List of political parties in Moldova

This article lists a series of political parties, both historical and contemporary as well as active and inactive, from the Republic of Moldova. The Republic of Moldova is a multi-party parliamentary republic with a unicameral system. As of 2021, in Moldova, there are 45 political parties that have been formally registered.[1]

Parliamentary parties

Main non-parliamentary parties

Minor parties

Former parties

Historical political parties

Party alliances

Political camps

Two major movements have developed in the recent years in Moldovan politics and they can be distinguished as follows:

See also


  1. ^ Lista partidelor politice din Moldova
  2. ^ Partidul Comunist Reformator a fost radiat din registrul partidelor politice
  3. ^ "Moldova chaos: A guide to political parties and divided challengers". Archived from the original on 2018-02-05. Retrieved 2018-02-03.

External links