Brassfield Formation

The Brassfield Formation, named by A.F. Foerste in 1906, is a limestone and dolomite formation exposed in Arkansas,[3] Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee and West Virginia in the United States.[2] It is Early Silurian (Aeronian, Llandoverian) in age and well known for its abundant echinoderms, corals and stromatoporoids.[4] In Ohio, where the unit has escaped dolomitization, the Brassfield is an encrinite biosparite with numerous crinoid species.[5][6]


  1. ^ The Silurian of central Kentucky, U.S.A.: Stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology
  2. ^ a b Foerste, A.F. 1906. The Silurian, Devonian, and Irvine formations of east-central Kentucky, with an account of their clays and limestones. Geological Survey of Kentucky, Bulletin 7, 369 p.
  3. ^ McFarland, John David (2004) [1998]. "Stratigraphic summary of Arkansas" (PDF). Arkansas Geological Commission Information Circular. 36: 7–8. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-12-21. Retrieved 2018-01-11.
  4. ^ Schneider, K.A. and Ausich, W.I. 2002. Paleoecology of framebuilders in Early Silurian reefs (Brassfield Formation, southwestern Ohio). Palaios 17: 237-248.
  5. ^ Ausich, W.I. 1984. Calceocrinids from the Early Silurian (Llandoverian) Brassfield Formation of southwestern Ohio. Journal of Paleontology 58: 1167-1185.
  6. ^ Coogan, A.H. 1996. Ohio's surface rocks and sediments, in Feldmann, R.M., and Hackathorn, M., eds., Fossils of Ohio: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey Bulletin 70: 31–50.