Saint Ladislaus legend

Mural in Dârjiu fortified church: The Saint Ladislaus legend, detail with the cavalier-king saint

An episode from the Legend of Saint Ladislaus provided the subjects for numerous murals painted in medieval churches in Hungary during the 14th to 16th century.

Historical background

Ladislaus I of Hungary was a chivalrous king in Hungary in the 11th century. Before becoming the ruler, together with his brother Géza, and king Solomon of Hungary, he fought in Transylvania against armies of Pechenegs and Cumans invading from the steppes. In the story illustrated by the murals, at the Kerlés battlefield Ladislaus observed that à Petscheneg warrior tried to abduct a Hungarian girl. The royal saint pursued and overcame the warrior and liberated the girl. The battle of the Christian king symbolises the victory of Christianity over paganism. The legends of King Saint Ladislaus have been written about by chroniclers and depicted in various ways in the visual arts. Frescoes and paintings of the legend can be found on the walls of many medieval Hungarian churches.[1][2]

Sequence of the images in the Saint Ladislaus legend mural

The sequence of the events portrayed is generally similar all over the churches in medieval Hungary.

The Saint Ladislaus legend in the medieval churches of Hungary

Archaeologist Gyula László collected the documents of fifty churches all around the Carpathian basin, where mural had been painted in medieval churches in Hungary. Some of them had been demolished (for example the churches at Homoródszentmárton and Homoródokland), but some of them had been copied in 19th century sketches by József Huszka. These are preserved in the National Heritage Protection Office in Hungary.

Most of the murals were painted during the reigns of Charles I of Hungary, Louis I of Hungary, and Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor. During their period of rule Saint Ladislaus became the ideal of the ruler kings therefore these kings chose their burying-place at the cathedral of Nagyvárad.

Mythological interpretation

Before Gyula László, Géza Nagy suggested that an ancient Eurasian myth is behind the Christianized mural painting. The old myth is expressed by the fight between the two heroes representing light and darkness. In the literature the ballad of Anna Molnár also is related to the Saint Ladislaus legend.[3]

Further reading

See also

External links


  1. ^ Szent László kunok feletti győzelmét sokféleképpen ábrázolták,
  2. ^ Szent László legendája Somogyomban,
  3. ^ The Saint Ladislaus legend in the Anjou Hungarian Legendarium, Vatican Library.