Extended real number line

Extended Real Numbers:
a) Affinely extended real numbers
b) Projectively extended real numbers

In mathematics, the extended real number system[a] is obtained from the real number system by adding two elements denoted and [b] that are respectively greater and lower than every real number. This allows for treating the potential infinities of infinitely increasing sequences and infinitely decreasing series as actual infinities. For example, the infinite sequence of the natural numbers increases infinitively and has no upper bound in the real number system (a potential infinity); in the extended real number line, the sequence has as its least upper bound and as its limit (an actual infinity). In calculus and mathematical analysis, the use of and as actual limits extends significantly the possible computations.[1] It is the Dedekind–MacNeille completion of the real numbers.

The extended real number system is denoted or or [2] When the meaning is clear from context, the symbol is often written simply as [2]

There is also a distinct projectively extended real line where and are not distinguished, i.e., there is a single actual infinity for both infinitely increasing sequences and infinitely decreasing sequences that is denoted as just or as .



The extended number line is often useful to describe the behavior of a function when either the argument or the function value gets "infinitely large" in some sense. For example, consider the function defined by

The graph of this function has a horizontal asymptote at Geometrically, when moving increasingly farther to the right along the -axis, the value of approaches 0. This limiting behavior is similar to the limit of a function in which the real number approaches except that there is no real number that approaches when increases infinitely. Adjoining the elements and to enables a definition of "limits at infinity" which is very similar to the usual defininion of limits, except that is replaced by (for ) or (for ). This allows proving and writing