Ethanol (data page)

This page provides supplementary chemical data on ethanol.

Material Safety Data Sheet

External MSDS

structure of ethanol

Structure and properties

Thermodynamic properties

Spectral data

Vapor pressure of liquid

Density of ethanol at various temperatures

Data obtained from Lange 1967

These data correlate as ρ [g/cm3] = −8.461834×10−4 T [°C] + 0.8063372 with an R2 = 0.99999.

Properties of aqueous ethanol solutions

Data obtained from Lange 1967

Boiling points of aqueous solutions

Data obtained from CRC Handbook of Chemistry (Page 2117)[7]: 2391 

Azeotropic mixture


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  1. ^ NMR-002: Sample Devices and Magnetic Susceptibility
  2. ^ Touloukian, Y.S., Liley, P.E., and Saxena, S.C. Thermophysical properties of matter – the TPRC data series. Volume 3. Thermal conductivity – nonmetallic liquids and gases. Data book. 1970.
  3. ^ "Pure Component Properties" (Queriable database). Chemical Engineering Research Information Center. Retrieved 12 May 2007.
  4. ^ "Ethanol". Retrieved 7 December 2021.
  5. ^ a b Atkins, Peter; de Paula, Julio (2010). Atkins' Physical Chemistry (9th ed.). Oxford: OUP. pp. 913–947. ISBN 978-0-19-954337-3.
  6. ^ a b Lange 1967, pp. 1525–1528.
  7. ^ a b c Hodgman, Charles D; Weast, Robert C; Shankland, Robert S; Selby, Samuel M (1963). CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics : a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data (44th ed.). Cleveland Ohio: The Chemical Rubber Publishing. pp. 2582–2584.
  8. ^ Lange 1967, pp. 1522–1524.
  9. ^ "Spectral Database for Organic Compounds" (Queriable database). Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Retrieved 9 June 2007.
  10. ^ Lange 1967.