Yanfang line

Yanfang Line of the Beijing Subway (Chinese: 北京地铁燕房线; pinyin: běijīng dìtiě yānfáng xiàn) is a rapid transit line in Beijing. It was opened on December 30, 2017.


Construction of the Yanfang Line was scheduled to commence in September 2011 and be completed by 2013.[3] On October 17, 2011, the Ministry of Environmental Protection declined to approve plans for the line citing lack of approval for the project from the National Development and Reform Commission and uncertain environmental impact of the line on the South–North Water Transfer Project which has a channel and reservoir in Fangshan District.[4][5] As a result, the onset of construction was delayed to at least the end of 2013.[5]

Construction on Yanfang Line was started in April 2014. The line was scheduled to open in 2017.[6] The line opened on December 30, 2017.


Map of Yanfang Line.

The line is projected to be Y-shaped, with the main line starting at Yanshan and the branch line starting at Zhoukoudian Town. The two will merge at Raolefu before terminating at Yancundong.[3] Currently only the main line is operational, while the branch line is under planning.


Rolling Stock


The line is the first in Beijing to be capable of unattended train operations, and the first in China to exclusively use subsystems developed by domestic manufacturers.[8]

Future Development

The 6.1 km (3.8 mi) branch line of Yanfang line, from Raolefu station to Zhoukoudian Town station is under planning. Due to low passenger flow, the branch line will not be built in the short-term planning.[9]In addition, Beijing Subway is evaluating the possibile merge with the Fangshan line.


  1. ^ "公司介绍". 2019-11-27. 目前,负责运营北京市轨道交通燕房线、北京大兴国际机场线 (Currently operates Yanfang line and Daxing Airport Express of Beijing Subway)
  2. ^ a b "北京地铁燕房线上线试跑". 2017-02-17.
  3. ^ a b Gong Zheng (巩峥) (6 January 2011). 周口店三年后通地铁. Beijing Daily. Retrieved 8 September 2011.
  4. ^ 北京轨交燕房线工程因环评未过被叫停 (in Simplified Chinese). Sina News. 2011-10-18.
  5. ^ a b 北京地铁燕房线或今年底动工 (in Simplified Chinese). 2013-03-29.
  6. ^ 燕房线预计2017年年底开通 - 今日头条. Retrieved 2016-05-22.
  7. ^ "燕房线路网车站站间距信息". Retrieved 2020-04-29.
  8. ^ "Beijing orders first driverless metro trains". 12 August 2014.
  9. ^ "燕房线支线暂缓建设,今年上半年燕房线进站量全路网最低". 2019-12-10.