King of Bavaria

The Crown of Bavaria.

The King of Bavaria (German: König von Bayern) was a title held by the hereditary Wittelsbach rulers of Bavaria in the state known as the Kingdom of Bavaria from 1805 until 1918, when the kingdom was abolished. It was the second time Bavaria was a kingdom, almost a thousand years after the short-lived Carolingian kingdom of Bavaria.


Under the terms of the Treaty of Pressburg concluded 26 December 1805 between French Emperor Napoleon and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, several principalities allied to Napoleon were elevated to kingdoms. One of the staunchest of these had been the prince-elector of Bavaria, Maximilian IV Joseph, and on 1 January 1806, he formally assumed the title King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria. He was a member of the Wittelsbach branch Palatinate-Birkenfeld-Zweibrücken.

Maximilian's successors resisted German nationalism, and Bavaria became the protector of smaller states whose leaders felt threatened by Prussia or Austria in the German Confederation. Religious ties and the Upper German language linked the state more to Austria until their defeat in the Austro-Prussian War. King Ludwig II signed an alliance with Prussia on 22 August 1866, effectively relinquishing Bavarian independence.

With the treaty of 23 November 1870 Bavaria was integrated into the new German Empire, but permitted a relatively large degree of self-determination. The Kings of Bavaria maintained their titles, and maintained separate diplomatic and military corps. When the German Empire was abolished in November 1918 after the end of World War I, the last king of Bavaria, Ludwig III, was deposed.

Kings of Bavaria

Ludwig III of BavariaOtto, King of BavariaLudwig II of BavariaMaximilian II of BavariaLudwig I of BavariaMaximilian I Joseph of Bavaria

The title King of Bavaria is sometimes used in reference to Carolingian kings ruling over Bavaria. See List of monarchs of Bavaria for these.

Royal Bavaria

Current heir

Franz Bonaventura Adalbert Maria Herzog von Bayern (born 14 July 1933), styled His Royal Highness The Duke of Bavaria, is head of the Wittelsbach family, the former ruling family of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

The succession to the headship of the family is determined by Article 2 of Title 2 of the 1818 Constitution of the Kingdom of Bavaria, which states, "The crown is hereditary among the male descendants of the royal house according to the law of primogeniture and the agnatic lineal succession."[2] The succession is further clarified by Title 5 of the Bavarian Royal Family Statute of 1819.[3]

In 1948 and 1949 Crown Prince Rupprecht, with the agreement of the other members of the house, amended the house laws to allow the succession of the sons of princes who had married into comital houses.[4] In 1999 Duke Franz, with the agreement of the other members of the house, amended the house laws further to allow the succession of the sons of any princes who married with the permission of the head of the house.

Franz has never married. The heir presumptive to the headship of the House of Wittelsbach is his brother Prince Max, Duke in Bavaria. Because Max has five daughters but no sons, he is followed in the line of succession by his and Franz's first cousin (and second cousin in the male line) Prince Luitpold.[5]

The current line of succession to the headship of the family is:

See also


  1. ^ King, Greg (1996), The Mad King: The Life and Times of Ludwig II of Bavaria., Carol Publishing, ISBN 1-55972-362-9
  2. ^ Constitution of the Kingdom of Bavaria, 1818 Archived 2009-12-12 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ Hermann Schulze: die Hausgesetze der regierenden deutschen Fürstenhäuser. 1. Bd. Jena, 1862. pp. 337-47. Cited in Bavarian Royal Family Statute, 1819
  4. ^ Dieter J. Weiss, Kronprinz Rupprecht von Bayern (1869-1955): Eine politische Biografie (Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 2007): 346.
  5. ^ Genealogie des Hauses Wittelsbach. München: Verwaltung des Herzogs von Bayern, 2000.