv magdeburských na sev. Moravě a v rak. Slezsku. Olomouc: Ed. Hölzel. p. 25.[dead link]
  14. ^ Regnorum Sueciae Gothiae... nova descriptio
  15. ^ Euskaltzaindia (2010-05-23). "157. araua - Europako hiriak" (PDF). (in Basque)
  16. ^ Isaac Díaz Pardo; Víctor F. Freixanes; Antón Mascato, eds. (2007). Diciopedia do século 21 (in Galician). Editorial Galaxia. ISBN 978-84-8289-360-0.
  17. ^ a b George Landmann. "Treves, or Triers." A universal Gazetteer; or geographical dictionary of the World. Founded on the works of Brookes and Walker, etc. 1835.
  18. ^ a b J. G. Th. Graesse, Orbis Latinus (Dresden: Schönfeld, 1861; 1909. Brunswick, 1972) Ed. 1861 Ed. 1909 Ed. 1972
  19. ^ Heims Atlas. 2nd ed. Tórshavn : Føroya skúlabókagrunnur, 1994. p. 19. (in Faroese)
  20. ^ А. М. Комков. "Або". «Словарь географических названий зарубежных стран». 1986. p. 7. (in Russian)
  21. ^ Николай Михайлович Книпович. "Або". «Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона» в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907. (in Russian)
  22. ^ Il mondo antico, moderno, e novissimo, ovvero Breve trattato ..., vol. 2, p. 706
  23. ^ Tuomo Pekkanen & Reijo Pitkäranta, Lexicon hodiernae Latinitatis Finno-Latino-Finnicum. Societas Litterarum Finnicarum, Helsinki, 2006; Ebbe Vilborg, Norstedts svensk-latinska ordbok. Andra upplagan. Norstedts akademiska förlag, Stockholm, 2009. (in Swedish)
  24. ^ Иван Яковлевич Павловскій (1843). Географія Россійской Имперіи. Vol. 2. Dorpat: Типография Шюнманна. p. 166.