Electric eye

Electric eye for a garage door opener

An electric eye is a photodetector used for detecting obstruction of a light beam. An example is the door safety system used on garage door openers that use a light transmitter and receiver at the bottom of the door to prevent closing if there is any obstruction in the way that breaks the light beam. The device does not provide an image; only the presence of light is detectable. Visible light may be used, but infrared radiation conceals the operation of the device and typically is used in modern systems. Originally, systems used lamps powered by direct current or the power line alternating current frequency, but modern photodetector systems use an infrared light-emitting diode modulated at a few kilohertz, which allows the detector to reject stray light and improves the range, sensitivity, and security of the device.


Highway vehicle counter

First compact commercial unit

Automatic wrapping machines

Automatic door opener

Business alarm system

Automatic cameras

See also


  1. ^ "Autos Are Counted By Electric Eye", January 1937, Popular Science
  2. ^ "Electric Eye And Relay Set Combined In Cabinet", March 1931, Popular Mechanics
  3. ^ "Electric Eye is Robot Guard For Wrapping Machine", February 1931, Popular Mechanics
  4. ^ "Door That Opens Itself Is Boon To Waitresses", February 1931, Popular Mechanics
  5. ^ "Garage Door Automatic Opener Repair".
  6. ^ "UV Ray Electric Eye Alarm, February 1931
  7. ^ Einstein invents automatic camera Science News Vol. 180 #6, September 10, 2011, p. 32.

External links